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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I didn't get to watch the game live as my band was playing, but when I got home my son showed me video of the TMac goal and that Oliver incident. I had no context to work from and didn't realise it was after the siren had sounded (I had had a few beers), but the slight gap from when contact was made and when Oliver went down, did have me thinking it was a dive. On viewing my Foxtel recording replay of the game this morning however, it did look like is happened in one motion, albeit slow motion. Like another poster, I can't help thinking that if it had been a West Coast player (or a Selwood perhaps) who had copped the hit, there would be plenty here crying "dive".
  2. There is not one player in the entire competition that I can think of, who deserves that moment more. If it's this year, in which case I won't be able to attend, I hope to hear that roar from here in my Sydney home.
  3. That'll teach me to respond without reading to the end of the topic! And you did a better job.... now that hurts!
  4. Surely you meant to say: Tantum in Demonland!
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if Watts is rested, in which case I imagine Pedersen would be moved forward with Gawn coming back in. Wagner could come into the back line and Salem moved to the midfield to help cover the loss of Jones.
  6. Semantics...where have I misrepresented weather as climate change? If you call the bleaching of the reef or the collapsing of glaciers to an extent never seen before weather, then you may have a fair point... but I'd like to see empirical evidence to support that.
  7. That is hardly the point. If they want to eliminate these undisciplined acts from the game, then they need to act on the intent, not the outcome; and in Shuey's case, the intent was most definitely there.
  8. Your words, not mine: "You have exaggerated or in your words used "hyperbole" to misrepresent weather as climate change.". So that was just hyperbole then?
  9. I would be happy to admit it IF I was wrong. However, your lack of comprehension skills are evidenced by the fact that you seem to think my words are used to misrepresent climate change when it's patently obvious they are not... would you care to explain exactly how my words misrepresent climate change?
  10. I did explain what I meant by my response to DC that you jumped on (as was to be expected), so which part of "I condone it as a means of leaving the likes of yourself less wriggle room with that ridiculous "cyclical event" argument." didn't you understand Wrecker? As I said, comprehension doesn't seem to be one of your strengths.
  11. A roll of gaffer tape to the commentary box please!
  12. Perhaps... but I'll rest easy in the knowledge that it is only by amateurs like Wrecker who will be clutching that particular straw... as he did the moment he saw your post Wrecker doesn't seem to have too many ideas of his own.
  13. I condone it as a means of leaving the likes of yourself less wriggle room with that ridiculous "cyclical event" argument. Perhaps you might want to concentrate on the content of the post (hyperbole aside, if you like) that DC was referring to?
  14. I'm guessing comprehension wasn't your strong suite when you studied English Wrecker?
  15. Not really DC... if I don't use it, the old chestnut about such occurrences being cyclical events will be thrown around. Of course, I suppose a comet could come along and tilt the earth on its axis causing a new ice age.
  16. Why do you need a prediction or a report for something you can see with your own eyes? It doesn't validate nor does it invalidate the science. The bleaching is a physical manifestation of a part what the predictions were anticipating (as is the glacial ice deterioration). You tell me that "9/11 happened in front of our eyes" yet you refuse to accept what we see happening before our eyes as a direct result of global warming? These are not just cyclical events... these are causing permanent damage to areas that have existed unchanged for millennia. What makes you think that you know more than the majority of climate scientists and the brains trusts of most countries advising their respective leaders? Do you seriously believe that the fossil fuel industry has no vested interest in seeing the science disproved? I would think they probably stand to lose a lot more than those involved in renewable energy stand to gain.
  17. Yes, we're simply imagining the bleaching of the reef, we're imagining the collapse of glacial ice at a rate never seen before etc etc. Now tell me again, just how could so many world leaders and their advisors be so easily duped?
  18. Watched McDonald-Tipungwuti in action at Etihad on Saturday evening and then Hunt at the Gee on Monday... the game needs players like these! Hunt is only going to get better and will start to look for targets inside the 50 rather than just blazing away. Now if we could only lure McDonald-Tipungwuti away from Essendrug.
  19. I would actually like to see the AFL take the fund raising part of this and have a Fight the Beast round where the focus of all games is on the fund raising. Keep the big freeze aspect in the QB game, and maybe as was suggested by one disgruntled Pies supporter on Big Footy, have us playing Essendrug, as the Daniher association is shared by the two clubs. The Pies fans will soon enough realise what they have lost and can wallow in their misery come every QB round.
  20. Just before the march from Fed Square started, Max was interviewed on stage by Robbo who asked him about next week. Max responded by saying he's hoping to play but that (tongue in cheek) as the Dogs don't have a particularly dangerous ruck, he may not get picked anyway.
  21. My son and I were seated a few rows back midway between the goal and point posts in that pocket. It was strange as Watts jogged into the 50 and towards goal, there was an eerie silence and even the Pies players seemed a bit mesmerised and weren't making moves to shut him down. Then when he took that kick and it sailed through, the whole place erupted! That goes down as one of the most memorable football moments in my 65 years; seriously!
  22. My son and I are down from Sydney. If you're at the march, keep an eye out for us and say hello (assuming you recall my appearance) and I'll do the same. We don't have reserved seats so will be taking our chances in the general admission areas (gates 3 & 5?).
  23. Can someone please remind this memory challenged old bastard what time the MND March to the MCG kicks off tomorrow morning. The numbers 10 and 30 are vaguely familiar, but I'd like to be certain. Thanks in advance.
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