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Everything posted by MadAsHell

  1. You're right Macca, and we have a game on our hands, Faulkner in at 3! Reckon Clarke will play it as it comes a bit. We'll probably bat for a minimum of 15, maximum of 25 overs. Which will give us anywhere from 40-50 overs to bowl at them. Obviously the more overs we have the better chance we have of taking 10 wickets, but we'll need to make sure we set them a reasonable run rate chase and don;t just hand them a victory. We'll probably be looking for a run rate chase of min 4.5 runs an over to 5.5 runs an over, so it will be dictated by the rate we can score at. The question will be how will England respond. Knowing Cook they'll shut up shop to begin with which is poor IMO. I mean Warner and Watson hot a few boundaries and after 7 overs he had men back on the ropes on either side. So, so negative!
  2. Spot on about Faulkner's game. He's certainly one to watch for the future and with our injury concerns with our quicks he's a handy player to have available. I don't expect to see him at the GABBA but time will tell I guess.
  3. Change of innings. Australia 9/492 dec S. Watson 176 S. Smith 138* R. Harris 33 J. Anderson 4/95 (29.5) G. Swann 2/95 (33) C. Woakes 1/96 (24) England 377 J. Root 68 K. Pietersen 50 M. Prior 47 J. Faulkner 4/51 (19.4) M. Starc 3/92 (33) R. Harris 2/64 (28) 115 in front and by dismissing England for 377 we ensure England haven't made 400 in an innings for the whole series while we've done it twice! Now for the Aussies to go out there and bat for 15 overs, declare and set England a target off 50 overs. If Warner and Watson tee off and we go at 8 runs an over T20 style and make 120 off the 15 overs, that would set England 236 off 50 overs. Game on and they'll be given plenty if they don't even attempt the chase.
  4. And since saying that he's dropped an absolute sitter! And I'm also disapointed to see England haven't declared yet. Will need to take these next 2 wickets quick as this time will have to come out of our 20 overs...
  5. And back onto the topic of team selection for the GABBA I found an interesting comment in this article from Malcom Conn: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/cricket/while-there-have-been-good-signs-australia-have-fallen-short-when-it-mattered-writes-malcolm-conn/story-fni2usfi-1226703539707 'There will be changes for the summer. Keep an eye on Adam Voges.' You wouldn't have thought Conn would just name Voges willy nilly. Could we see him at 5 and Smith at 6 which I think suits Smith better for the GABBA? Wouldn't be totally against Voges. Also bowls some handy part time left arm spin.
  6. 77 overs left in the day. I'm still hoping my vision of this match comes true and England declare after 3 more overs after lunch. We then bat a 20 over innings and set England a target to win off 50 overs? Hadn't realised he'd been that good with the gloves. Safe as houses for the GABBA.
  7. Lunch Day 5 Australia 9/492 S. Watson 176 S. Smith 138* R. Harris 33 J. Anderson 4/95 (29.5) G. Swann 2/95 (33) C. Woakes 1/96 (24) England 7/350 J. Root 68 K. Pietersen 50 I. Bell 45 M. Starc 3/92 (33) R. Harris 2/64 (28) J. Faulkner 1/40 (16)
  8. Stumps Day 4 Australia 9/492 S. Watson 176 S. Smith 138* R. Harris 33 J. Anderson 4/95 (29.5) G. Swann 2/95 (33) C. Woakes 1/96 (24) England 4/247 J. Root 68 K. Pietersen 50 J. Trott 40 M. Starc 2/60 (26) N. Lyon 1/41 (26) R. Harris 1/41 (23) Rain and negative cricket from England have ruined what was looking a good test for Australia. England going at 2.12 runs an over but still stating they were looking to win the test is an absolute joke! It's why they'll never be as good as we used to be back in the Days of Taylor & Waugh as captain and the positive cricket they had us playing no matter the position we were in. Only way we could push for a result from here would be with a gentlemen's agreement with the English. 98 overs will be expected for the day to help make up for some time. First 24 overs for England to bat to avoid the follow on. Say they go at a normal rate of about 3 an over would take them up to about 320 and about 170 behind. England declare, take the 2 overs off for change over and there would be 72 overs remaining. Australia go out and bat for 20 overs at a rate of 4-5 an over taking our lead to somewhere in the ball park of 250-270. Australia declare, take the 2 overs off for change over and there would be 50 overs remaining. End of the match could then become like a ODI as England need 250-270 to win off 50 overs. In the spirit of the contest don't bowl any of our bowlers for more then 10 overs each and play it old school by not having anymore then 2 fielders outside where the circled area would be for the first 15 overs. Won't happen, but it would be great for the spectators and great for test cricket!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7b1qb9sU8g
  10. To end my 2c on the subject you made a post in which you questioned why people didn't like/couldn't stand Abbott. I gave you the reasons. As for his religious stance on abortion, he's entitled to think whatever he wants to think. But to come out and say it's the easy way out shows that the guy clearly has no idea on the subject. And to answer your question about boat arrivals. It is legal to seek asylum by boat. There's no law against it. As you said, we're poles apart so we'll just agree to disagree and as I'm a realist I'll start looking at real estate in either Wellington or Dunedin...
