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Everything posted by bing181

  1. Not sure if you're aware, but we have these things called vaccines, which in comparison to natural immunity after Covid infections offer (much) better protection over a longer period and more consistent delivery.
  2. But as we're seeing, vax in itself isn't enough. Still need everything else: masking, social distancing, etc., especially in enclosed spaces.
  3. Hmm. Yes, but not as simple as that. Not all these countries have the same take-up (or rules) when it comes to non-vax measures, especially masking. e.g., the difference between what you see on the Tube in London and the Metro in Paris is night and day. Same for things like cinemas, there's a big difference across countries. As for schools, in France, masks are compulsory, in Austria not (or not all the time). etc. etc. Sticking with kids, there's also a difference in vax rates. France, Spain and Italy have over double the vax rates of 12-17 year olds than say, Germany. On top of all that though, the main reason is that it's now winter. Everyone's cooped up indoors, ventilation is non-existent, and just as in 2020, and as we see every year with viruses like flu, rates go through the roof in Europe at this time of year. One of the reasons why the mediterranean countries like Spain and Italy are doing better for the moment, but presumably even they will feel the pinch once we get into December.
  4. Apart from being BS, this is just confirmation bias. You blindly trot out whatever you want no matter how dodgy your sources are when it supports your POV, yet everything else is supposedly suspect.
  5. Laughable, especially in the present context. These AFL players are surrounded by experts (Darren Burgess has a Doctorate) in a whole heap of fields, many of them focusing on physical preparation, health and medicine, who they trust completely. Yet when it comes to a Covid Vaccine - but not other kinds of vaccines, such as pain-killers etc. - they Do Their Own Research.
  6. For the same reason we vaccinate against Rubella.
  7. And Liam is a specialist in what scientific field?
  8. "Defender Liam Jones named as Blues player hesitant to receive Covid-19 vaccination, reports say." https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/teams/carlton-blues/afl-news-2021-carlton-senior-player-refuses-covid19-vaccine-afl-vaccination-policy/news-story/8e6a0d9f0140e55e1ee9b6622c8f03b0
  9. Comments around the place from WCE supporters that a key forward (not the one with a beard) is holding out.
  10. And ... "A Blues player is yet to follow the AFL's COVID-19 vaccination policy." https://www.afl.com.au/news/686927/blue-blow-player-yet-to-be-vaccinated-career-hangs-in-the-balance
  11. Not for much longer. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-02/sa-number-of-health-staff-refusing-covid-19-vaccination-revealed/100589336
  12. You're commenting in a thread about a guy who has a PhD in ... sports science. Burgess makes the decisions he does because of science. See his comments re not telling Steven May about the severity of his hamstring for but one example.
  13. If she wants it ... Less aggravation doing commentary. Equally though, she wouldn't be doing the course if she didn't have ambitions in that direction.
  14. Victoria has had one of the lowest Covid infection/death rates in the world. End of.
  15. Yes, you only need to the look at the UK to see where that leads. Everyone I've come across who has visited the UK from Europe recently is shocked by how slack they are, and with predictable consequences: a Covid rate around 10 times what we're seeing in most EU countries.
  16. As someone who lives in a non-Australian location, we look on at the management in Australia and Victoria with envy. Even adjusting for population, European countries have seen death rates 30, 40, 50 times what you've had in Oz - comparative figures which would have been even (much?) higher if Scotty from marketing hadn't fkd up the vaccination program. And don't start me on lockdowns, god we've had them and then some over here as well.
  17. The Burgess interview is worth a listen in this context ... he speaks of the benefit of the team being locked in together, first in Sydney then in Qld. as something which brought them together both personally and professionally. We weren't ready to do much better in 2020, and agree with the posters above who point out the necessity of getting another year into the younger players (especially), but the whole team. I know we tend to look at Kozzie and Jackson, but everyone from ANB to Brayshaw to Spargo to Sparrow all took it up a notch this year, even players like Salem found another level.
  18. "NO JAB, NO PLAY: AFL releases vaccination policy" Now just waiting for a dummy spit from Tom McDonald. https://www.afl.com.au/news/685424/no-jab-no-play-afl-releases-vaccination-policy "Clubs will have several options to address players who choose not to get vaccinated: - including putting the player on the inactive list on reduced pay - keep the player on their playing list on reduced pay - terminate the player's contract with their agreement - or terminate the player's contract without their agreement but not before May 18, 2022"
  19. He referenced this in another interview (from the rooms after the game?). He said that he was just confirming the rotations, to check what Goodwin and the coaches needed in terms of availability and confirming that he wanted to stick to the planning that they'd put in place. He's said before that his role on match day is very much around getting the rotations right and in phase with the coaching needs/game plan. It should be remembered as well that he's the one that has access to all the in-game performance metrics through his technical team, and it's his job to manage that, but also to pass it on to the coaches (player x is close to his game limit for performance factor y, etc. etc.) But agree, will be a big loss. Though he does speak positively about the high performance team that they'd built, so hopefully we'll be OK. I also presume that he's had input into the pre-season program, both collectively and individually. Could be wrong though ...
  20. Impressive. Sends a great message through the whole list - the two best players in the GF are already putting in the extra work. Bit of a head-scratcher in the tail end of that segment: De Goey appointing his fire-fighter brother-in-law as his manager?
  21. Which is one of the reasons why this one-off case is so harmful. She has a platform and visibility and the optics here ("nurse refuses jab") are appalling in terms of the public-health message that's needed. At least pleased to see her club come out and encourage people to get vaxxed.
  22. Stupid, selfish, egotistical, gullible ... words fail me.
  23. We should never underestimate the contribution Simon Goodwin made to this club. That remark from Burgess that Goodwin backed him and the fitness team 100% and not once in 2 years questioned him about players' fitness, bodies etc. etc. Also, his remark that Goodwin has no self-interest and only does what's best for the club/team was revelatory and reinforces what we saw with the players backing each other with their "team-first" approach. (rather than just trying to get 30 touches). Perhaps the best behind-the-scenes AFL podcast or interview I've ever heard.
  24. "Dave Misson is very experienced and had done a great job."
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