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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Harmes is your meat and potatoes kind of player, and I think is far more suited to a midfield role. Lockhart’s creativity, pace and kicking, is something the backline could do with... but at who’s expense?
  2. By “they”, if you mean Max and Jack, then yes, you may be right... but the reveal to the rest is still going to be painful.
  3. Well, it’s got to be a bitter pill to swallow, and it would definitely be a blow to the ego to find out in front of everyone that he wasn’t their number one. It also shows just how much he wants it and hopefully that will drive him on to bigger and better things. I did like the way that Goodwin handled what must have been a very awkward situation...even Max looked a little uncomfortable.
  4. http://www.theshovel.com.au/2020/03/03/residents-in-vaucluse-and-toorak-have-started-panic-buying-bidets/
  5. Probably closer to Sandanistas, the way we’ve been treated by the AFL the last however many decades.
  6. I would have said it’s a healthy discussion, but that’s probably not appropriate given the subject.
  7. I’m not religious at all... but this is not about religion. It is about people gathering in confined spaces in large numbers. However, if you want to blame religion, then you should be aware that AFL is itself a form of religion.
  8. Here is a link to the WHO site re when to use masks: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks It does say the following (but I would have thought that as there is a 14 incubation period in which victims show no signs, but are contagious, then surely it would be prudent to wear a mask anyway): If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection. Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
  9. Completely off track again. As I recall, you were blaming religious gatherings.
  10. Read my post again and see if you can take my comments in context. You went from 2 doctors to “multiple sources”... just like the media, you are overstating or manipulating the language to give your comments more veracity. I couldn’t care less whether you’ve worn a mask or not... there are most likely plenty who haven’t, who have contracted the virus and are probably wishing that they had worn one. I couldn’t help but notice in numerous posts by myself and others, you have continually failed to explain how gloves are useful.
  11. It discusses the failure to implement quarantining, the poor health services and facilities and the inability to perform proper testing. Religious gatherings are one place of contact, just as football games, the F1 GP etc would be here... anywhere where there are large gatherings... nothing to do with religion per ce! In fact, a quote from that very article you cited, flies in the face of your own earlier comments, yet you’re happy to cherry pick the bits that suit your agenda: “As the coronavirus crisis unfolded, religious leaders kept Islamic holy sites open and Iranian companies even exported their face masks to help China.” (it also says that the lack of masks has led to widespread panic).
  12. [censored] me!! Is that the best you can come up with?
  13. Um, did you just put on your media hat? ... And pray tell, what exactly are the gloves protecting you from?...
  14. I agree on the toilet paper situation (which is not restricted to Australia by the way). However, the US situation is a big unknown. That 11 deaths will grow rapidly and there’s also a very good chance that due to the restrictive costs of treatment there, the real figures will not be known for a long time. So many will not report and will try to get better at home (or at work) with no formal treatment. The other issue is that influenzas have vaccines available and are largely treatable... a vaccine for this is most novel coronavirus is unlikely to be certified for 12 months, and that is a best case scenario (such vaccines usually take twice that time). With no vaccine and with no real knowledge of what this virus is capable of, who knows how this will pan out? And you seemed to overlook the comments re Iran and Italy (and I guess, S Korea)... you think that is a normal situation in those countries? Anyway, I’m sure your local medicos are far better informed and armed with knowledge than those pissants reporting to the WHO.
  15. Gloves????? That is laughable! The face masks (surgical variety) should be worn by the infected as they help stop the virus spreading via saliva particles. For the rest of us, N95 masks are recommended, but not absolutely necessary) as a precaution. This advice is spread by medical experts, NOT the media! Whether you wear gloves or not, if you are touching your face around the mouth, nose or eyes, then you are risking catching the virus... it makes no difference if it’s come into contact with gloves or bare hands. As for hand sanitiser, as much as it gives comfort, the best way to reduce risks is by scrubbing well with good old soap and water for 20 seconds... far more effective.
  16. I’m in Taiwan and I disagree entirely with your “huge overreaction” comment. Do you really think people literally dropping in the streets in Iran is a huge overreaction. Or the number of deaths in Italy, or the numbers that have died in Wuhan and surrounds? Taiwan is thus far managing to contain this virus exceptionally well considering their proximity to a number of badly hit countries, but that is due to their diligence at all levels... informative reporting and regular public service announcements providing advice for managing the situation on TV, restaurants and stores providing hand sanitiser and taking temperatures before admitting you, cheap access to surgical masks done according to your national health card’s digit (odd or even), etc etc. I fear for the US with their version of Zig and Zag (Trump and Pence) running the show. It’s only a matter of time before their case numbers go through the roof. And as for your closing comment... simply abhorrent!
  17. Touching that is probably more dangerous than coming into contact with the coronavirus!
  18. It’s actually impossible to say what the current infection rate is. I’m in Taiwan at the moment and have been watching CNN news reporting on this. In Japan “experts” are saying that in reality there are probably thousands infected, but who just haven’t reported the illness. Also, the Ayatollah in Iran made the point that the reason they have such a high number is that they are being open and transparent in their reporting of figures, whereas many countries are probably not. I get the feeling that because of the cost of health care in the US, their figures are most likely extremely inaccurate as there would be many who could not afford to be treated and so they keep quiet.
  19. You lot surprise me. All of these stupid theories relating to shutter speeds, players blinking etc... it’s obvious isn’t it? They’re using the force!
  20. The LNP (?) are absolutely useless when it comes to emergencies. After the Kobe earthquake, they were so slow to respond that the local Yakuza were organizing assistance and temporary shelter for the affected. Same after the tsunami, the NGOs were at the forefront of assistance. They’re basically a bunch of entitled do nothings; I suppose parallels could be drawn with the fires response here, but let’s not digress ?
  21. Exactly the attitude that has seen the virus “explode” in places like S Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran; and probably why it took hold on such a large scale in China where a late response amounted to too little too late.
  22. Hey, I’ll get along at some stage for sure - that’s a great pub. And if you’re after a band to play there, my band Los Romeos Oxidados are always up for a gig; we have regular gigs at the Gasoline Pony and Butchers Brew and are playing the Marrickville Bowlo at the end of March.
  23. It’s ours unless the Dogs can kick 5 goals in the last quarter... highly unlikely given the conditions.
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