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Everything posted by DV8

  1. He reminds me of Hawkins, somehow... The best way to do it... keep the mind off it... until 2 hours before gametime.
  2. Our Clubs Unholy Trinity, imo, are Max, Daisy & Viney.
  3. Modern tv has lost its soul, just as we have lost our many: Aretha, Ray Charles, Robbie Flower, Steve Irwin, Peter Brock, Muhammad Ali etc.... all people of true passion and Driven Via their hearts, for the purposes they love. Not by money_ I believe the plight of the planet will one day unite us all with a passion never witnessed when our own lives and future existence are under real threat. It is now, but we haven't realised it, just yet. We are too busy trying to beat all others,,, to notice the killer hiding behind our right shoulders. .
  4. Don't be sucked in... ignore it. Fugazzi. Lets not get distracted, by other perceptions. what is... IS.
  5. Thats good... we better this way. It's our territory, thus far in our journey. We WILL, 'be-switched' right on !
  6. Thanks Roosy. Another of my suggestions, (Roos to coach us), which came to fruition, a season or 2, later. No complaining about kids in school,,, and uprooting them, hey? better they complete, before moving.
  7. DV8


    Tthey buyers are victims... when the tickets are not available to buy at cost. Because others have scooped the pool, and then on-sell, at huge markups. What do you feel, when petrol is rationed, and some sell at huge markups ? What do you feel when some arses sell roof work to pensioners, and rip them off ? taking advantage of them. There are always 2 sides to everything.
  8. What time are they on, DC ? Are they anything like your favourite show? What was it ? you were saying it was, again.... ??? Aghh Yeah. Penn & Teller_
  9. None of them much these days. I don't watch or listen for insight so much, as news... and being entertained. ie: humour. Back in the day, The Footy Show; but its become the Newmann show, in latter years. >>> very little footy content, and lots of Ego's stoking themselves. The time Sam went too far with Schwarta, broke a bond for me, and I have since watched with gritted teeth. No more, can't stand the show anymore. Schwarta's response, is one of THE Highlights. These days a I like to tune into Marngrook, it still has its organic footy feel and lowbrow fun. I think its sort of grass roots, with some pazazz. The Front Bar is good, as its fresh, & lighthearted humour. Genuine laughter. Away from Footy, I've liked, "ave you bin payin' attenzion" ... can't stand the cop shows apart from NCIS. and John Deed . I can't stand any cop shop shows, like highway patrols, etc,apart from the KIWI ones,,, who are not full of their own schit. I do not like to watch battlers getting into strife. and being belittled. respect to individuals is king. Sick of the news shows. Project is OK ,accept when Steve Price or other Andy Bolt wannabe is on. then I turn it off. That's almost it for me. Iv'e seen all the stories over the decades,,, and they're now boring. and pay tv is just as bad. (at a friends place) Pay tv is bleeding Free2Air dry, by '1000 cuts' to the content. 'They', try to buy all popular shows from F2A, and slowly strangle the old TV. Soon I won't wartch TV, and only watch replays and movies on discs, which I have hundreds.. and Albums of Musica. I Will NOT pay for TV,,, Ever ! .
  10. at the expence of passion and excitement. parte` poop'r. 'dull' ... as a London winter. ... and as exciting as Andy Bolt.
  11. DV8


    So we have no need for laws and rules, then 'OD' ? I like it, free life... let's all live, and to hell with the rules.
  12. Maybe the creative D fanatics are worried about being burnt on a stake, for engaging in this sensitive area?
  13. Why,,, Why is FOX showing this episode of the show THIS WEEK ??? of all weeks. Surely they would do the decent thing at FOX... and keep it in the Can... until later in the season? Whats up FOX ???
  14. DV8


    So is selling drugs to kids. OD. Free Enterprise : tell that to my old school mates younger brother, when he was a dealer years ago.? and that old mates best admired friend, is a player of Greek Illness's and disability, and he pays people to go play the pokies for him.. ripping off the system. Free enterprise. its a disgrace. Multi Nationals basing off shore, not paying us taxes, ripping the system. Free Enterprise. And scalping is OK ... as its Free Enterprise. Simple, isn't it.
  15. Agree 'D_s'. Make 'Hells Bells', loud and proud, stand alone... get the hackles up. Then, the Demon theme song, on the 'toss of coin'.
  16. That's a leap, 'Ffy5'. I didn't say that. They happened, with our club, around the same time. Modern elitism in footy. Elitism was spreading wider in our community, with wider wealth spread, and growing higher education numbers. The beginning of the devide, for us.
  17. time gentlemen please... It's time to raise eyes to Friday.... and drop any distractions in the run to this weeks game. Bring on the Cats.
  18. DeeVious Scott.. norty boy you. Played his cards, and got the nod, for PM. by hook or by crock.
  19. Always playing mind games, the Scotts... grew up doing it. And pointing the finger of balme at the other. .
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