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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. No. That would have been The Manor's dog's ute. Different ute entirely.
  2. Your hostility and detestation level is building nicely for tonight's game Jaded.
  3. It's a cliche but this is another huge game that we simply must win. By whacking the filth pretenders tonight we will tie up a top two finish and keep our flag defence at the G. I'll be driving The Manor's dog ute in tonight and meeting some Demonlanders for an early start on the booze. This will likely mean I'll need post match accommodation. ( Demonland sheilas feel free to offer) I reckon we'll win - let's get that straight, but expect the filth to come at us hard. Our defence will be key but expect super games from Clarrie and Max. BBB to kick 3!!
  4. Geez we're really [censored] then!!!! We're only second on the ladder at the business end of the season!
  5. Of course they think! Eg "Where did my dole money go?" "When did my children disappear?' " I had five teef yesterday . What happened?"
  6. My gem studded kaftan should be just fine
  7. I'm glad you're happy picket !!! However, as you are man of regular habits, I'm guessing you're at least half cut by now, so I'll expect your answer tomorrow. Do you think Smith is any chance of a return to the seniors this year?
  8. The problem being that we've tried, struggled and ultimately failed, to replace one of those all year!
  9. So .... barring injury ........ is this it for Weid?
  10. They are being paid to do a job. They should be properly trained.
  11. Shame on you dc! You've quite upset my fat guts.
  12. He's not bespeaking to me at the moment.
  13. I just rang The Demon Shop as I had planned to go in pre match and buy a jacket. "Oh we don't have those in stock, you can only buy them online" As there is no online description of the item, I asked about the material . The quick echo of a keyboard told me the salesperson was looking up the same description as me . " Oh ... well ... I think it's ......." So then I went to sizing and started to tell her my height etc. " Oh .... I don't really have a size chart but if it's the wrong size you can send it back." No sale!!!!!
  14. Yep. Milkshake showing some improved form and playing a role has added to the selection heat.
  15. Tomatoes!! Pah! You might as well be eating soggy newspaper at this time of year.
  16. Selection tonight will probably answer that question dazzle but I tend to agree with you. The main problem I envisage for September though, is that given the fitness/form of Brown and Weid, it will allow opposition defences to gang up on Fritta our best and most consistent forward and take him out of the game.
  17. This "team building culture forming" psycho babble gets sold ( in various forms) to organisations all the time - even in these "enlightened" times. I'm [censored] if I can understand how people still fall for it.
  18. I hope you don't consider this patronising WCW but we of The Manor born , as it were, do not buy off the rack, even if it is possible. Says it all really.
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