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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. How very cynical of you dc!! Off course Gil's foremost concern would be for the fans and the good of the game.
  2. FMD!! I'm reading some negative [censored]. It's half time in a [censored] JLT match FFS .Settle down lads.
  3. Made the trek from The Manor to have a squiz at training. The blustery wind wasn't ideal and , unfortunately putting up with Moonie's bluster was less so. Some observations I wanted to have a look at KK but he was only doing a bit of running and some short kicking drills with Bedford and Chandler. I think he said he was about 6 weeks away from being right but I may have misheard that. May Viney and Hannan were also on light duties but May joined in some drills later. He didn't look troubled but didn't seem overly switched on either. I'm not a JKH fan but he did everything right when I was watching him - very sharp. Weid was another who looked very good in everything he did - confident ball handling and good kicking. Oliver must be just about right. He played wide in the simulations but laid a very strong tackle on some unfortunate and was also sure in his ball handling. I had never seen Pruess in the flesh and watched him carefully. He did a sure handed pick up and his long kicking seemed fine. In the drills where he had to short pass he was very deliberate. He found his targets ok but would too slow in a game. He'll usually be looking to get the hand pass off I reckon. At one point Pruess, Gawn and Bradke were doing throw in drills directed by Stafford. Obviously they weren't doing full on body smashing but they were jockeying for position. Preuss came out on top most times. As would be expected Bradke didn't get a sniff against those two. Stafford also took Pruess and Gawn for some goal kicking practise. A few times he indicated modifications to grip and drop to them both. It was good to see Bernie Vince assisting in some drills although he was far less vociferous than I would have expected. Melkshake looked a gun. I watched him in one on one marking drills against Trac - he absolutely towelled him up about 4 times in a row. Right at the end Nev had a couple of the young blokes to work on body positioning in the marking contest. They showed great respect in the way they hung on whatever he said. After that strenuous session Moonie and I had a couple of quenching libations at the old corner pub.
  4. FMD!!! Please bring on the footy so that there's something to talk about.
  5. For mine, the question of Pruess' role is our most intriguing selection issue. I keep wondering why he agreed to come to MFC when his chances of natural succession at Norf were much higher - Goldy is 3/4 years older than Gawn. My suspicion ( no evidence or inside info mind you) is that he was offered the carrot of a regular gig if he was fit and showed some form. In other words Goody has a plan to play these two big blokes. With the chance of quick forward forays from the 666 rule the option of a monolithic target has its appeal.
  6. Seems like a reasonable knockabout type of bloke.
  7. I was unable to view the game. Haven't seen any comments re Jeffy. Did he play? If so how did he look?
  8. Can't help but love Daisy. Unlike some who have come from relative obscurity to stardom, Daisy demonstrates humility, good sense and admirable values. Congrats to her, her partner and families.
  9. I get quite quivery when you say such nice things about me Ernie.
  10. No change to the cuisine at The Manor I'm currently enjoying a hearty breakfast of pancakes bacon and hash browns.
  11. Thanks Doctor. I don't even know what the [censored] Instagram is - much less an Instagram model. Perhaps a poster could enlighten me?
  12. The whole bloody concept is a ridiculous "mock".
  13. My grasp of Mathematics is not so poor. The 5% refers to Melbourne's total goals for the season. ( which was 360 odd) My point, perhaps made with less clarity than I wished ….. and too much claret... was that not only did Hogan's 47 goals need be replaced but also allowance for a 5% increase in total score.
  14. There is one name on that list that still causes me to shake my head in bewilderment, disappointment and sadness. Liam Jurrah I still can't help but wonder where he might have stood today among the pantheon of MFC greats if his life had not gone to [censored].
  15. It has been an interesting exercise watching Weid's development. I was present at some of his earlier games where he didn't seem to have a clue about, as the great Captain Blood would say, "being where the ball's at". However, the club persevered with him and he has developed both physically and as a player. The culmination being his efforts in last year's finals. So what must we expect of him this year? Well Hogan has taken 47 goals with him to Freo. It also seems very possible that rule changes will lead to higher scoring this year. Let's just guess a figure and say 5%. That means we have to find 65 goals for this season. Presumably other players will step up. Nonetheless , Weid as a key forward, should be a major contributor. Is it reasonable …………..likely ……………….or even possible that a young and still developing Weid can kick 40 + goals this season?
  16. You may be sure I'll let the nice looking peasant sheilas in before locking the gates Ernie.
  17. Is that Special Robert …………………… or maybe Squirrel BTW Ethan, I must say, you look very masculine and decisive in that self pic.
  18. I shall henceforth ignore the rattling from those of lower caste.
  19. You show your usual wisdom in ignoring Moonie's crude insults od. One who displays such discernment in the pleasures provided by the fruit of the vine could never be of the bogan class. PS. Please address my complimentary case of the next vintage to The Manor at Romsey.
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