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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I guess my point was that it wasn't all down to Cook. Yes, he turned the ship a bit, but the gold was right there in front of them. He just needed to pick up the pan. Maybe even your favourite Cammy boy would have managed it too?
  2. They'd be making what we make with a QBD clash every game down there, wouldn't they? Once you've added advertising and gate receipts, they'd be well ahead each match. Doing it 8 or so times a season is a massive, massive advantage (our tax dollars at work). Imagine if we had 8 prized fixtures like that each season. Given their advantage down there, I sometimes wonder whether there's a bit of "it runs itself". And almost the only times they aren't playing down there, they're playing a big drawing Melbourne-based club at the G. They'd never lose out on a gate receipt, ever. Unfortunately, we'll never have this luxury, but the more we build a successful brand and team, the more chance we've got to reinstate ourselves as a power club again.
  3. I'm glad we've re-signed Max and I'm also glad we've only signed him until 2021. 2018 is a big year for him. Injury didn't help his 2017. It seriously hampered it, but I worry that he doesn't have the weapons to move with the evolution of the game. But I've never been his biggest fan. Thought he was outstanding in 2016; the mobility and contested marking all over the ground, as well as the tapping to advantage. However, I felt the opposition worked him out a bit in 2017, so it'll be interesting to see how he responds next year.
  4. Be a yes from me. Probably just handy depth, but might provide good competition for spots between Kent, Hannan, Harmes et al.
  5. If it's a soulless place for the scum, I'm confused as to how it would be perfect for us.
  6. I didn't get the sense at all that PJ would be leaving after 2018. Besides which the whole point of his discussion was a transition plan and with only a year remaining on his contract, that's unlikely to be before his current contract runs out. I'm glad he stuck up for Viney and Taylor, who he said would have drafted Lever in his draft year. The insinuation I got was we'd kept in contact ever since. His comments on Watts were comforting in that they completely aligned with mine and many others on Demonland. He inferred Jack was a nice guy (who he'll catch up for coffee with when Jack returns from overseas), but he played nice out on the field and we no longer want to settle for nice. I'm glad we traded Jack and I'm certain it won't bite us in the arse long term. The other thing PJ mentioned was that he's sure Jack will be back at the club one day. I hope this provides some solace to the small group who are angry about the trade.
  7. Looks pretty bloody good to me. Not sure what people are talking about RE: kicking. He just about hits every target. Maybe I'm just sticking up for the lefties, but his kicking looks efficient to me.
  8. Lol. Get your hand off it, Steven. Where's OMac??? ? Definitely in that young core you allude to.
  9. Seems all you're doing is whinging and potshotting. If you can't accept that the industry seems to think we've had another successful trade period, that's your perogative, but I hardly think SOS is a great model. Having said that there's always something to learn from others in trade period, but don't insinuate we haven't done well too.
  10. We have superior lists to both clubs. Lots to learn...
  11. Haha, definitely was. Good spot, mate. As you may recall, I very rarely say 'dees'. I refuse to be cast as a toffee [censored], though I am. ?
  12. Yeah, I know. I'm hoping we can still remove them if they're not performing. ? I'd say Wagner struggled in 2017.
  13. Daisy, Lever, Oliver, Hogan, Petracca, Hibberd, Jetta, Hunt, Jones and Viney. Omitted: Gawn, TMac and Wagner.
  14. Some are showing themselves to be absolute muppets when it comes to this debate. I've been wondering if this thread has an expiry date...
  15. Gives us plenty of time to court some clubs RE: a pick upgrade with our second rounders. Am I clinging to hope unrealistically?
  16. Lever wasn't kept under wraps because he wanted to move. I wouldn't mind betting that was leaked by either Lever's management or even Adelaide. We're very good at keeping thing in house and it wouldn't surprise me if we had maintained contact on the DL with a contracted player. We'll see. Maybe, maybe not.
  17. It depends who we've kept under wraps for the last few weeks.
  18. My hope is that we turn 29 and 31 into a first rounder. Turn 66 into Balic. And take a first rounder, pick 36 and pick 47 to the draft.
  19. It's crazy talk all this. Why are we even discussing the idea of player Lever anywhere else besides back? You don't bring in a gun forward and then try to work out ways to play him back or in the midfield. Play Lever in the bloody backline haha.
  20. "I'd draft Tambling, overlook Roughead and Franklin, and get sacked a few years later. But I've managed to carve out a niche for myself in the media as 'The List Manager'. In the words of Harry Who, 'amazing'."
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