  11. I'll give you McMahon, Fraser & Rudd's first term. Replace Whitlam & Gillard with Menzies & Keating. Over time I have no doubt that Gillard will go down as one of Australia's most influential prime ministers without being overly popular considering what she achieved with having a minority government to work with. Couple that with the conjecture she had to deal with that has never been on a Prime Minister before, no doubt because she was a woman. And I can tell you Robbie why people don't like Abbott. People don't like Abbott because he comes out and makes brash statements before reviewing facts. See Olympic Dam 2012. People don't like Abbott because he wants to introduce a boarder protection policy that requires our navy to undertake an act of piracy. People don't like Abbott because he has his head in the sand re: climate change. People don't like Abbott because he's stuck in the 1950's with his views on women, re: abortion is the easy way out, re: the women of Australia doing the ironing. People don't like Abbott becasue he's $30 billion out on his costings. People don't like Abbott because he has a surplus at all costs mentality rather then a what's best for the country policy re: budget. People don't like Abbott because he stands for cuts to education and health in order to try and reach surplus. Oh but that's ok, the high income earners can afford private health & private school fees. And people don;t like Abbott because he's made promises he knows that he won't be able to keep. re: scrapping the carbon tax/trading emissions scheme when he knows the Greens will just block it in the senate when they have power there. I will stress this is very different to Gillards promise of no carbon tax which was made assuming they would not have to form a minority government and make deals with the Greens. I do agree on your comments re: Rudd to Gillard. I'll think you'll find it was a case of Rudd the narcissist campaigning the whole time while on the back bench to get the job back off Gillard and undermining her every chance he got. Why then would you vote for Labor then meaning a vote for Rudd I hear you ask? Because I can't in good faith vote for Liberal and there for vote for Abbott in large part for some of the reasons I've listed above. These are the reasons why people don't like Abbott Robbie and the reason why they don't see the Liberal party as a viable option. Remember, we only have one realistic alternative (not including Clive Palmer of course!). In my humble opinion, everything about Abbott resembles a mirror image to George W Bush, and I'd really rather not see that in my country and be forced to consider moving to New Zealand.... Rudd may be a [censored], but no more then any other politician if you ask me. Abbott however is something completely different.
  12. Love your work P_Man. Throw in the odd sexist line here and there and you're as good as done!
  13. And in other news, another Australian fast bowler is injured! http://www.espncricinfo.com/the-ashes-2013/content/story/664283.html For the GABBA test the 3 seamers will probably be Harris, Siddle & Starc as there won't be any others fit available! And you know it's only a matter of time before Harris goes again....
  14. I've amended my votes based on the current test. I've now gone other (Shane Watson) at 3. He can keep playing as an all rounder also. I've stuck by Klinger at 5. I've gone other (Steve Smith) at 6, given Watson will be an all rounder at 3 and Smith has his part time leggies at 6. And I've stuck by Paine at 7 as I still think it's time for him, but can undertand why others would stick with Haddin and I reckon the selectors will do that also.
  15. Haha, not wrong Macca, he's certainly proved me wrong and good on him I say! He was out of my XI also, as was Smith! You make some good points re: Faullner RR and I can see where you're coming from. I think what it will come down to with Faulkner, apart from his performances obviously is what they decide to do with Watson? Obviosuly Watto hasn't bowled yet in this test. So going forward will the selectors now look to play Watson as a specialist batsman only at number 3 and instruct Clarke only to bowl him as a partnership breaker for no more then about 6-10 overs an innings, for example Steve Waugh's medium pacers in the 2nd half of his career. If that is the case then there may be a potential spot for an all rounder still in Faulkner. This would require him to average at least around 35 with the bat though you'd think and the same would be required of Haddin or whoever the keeper is at number 6. If would also require to top 5 to be averaging over 40 each like the good old days to still give you a solid batting line up. If this isn't the case and they still wish Watto to play as an all rounder while batting at 3 then I agree, the side does look unbalanced and you'd like to see them get another specialist batsman in so they and Smith can hold down 5 and 6, whether that's Maddinson or whoever? As for the state of the match a good days play by the Aussies and at least it now looks extremely unlikely that we'll loose 4-0. Sorry Beefy Botham! Well done to both Watto and Smith who before this match I said were playing for their careers and I expected to both be playing their final tests. Fingers crossed we can knock England over for under 320 by stumps day 3, go out and make a quick 250 and set them 420 in 4 sessions and then push for victory. Back onto England however, pretty ordinary I say that Kerrigan wasn't even given the opportunity to come out on Day 2 and attempt to bounce back from the previous day. Even if he was only given 1 or 2 overs and if he still looked ordinary then drag him. The guys been picked as a specialist bowler and to not even get a chance to redeem himself was pretty ordinary I thought, but that's just me.
