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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I heard him. That's how kids speak. It's more a maturity/confidence issue than anything else.
  2. Ernie is beyond old od he's dead. And good luck to him. However, I also know what rainbow paper is. FMD, is there any benefit in this aging process?
  3. dc and Moons! FMD Earl, I realise you are, like myself, of genteel ilk but those two are certainly f.....d !
  4. As usual Ankles, I shall ignore your crass posts . And Ernie, your cheap “like” has been noted.
  5. I've never shied away from the fact that I'm probably a pervert and a bit [censored] up. However, the posts I read on this thread, reassure me that I'm the only sane and balanced [censored] here.
  6. Lighten up Ernie! When it all comes down to it we are kindred spirits. Same boat - being tossed around on the same meaningless sea of life.
  7. Well Ernie …………… as they say in the classics.... " beauty is in the eye of the whip holder"
  8. Kept coming up with a red line! That drives me nuts.
  9. Bah! It's over rated. If the lazy buggers studied consistently throughout the year they'd be a shoe in
  10. Ernie, would you stop your tiresome carping about this thread. You are starting to sound like a schoolgirl that's been interfered with.
  11. Silly of you to ask Red ( and please ignore the childish humour above) I am the perfect host and all necessary accoutrements for a pleasant evening are provided . However, a bottle, or two, of shiraz would be considered a friendly gesture. And …. given that you are filthy rich lawyer, who spends far too much time swanning about on cruises, I would consider a Grange appropriate recompense for my entertainments.
  12. Nicely put Red. I may yet invite you ( and your Mrs. of course) to a private dinner at The Manor.
  13. In an ideal world, Col would have just been coming to the end of an illustrious footy career. Life's a [censored] sometimes.
  14. I always perve responsibly dc. In fact, and I swear this is true, I received a compliment this very day ( through a third party) on my responsible perving. A female neighbour, who shall we say likes to enjoy the full benefits of the sun, apparently complained about a near neighbour being a perve. For some odd reason, my name was mentioned. The sun lover specifically excluded me and claimed I was "too distinguished" to be like that. FMD - it's an unjust world. Ha Ha Hahaha ! No shite this conversation occurred today!
  15. Your poor old Uncle has little interest in the sport of kings but I even I dragged myself away from completing my flower arrangements to watch the [censored] Plate. What a marvellous thing it was! I reckon The Champ could have lined up again against a fresh field and still won. A champion is a champion in any field of endeavour.
  16. Why the [censored] has a JW thread been dragged back from the grave?
  17. I once knew a fellow who attempted to plant a skeleton Ethan. Nasty business. No good came of it.
  18. Well … err .. sorry, I suppose, Biffen. It's just that your scribblings suggest that you are permanently on hallucinogenics . Plus the fact that I know this to be true.
  19. That reflected image looks eerily like it came from my private quarters at The Manor. Spies abound it seems.
  20. I no longer get invited anywhere Jack but even in my desperate circumstances , I wouldn't go anywhere near a building full of dangerous bogans.
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