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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I remember my last mistake it was 1978. So 2 in 44 years ain't bad!!!!!!!!
  2. Arr I am actually surprised at this announcement. Not because we are not worthy but because the Jag group have lost considerable market share over the last two years. There sales have tanked substantially and I wondered if cost cuts might be the end of the MFC sponsorship. Obviously not. They are changing to all electric so perhaps they see us as a good vehicle to show off their new electric cars.
  3. What will happen George is we will be sent to Casey for the duration of the tournament. When over we will be back to our current facilities. Contrary to a lot of others on here I don't think there is anything wrong with Casey we won a flag from there in 2021.
  4. Yep we are still working out the price of a train to the airport. If we have a facility before the end of this decade I will be surprised.
  5. Other than creating the biggest and longest running thread !
  6. There is your big mistake deever. It is about a multitude of things.
  7. Sorry to be pessimistic radar but I have my doubts for different reasons, the only upside I can see on the first day of 2022 is another Dee's flag which is not to be sneezed at.
  8. I guess the manor has air con Bbo or you must be hot and sweaty by now. How is life in country on the last day of 2021?
  9. I think there is a thread on that subject DJ. Are you in Malaysia at present? I was looking forward to hearing your comments at Casey games in 2022.
  10. Well here is an indicator of what is to come at AFL level in 2022. Travis head is out of Aussie test team. Has contracted Covid.
  11. I got it LDC but there will be someone who does not. Nature of the human race sadly.
  12. The way it is looking I might finally have to take out a Kayo subscription.
  13. Could not agree more Mr. Leg, it is interesting to note that while other threads on Demonland have dropped to a crawl the mighty banana thread carries on regardless. The cream always rises to the top!
  14. There will be injuries this year that will give him a leg up.
  15. I think everyone wants that Dante. Fingers crossed.
  16. And Casey really needs those goals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. My Grand daughter got me into Harry and the crew. I really enjoyed them.
  18. I think the glass is full rjay. Just don't see this happening any time soon. I said elsewhere earlier this year that I don't see it in the life of this parliament. No votes in giving money to the MFC.
  19. Sadly wrecker after so much talk and no action I will believe it when I see it. Pessimist? Yes on this subject.
  20. There are none so blind as those that do not want to see LDC.
  21. Thanks DJ actually read this morning that Australia is only giving Pfizer and Moderna for booster shots. My six months is up in Late Jan. So I will start chasing an appointment after Christmas.
  22. Is there no third shot of AZ LDC? I had first 2 AZ and I was wonder what is the best for booster. I had zero after effects.
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