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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. 13 hours ago, Socrates said:

    We have lost games to teams we easily beat last year - we have not improved

    Out: Goodwin

    In: Roos



    Utter Rubbish - We are a far better team this season. Footy Gods have been horrible unkind. Our respective ruckmen going down in the 2nd quarters against Geelong and Richmond cost us both those games. 


    • Like 10
  2. 3 minutes ago, billy2803 said:

    ANB would do worse than asking to move in with Jordan Lewis in 2017.  While he doesn't necessarily have the "c factor" that Lewis does, he could learn a bloody lot about playing both inside and outside.

    Jordan Lewis has a young family.  He will not be living with any player.

    • Like 2
  3. 56 minutes ago, hardtack said:

    That's a bit harsh... GNF was considered questionable on his Hogan claims as they were essentially just repeating what had been in the press a couple of days previous to his comments.  Generation Dee in my opinion does NOT deserve criticism because he has actually come up with a previously unheard "rumour" that he was prepared to give substance to by alluding to his sources... a big difference.


    Early August I reported Hogan had told the MFC and Freo he was staying. Pretty sure I was in front of the press.

    Early September I reported small hiccup with his old mans health but the club was still 99.5% certain he would stay.

    • Like 6
  4. 6 minutes ago, Redleg said:

    This is becoming fascinating. 

    One poster who claims to have a couple of good contacts sets out a deal for Rockliff that he says will get done. 

    Then another who is known to have good info says the player's club knows nothing about it.

    Then another who has had some good info says we have been into the player for a while. 

    Just to further confuse the issue, I heard that he was not someone we would be chasing.

    Confused, I am.

    The most fascinating thing about this is that all these posters could be telling the truth. Trade week is a smoke and mirrors game with many constantly moving parts. 

    I find the latest rumour on Rockcliff interesting and give it some credit as I know we were having a look last Monday. It may be true. But please don't misread what I am saying. I have had no info since last Monday. 

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Abe said:

    are you hearing anything regarding the other big rumour of the day GNF?

    I have been aware that we have been into Rockcliff for a few weeks, but there are many players never discussed on here that we are into and only a tiny percentage of these end in a trade.

    I was updated last week that we thought we were the front runner and were carefully considering his personality and likely to make an offer. That was pre the Jordan Lewis bombshell that came completely from left field. It's not everyday an elite but aging star knocks on your door and tells you he wants to play for you!!!!! 

    Anyway, the other rumour of the day is most probably true. 

    It could be an epic trading period..... one which we had no first round picks and were expected to do nothing.

    • Like 10
  6. 12 minutes ago, Macca said:

    And you know this for sure? How?  No riddles either - I'm not interested.

    Lewis is an elite footballer and many people view him that way. A 4th round draft pick is a freebee in my eyes so if we got Lewis for a 4th rounder, then we'd be getting him for nothing as far as I'm concerned.

    This argument is about the value of draft picks - you obviously rate draft picks higher than I ever would.  Many only want to know about the good results from drafting and conveniently put aside all the bad results as if it's just the recruiters getting it wrong on a constant basis.  Which is a nonsense. 

    Hey, if it ends up as a 3rd round draft pick then I'll be wrong ... but the transaction may still be wrong. 


    Yes I know that for sure.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Macca said:

    If we get Lewis for a 3rd round pick or better I'll be very surprised ... but you never know.  People are reading too much into the Sam Mitchell trade which is the outlier (or an aberration)

    Look at it another way ... if the Sam Mitchell trade had never happened, would we honestly believe that we could secure Lewis with anything less than at least a 2nd round pick?  I understand that people are looking for a bargain but I'd rather keep things real. 

    The Collingwood trade for Treloar (2 x pick 7's) was a fair one but for some reason that is an aberration too.  The draft is massively overrated and the facts, data, truths and outcomes back up my assertion that the draft is overrated.  It shouldn't even be a discussion point.

    I don't and won't value draft picks like many others often do ... doesn't make me wrong either.  I'm also not interested in ditching the draft either - I just see it for what it is.  Half of all first round draft picks are virtual busts and the stars are scattered throughout every draft ... the "numbering system" that most want to believe in is majorly flawed. 

    Vince was an excellent result for us at pick 23.  For proof, take a sample size of all the picks 21 through to 25 over a 10 year period.  The results are not great and at best are "mixed" ... Go to this thread if you want to do the exercise.  You're going to find a number of decent players in that pick range but you're also going to find any number of players who failed to make the grade.  And the bad news cannot be ignored.

    I hate to spoil people's fun with the truth but the dreams that many have with draft choices often turn into nightmares.  We, as Melbourne supporters should all be well aware of that ... McLean,  Sylvia,  Morton,  Toumpas,  Trengove,  Cook,  Gysberts, Grimes,  Blease,  Maric,  Strauss,  Tapscott,  Molan.  How much proof do people need?  I would have thought by now that most people would have come to terms with drafting.  And that includes the clubs.

    So a 2nd round draft pick for a player of Lewis' calibre is a good deal for us (in my opinion)  It might even turn out to be a great deal.

    I am glad you are not our trade manager Macca. No 31 yo in the league is worth a 2nd round draft pick and a decent player. Only elite players get new contracts in their 30s. Almost all players deteriorate quickly once in their 30s.  

    Regardless, the deal was to be done with a 4th round pick. We may now end up paying a 3rd round.

    • Like 5
  8. This deal is not dead.  Jordan is very upset with Hawthorn for putting him up for trade.  He was told by Clarkson he was going to be traded and cracked it. The Hawthorn Board (in an emergency meeting) then overruled it.  However, Jordan is feeling he has lost the support of the coach and is now considering walking. As we speak he is weighing up where to play out his career. Melbourne or Hawthorn.

    The agreed trade will cost the Dees very little should Jordan Lewis decide his days in brown and yellow are over.

    Come on Jordan walk and win a Premiership in the Red and Blue!

    • Like 34
  9. 361: serious problems with the system. The drug cheats gain astounding advantage.

    In comparison when we were punished, poorly managed and at the bottom of the ladder (no different to Dons today) our early picks were lost to the development teams GC & GWS. 

    It sends me insaine! 

    • Like 6
  10. 49 minutes ago, Abe said:

    His post doesn't make sense GNF, it says that Jesse has been given time and space to work things out and deal with a personal issue, how can they claim they're doing that but also have a time frame on an answer from Jesse, surely it's one or the other. 

    if he's genuinely torn than any time frame puts pressure on that decision which makes giving him time and space in a difficult time for his family totally pointless doesn't it?

    if that's the way the club deals with a young man in a difficult time of his life i'd be really dissapointed, and absolutely shocked if Jesse is a demon by the end of trade week.

    The only thing to debate is whether the club has truly given Jesse all the time he requires or whether there is some pressure for him to indicate before the trade period.  My info is two weeks old but was absolute at the time. Since this time in the last two weeks his manager has come out and said (in as many words) Jesse will not make a decision before this years trade period. Whether that is acceptable to the club, I don't know.  All I know is that two weeks ago the club remained very confident he would re-sign but if he did not would trade him for Fyfe.  I suspect the Fyfe thing is this year only.  Read into that what you will.  I honestly know no more. 

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