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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. I'd love for Treloar to stay at the filth and hold them to his contract, stuffing up their salary cap.
  2. Don’t forget it was not until a couple of years ago that he fully concentrated on football. He has a ton of development in him.
  3. I’d rather Billing’s than pick#9 in the draft (or whatever it would end up being - if we can even get it). Our time is now and the next few years, Billing’s will have much more of an instant impact. I’d even consider trading Bradshaw for him, as Jack is way more versatile, better kick and quicker too.
  4. I reckon by the end of next year with another year of development, he’ll fly by many. I also believe he will overtake Weid before 2022.
  5. Dododo losing more of his ‘mind’ with advancing age, that and the massive superiority complex........
  6. I don’t know, the vaccine might’ve just been given to Melania and it seems side effects include being able to change her to a completely different person, lol.
  7. That’s what I thought, though I think Jacko might surprise us and develop rapidly. For me, if Weid fails to take the next step next year we may as well put a line through him as a KPF.
  8. If it takes Weid 8 years to establish himself, then we may as well start looking for another young KPF to replace him.
  9. I thought Crouch was done for cocaine not meth ?
  10. Let’s for a second say that that is accurate, they at the very least help get teams into the finals in the first place.
  11. Why keep KK on the list if we have paid him out? What’s the benefit for both him and us?
  12. You can have the best assistants in the game, but if the coach doesn’t listen to them they count for squat. Our biggest coaching change will rely on Goodwin’s willingness to listen and be flexible in his coaching
  13. This year he’s started to sook it up a bit too much when things haven’t gone his way on the footy field. Plus he has regressed over the past couple of years (apart from Trac who hasn’t?). Like I said, he can get bitter or get better. I’d like to see him adopt a more ‘if it has to be then it’s up to me’ attitude, instead of a ‘I cannot be [censored]’ attitude. This team is rife with it at the moment. Our best is good enough, they just can’t be arsed doing it for 4 quarters game on game. Clarry is definitely in this camp, and will have the biggest impact on team performance if he turns it around. And don’t think i’m Being harsh on just Clayton, our skipper has lots of soul searching to do as well. That’s what separates good from great.
  14. Clarry is becoming a little too petulant for my liking, and if he has been told some home truths which he doesn’t like, it says more about his attitude than anything else. Of course i don’t want to see him go, in fact that would just about be it for me, but Trac this time last year wasn’t happy, but instead of getting bitter he got better and put in a mountain of work over the off-season. Let’s see what Clayton is made of.
  15. 23 will also get pushed out to late 20’s after compo and bids are dished out
  16. To hell with a 45 goal/season forward. I want a 90 goal/season one. ?
  17. You don’t want to make finals just to say you made it there, you’re there to win the flag.
  18. Neither would I. Clarry is on the verge of becoming an absolute A-grader. Keeping him is simply non-negotiable
  19. That could easily be amended to ‘no wife, happy life’ HFF ?
  20. And nor should he. North are in for a world of hurt these next few years, and whatever mental ailments Rhyce has, the stress of being head coach would no doubt exacerbate such problems.
  21. Filth definitely brought out his inner bogan
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