  16. http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/federal-election-2013/coalition-falls-30b-short-20130822-2sesr.html Almost enough to make you want to vote Liberal just to find out where this magical $30billion is going to come from? Almost being the key word....
  17. Stumps Day 1 Australia 4/307 S. Watson 176 S. Smith 66* C. Rogers 23 J. Anderson 2/52 (18) G. Swann 1/71 (30) S. Broad 1/73 (19) Great day for the Aussies, especially Watson & Smith who were playing for their careers heading into this test. You'd think they've assured themselves spots for the GABBA test now and Watson has scored the dreaded number 3 role for some time. The only other question that would need answering is will we keep playing Faulkner and just have Watto as a specialist batsman. Or will Faulkner make way after this test for a batsman down the order and Watto play as the all rounder at 3? But a great knock from him, especially given the heavy hit he copped from Broad. A fine innings from Smith also and a crucial gritty 23 from Rogersd off 100 deliveries to blunt the new ball. With Rogers falling to Swann once more however, I wonder if in the time between this test and the GABBA whether he should do a Matty Hayden and develop a sweep shot to make sure he doesn't get tied down by Swann and can rotate the strike a bit more like Hayden did against Harbajan all those years ago? As for England young Kerrigan looked right out of his depth. I think Woakes will be an ok player and I can understand why they've played him, just under other circumstances they would have played Monty ahead of Kerrigan if not for the bouncer incident and their team balance wouldn't of looked so bad. The Oval always spins, but I thik that was the worst bowling I've seen from a debutant since Scott Muller made his test debut.
  18. Faulkner to debut and Watson to bat at 3 as the batting reshuffling continues! http://www.espncricinfo.com/the-ashes-2013/content/current/story/663717.html Looks like Khawaja, Hughes and Cowan will be out of the XI for some time if Watson has scored a role as a specialist batsman ahead of them given his current form. Probably a good thing. You'd think this test will be last chance for both Watson & Smith to impress. I'm looking forward to watching Faulkner play, I have high hopes for this guy. If he and Haddin can get a combined batting average of around 70-75, then they could hold down the number 6 and 7 slots. If not we'll be a batsman short and a hard call will need to be made on one of them at some point. He's a very good bowler though which will be a real plus!
  19. We now have the Robson rule! http://www.espncricinfo.com/australia/content/current/story/662815.html Great news, and it means we may get to see promising players Sam Robson, Sam Hain and the experienced Phil Jacques & Michael Hogan back playing Shield cricket which can only be a good thing for our FC comp. Amazing really, if Robson has a decent start to the Shield season he could find himself playing for a Country he wasn't even allowed to play First Class cricket in within 3 and a half months.
  20. Very well put RR and I can't really argue with any of your points. Change is needed in a few other areas before the keepers spot. I guess it will just be a case of do they look to making a sweep of changes all at once or stagger them at areas of what's needed most urgently.
  21. Very glad to see CA being pro-active in trying to lure Robson home http://www.theage.com.au/sport/cricket/returning-robson-a-grand-plan-20130815-2rzlv.html This guy along with Nic Maddinson & Jordan Silk could be the future of our top 3 putting an end to the disapointment of Phil Hughes and Usman Khawaja. Here's his stats: http://www.espncricinfo.com/ci/content/player/272485.html
  22. While his keeping has improved since the time he was dropped after our home series v India a couple of years ago, his work with the gloves still has some question marks on it for me. In between some of those great catches he lets a lot of byes go as we saw at Lords. As for his work with the bat he's averaging under 30 for the series and outside those two 50's he hasn't done anything with the bat and has been one of the middle wickets to fall in our batting collapses when we've needed players to stand up. First Innings at Trent Bridge, 2nd Innings at Durham and also lost his wicket at a crucial time in the 1st Innings at Durham when we needed him to see out the first 5 overs of the morning before England took the new ball so our tail was protected and we could have pushed for a bigger 1st Innings lead. Haddin isn't getting any younger, his batting isn't strong enough to demand a spot and he isn't the best gloveman in the country either. While I'm keen for Wade to be given a shot for this final test, I'd be looking at Paine long term come the time of the GABBA test. The one thing on our side is that we haven't lost a Test at the GABBA since the 1980's I think it is and England haven't won at the WACA since God knows how long. They're 2 of the first 3 tests if I believe? If we can get some rain at Adelaide (Englands record is good there, and it's a good wicket for the offspindder, Swann) then by the time Boxing Day comes around we could be 1-0 or 2-0 up if things fall our way? That's what I'm hoping for anyway Macca.
  23. He'd probably be in line for the all rounder's role. He can do it all can Jesse!
  24. That, or his other most common one is "I'll do as I please". I was more then happy to provide him with some links and facts. All I got as a response was generalisations, insults and a "I know what I'm dealing with". Negative posts from a supporter of a party that likes to play negative politics. Makes sense I guess. Edit: Oh sorry, I meant "I'll please myself" I believe it is.
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