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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I understand what you are saying, but it really has to be a case of horses for courses... and I don't think Bartram has the pace or agility to handle (or nullify) Nahas who is probably in career best form at the moment.
  2. My problem with Bartram is that he tends to "panic" when he has the ball and is under pressure - that leads to his making the poor decisions for which he has developed an unfortunate reputation... and Nahas has the pace to create that kind of pressure. Bennell is a much cooler customer in those situations.
  3. I would be keeping Bennell in the side to counter Nahas... he is probably the only player we have that has the pace and agility to match it with Nahas.
  4. TS = anagram for "To Sydney" TOM = anagram for "Tom Out of Melbourne" Yes, the signs are there alright!
  5. I think TS knows we want him to stay... there is nothing we can do other than cheer him on in every game he plays. The more things we do that are designed specifically to tell him we want him to stay, the more uncomfortable he is going to feel... what's the good of that?
  6. Don't tell me, you disappeared up your own fundament?
  7. What gives you that impression?
  8. Kind of :-) But I doubt it will help much on Facebook as you will always have the troll element who live to cause disruption. I think I would rather see a Question and Answer section set up on here and (one day when they fix it) Demonology, where you guys (DemonsHQ) can have a presence and answer/discuss supporter issues as well as pass on club related information in a forum where it can be discussed - that would be advantageous to you as a gauge for acceptability of initiatives before they are fully implemented. But thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment anyway.
  9. I think that was when the Freo player (can't recall who) came down on the back of Green's leg after Green marked and Green's leg was bent back under him. It's odd how for many players that could have resulted in a season ending knee injury, yet Green brushed it off as if nothing had happened; he's one tough hombre!
  10. I think you will find that Jones is massively, massively underrated by many posters on the forums, but coaches see what he is creating with his plays and acknowledge him for it. Just because he isn't flashy doesn't mean he isn't having a big impact on the game - it is often Jones who is getting the hard ball out to the likes of Scully who are then able to dazzle with their free running play. But, I'm a Jones fan, so that probably devalues my comments :-)
  11. Fortunately you were not involved in making decisions regarding Jamar's future at the club.
  12. Couldn't agree more... both Joel and Rivers have turned their games around in recent times. Augers well for the rest of the season.
  13. I responded to it because based on the title I had no idea who it was going to be about, but when I saw the comment you made and I highlighted, I made my response - that was my contribution to the discussion. But to add a little more, Hinch is nothing to me and is probably not worthy of discussion regardless.
  14. Please make use of the emoticons when making these kinds of posts... this is like pouring nitro onto the fire a few are warming themselves around, in here
  15. I sometimes feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall when it comes to some of the posts on this thread... to the point where I may be suffering a "fractured scully". Also note that I have heard a rumour to the effect that reported instances of RSI (Repetitive Scully Insinuations) are on the increase.
  16. Yes... what people here are constantly overlooking is the fact that Scully's current contract does nor run out until the end of this season. If I was under contract to my employer and my contract was due to run out at the end of this year, should I be affirming my loyalty to my current employer now, or should I be using the remaining 6 months of my contract period to weigh up all options that might be available to me and looking at what will be the best fit for me? Should I be talking to my employer about what they are prepared to offer me as an inducement to extend my contract with them and then looking closely at what else is on offer externally and making my decision based on what is best for me not only financially, but also in terms of personal fulfillment. So, let me reiterate, Scully is doing nothing wrong! Scully is doing exactly what probably most of us would do if we were in that position.
  17. Alternatively, there is so much paranoia and fatalism in the subtext of your 12 words that it's not funny.
  18. No RR, I'm not too nice at all... I'm just not going to let footy rule my life. The kids get nervous enough on game day knowing what I can be like in front of the TV when we are not playing well; I'm not going to make their lives miserable for the rest of the week by fretting over young TS.
  19. Not sure how I should feel now :-) Actually, truth be known, we are currently preparing the spare room in our Inner Western Sydney suburb situated home for a young "homestay" kid from down Melbourne way, named Tom; do you think it is unreasonable that we are asking $10,000 pw board (of course we don't include meals at that rate)?
  20. Mr Negativity strikes again. I never cease to be amazed at your reading of things RR... is it not possible that the use of the word "decision" was not intended to mean anything? It may have been Scully simply saying that he did not want to put pen to paper until the season is done. You are able to sit down in front of your PC and think about each word as you type it and then you have the further benefit of being able to edit what you have written if you find you might have used a better word to get your point across. Unfortunately Scully, when suddenly finding a recording device or camera thrust in his face, does not have the luxury of a dictionary or thesaurus being immediately at hand, and is unable to revisit an interview and edit what came out of his mouth. As I said before, the only people being affected by this whole affair are people like yourself who seem to get some sort of perverse enjoyment out of pondering as to why the glass is half empty. It is certainly NOT destabilising the club (they have clearly stated their position), and as a supporter of this club for over 5 decades, it is certainly not worrying me. Nothing I say or do here will have any impact on his decision, and if he does choose to go, then I will wish him luck for his future and move on happy in the knowledge that we have a team capable of winning a premiership with or without him. I would love him to stick around, but I'm not going to lose any sleep if he doesn't.
  21. Well, I'm afraid we will have to agree to disagree on that point; I just see him being the consummate professional concentrating purely on the job at hand and not allowing himself to be distracted; which is something to be admired in one so young.
  22. Not a joke at all "dude" (faux Americanism that doesn't sit well with me I'm afraid)... he is waiting for the right time to negotiate and is well within his rights to do so. In the meantime he is concentrating on, and playing, very good football which is what he is paid to do. I suppose you also think he has some sort of a moral obligation to a club he has played a handful of games for, who he did not support growing up, and who he had no say in going to? The AFL is the only villain in this whole mess... you would do far better directing your anger in their direction.
  23. The only one who has treated anyone with contempt here. is the AFL as they allowed this whole situation to arise. Scully is in no way beholden to the club and he is well within his rights to hold off negotiations until he sees fit to make whatever move he makes. As a member, I am a shareholder, and as a shareholder I really couldn't give a rat's about Scully not committing until he is ready as long as he is giving his all in each and every game he plays. If we play finals football this year, that will do more for this club and the shareholders than any commitment from any player... and Scully is doing his best to see that we do play finals. As far as I am concerned, nothing else matters.
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