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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I’m currently having a very exciting pre game experience at the garden and flower show
  2. Not ecstatic about the changes I’ll agree with them if we win!
  3. I'm only qualified to comment on fungal matters TRI . And welts …. obviously.
  4. Jesus that's got to be one of the worst footy injuries I've ever heard of! Commiserations and good luck to the poor bloke.
  5. This was a struggle apart from the top two Salem Melk Brayshaw Harmes Fritsch Jetta
  6. Even after a night's alcohol induced slumber, I still am having difficulties getting my head around yesterday's debacle. I'm not quite with @picket fence who compared it to the Neeld nightmare but it was an absolute shocker anyway you dice it or slice it. We were passive. Max got knocked around and nobody appeared to do anything about it. FMD even Jack watts handed out a couple of clips! Frost and Omac played shockers and Hibberd lacked his usual class. May is good but whether he can walk straight in and immediately sort out our defensive rabble is questionable. Our kicking was poor - I was staggered by the number of mongrel punts that came of the boot. What is our plan for going forward and scoring goals? On some occasions our forward line was vacant with no targets, on others we kicked to unwinnable contests. We lacked a Garlett type for crumbing and pace. I can only remember a couple of controlled forward entries. We have given up four points that should have been in the bank. And remember …. as well as fielding debutantes, Port were missing a couple of their guns. It's going to take a masterstroke to turns things around at the Cattery.
  7. That was a total [censored] up! Jack Watts played a better game than about 18 of our players [censored] terrible effort
  8. It’s a beautiful day at the G! Beer’s good. Perving excellent And .... surprise surprise... the footy record is still $5. .... including a free bag of nuts!! LG!’
  9. I’m on the way Currently at Ginifer Who the [censored] would call a place Ginifer?
  10. Well ...yes ...certainly on special occasions. Maybe a tad ostentatious for the footy.
  11. Currently relaxing at The Manor. The maid is looking quite splendid in her new blue fishnets and red apron. I shall head off shortly and join the common folk on the Scumbury line - no buses thank [censored].
  12. The last person I saw with a hip flask at the footy was of a particularly disreputable type. Hip flask was something of a misnomer in this case as the demijohn was somehow concealed about his nethers. The contents were apparently quite toxic as said person became ever louder, more disgusting, vulgar and offensive than is his normal state. I am not a dobber of course but a clue to this shameful individual's identity maybe inferred from the fact that decanter was marked "Property of The GAT".
  13. No pressure Sam. Just kick 45 and win a few hitouts. Oh … and star in the finals.
  14. The bloke I really wanted to produce consistently this season is, unfortunately, injured and out for a while - Hannan. He's an exciting player and I really like his ability to find and convert goal scoring opportunities.
  15. I'm more of a flip flop type when wearing a kaftan.
  16. I'm a trident but didn't like the seating arrangements. As @old deementions above when it's a big club home game seats tend to be [censored]. Anyway I going as a MCC guest ($50) and I'm told it's centre wing ground level. I don't suppose I'll able to wear my winter weight kaftan though.
  17. Will you be getting a personal measure and fit from the good ladies of the CWA Moonie? And be sure to check with dc - he'll no doubt have some contacts there.
  18. As you know Luci, Robbo never lets logic get in the way of his drinking thinking.
  19. I'm with you dc - very sensual and alluring items.
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