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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Agree, a very good job under difficult circumstances - with both Men’s and women’s as well as Gus and Gawny…will be heavily missed especially during season
  2. A pathetic streaming attempt… another communication issue as sound went off, pictures went off and finished half way through.
  3. Been poor for many years now, Ben Gibson tried hard, but, I feel was not given the support he should have endured….
  4. In my thoughts Harmes had just an average year in 2022, I also believe JJ is ahead of him right now.
  5. Thanks for the reports, guys .the insights by Andy and others are very much appreciated
  6. Very enjoyable- thanks Deemist for sharing it…very worthwhile, shows the real human element of TMac.
  7. With Benny Gibson going - I say bring back Matt Burgun,
  8. Andy, good on ya, and you would do an excellent job.I took the issues up with Leigh Newton, Ryan Larkin , Jennifer Watts many years ago without success..These issues re train8ng times and where?,new player reviews, photos, re heads of new players on players web page got me no where….I strongly suggest, your colleagues, such as WJ, George, Binman etc need to write to Pert with acc.to Libby Blampied, GM of Marketing may get us somewhere…..but totally understand the frustrations of many….it is quite pathetic.I understand if indeed it is a closed session, Why no notification, but one would think the club would indeed enjoy us going to training.One can see why, Geelong, Collingwood, Hawks etc enjoy being a strong club, but Melbourne? Andy, thank you for your effort , anyhow.
  9. Good on ya, please report your findings , pity others with influence doesn’t do the same..
  10. I have travelled from Ballarat..this is becoming totally unacceptable…This has been going on for years now…I took the matter up around 12+years ago…when Leigh Newton was there and nearly got barred for it…maybe an issue to take up with at the GM .or write to Pert.
  11. Made up dribble is what I say.I do believe with Byron back in WA , Kossi May go back there, but, later on.I think he will sign either a two/3 year contract to stay before round 1- I hope I am wrong and signs for 6/7.
  12. Taj could also be developed to play in the back pocket….thanks Dazzle 36 for bringing interview with Choco to light….very much appreciated
  13. Good analysis in my opinion.I also think injuries counted as well.Lever, May-and his suspension, T.Mac, Gawn,Oliver, Petracca, Salem ,Hibberd,B.Brown all contributed to the injury issue during the year whilst I think we failed to play Bedford, Chandler more when ANB & Spargo we’re down on form..
  14. Agree….and he is training like he really wants it….6 more games to qualify as father/ son with the Dees…..he will really succeed this year IMO.
  15. McQueen, We hope you are ok, as we haven’t heard from you for an hour….hope heatstroke hasn’t got to ya. But, we thank you for your input so far…take care indeed.The shock of Clarrie going down, hopefully wasn’t to much to bear.
  16. Ring the club later in the week and ask them, that’s my suggestion.They are most helpful.
  17. My best 23 are : B: Rivers May Lever, HB: Salem Petty Hibberd C: Hunter Oliver Langdon HF: Fritsch Gawn T.Mac FF: Pickett Brown Chandler R: Grundy Petracca Viney, I: Van Rooyen , Sparrow, J.Smith, Harmes, Brayshaw
  18. Laurie may have to do more but agree with Chandler…
  19. Agree happy to retain him should sign him up for another 3 years.
  20. A very valid point regarding the ruckman pitted against each other..Also how lucky for the up and coming two younger ones as well as JVR learning some skill sets.
  21. Don’t forget, Goody left JVR at Casey for the whole year, to learn and gain confidence.I thought this was a mistake, should have played him .
  22. Sad, but true, Bluey was an exceptional footballer…..and a ruddy lovely fella
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