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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. All that article did was make me hungry for a parma.
  2. It’s not that interesting; there is absolutely zero chance Brayshaw goes to Freo. More chance of us getting Andrew here than Angus going there, and even then that’s remote.
  3. I don’t post, just read. Pretty sure my decade old BigFooty account has zero posts against it. Sadly for them they have no mechanism to ban me. I would love to get in there and wind them up, but nah.
  4. Thinking of indulging in some salty Crows tears on BigFooty. They honestly have the best melts out of any of the clubs. Puts D’land to shame!
  5. Michael Walters, sheesh. Horrible brainfart. Lucky it didn’t cost them the game.
  6. Touched goal, called touch by the ump, gets overturned as a goal. I’m in favour of using technology to improve accuracy of decisions, but for things like this it’s just introducing a new way for a human to cock it up. Shelve the score review until it’s at a point where it can operate completely autonomously, or limit its scope to “which side of the post was that” type decision. These types of overturns is making the game worse to watch.
  7. It’s a blue sky junkie post, but the poster is spot on about the state of their list. For all we carp on about coaching, game plans and so on, I reckon the vast majority of team form is just down to the quality of the players at your disposal and keeping your best players available. He perpetuated the myth about the length of our rebuild, though. This rebuild started in 2013 when Paul Roos came on board. There are basically no players left from the ill fated 2008-2010 and 2011-2012 rebuilds. It’s been three rebuilds, not one long one. It’s an important distinction because the follow-on from “one long rebuild” is “heaps of early picks”, when our current team isn’t chock full of early picks. Clarry, Brayshaw, Trac and Salem are the only top 10 picks regularly in our side, the rest of the team has been built through shrewd trading and use of draft selections all throughout the drafts.
  8. Had the sound turned down for the first half as the kids were doing stuff in the room. Turned it up for the second half, hear BT... immediately turn it back down.
  9. Rd 23 2016. Missed all last season and all this season to date. Really hope for his sake he is able to get on the park. He’s definitely a very capable player when he’s going. It must be so frustrating.
  10. Agree with the majority - Pedersen and Smith for Smith and Lever.
  11. I loved his point of rehashing the past vs rehashing the lesson. Too often we drag up painful memories of errors in the past with the trite guise of learning lessons. It sounds as if the team has genuinely taken away from that lapse last year. Hopefully that means we can now stop talking about it. The event can go but the lesson remains.
  12. Brayshaw doesn’t have a “condition”, He received a couple of concussions in a short period of time, so he wears a helmet for peace of mind. Any player could be knocked out at any time. Brayshaw isn’t a bigger risk. Nev Jetta went through almost exactly the same thing a few years ago and nobody ever talks about his “condition”.
  13. Um, I read their BF forum and all I saw was how to work Hogan or Brayshaw in to a trade. Their views aren’t worth squat.
  14. Lol is that a real rumour (as real as they can be), or some toss on BigFooty or facebook just making stuff up? I hope it’s true. Imagine that situation; you grow up supporting a team, and get drafted by the team you grew up barracking for on to the rookie list, at a time the club is in the toilet. During that time, you slog your guts out trying to make a name for yourself at a club barely able to support itself, let alone you. Half way in to your career, you finally establish yourself as an AFL quality midfielder, and the team you grew up loving and now play for is flying. Then some two bit pack of muppets from across town and about 14 spots lower on the ladder come knocking. They give you an offer to toss away your life long connection and newfound enjoyment of winning games of footy to lose at Etihad in front of about 5 people every week. I don’t think I’d be able to contain my laughter.
  15. Anyone noticed that his teammates are now starting to do more of those backwards handballs to find players in space? He is revolutionising this team’s ball use out of packs.
  16. I had literally never heard of Ed Langdon until the weekend when I saw a quarter of the Freo game. Just assumed he was from WA and a relative of that white haired muppet who used to play for West Coast and now makes a living stirring s*** in the WA footy media.
  17. Nice. He grew up as an MFC supporter - would love to know about what it was like getting drafted by the team he barracked for and if he still feels that holds extra meaning when he dons the jumper. One of the very lucky few IMO!
  18. Bit of a running joke - I added Roos to the emoticon list (the smilies) at some point during his tenure because people kept posting that pick whenever he made a decision. We added PJ a bit later and at some point Mahoney snuck in there too. Just a bit of a laugh.
  19. Yep - I’m not challenging that Collingwood agree to it. I’m challenging the view that has been peddled on here (see page one) regarding their motives: that kind, caring Collingwood and generous Ed give us this purely out of the goodness of their own hearts, therefore we should give back. They agreed in the past to forego the home game (and associated benefits with gate receipt and so on) in exchange for other fixturing perks (less travel). If we were to give up this particular perk, it should come with some other leveller, ie fewer interstate trips, or at least more interstate trips for Collingwood.
  20. I’ve been meaning to permanently ban you for a while now. Thanks for the reminder.
  21. What’s this crap about Ed/Collingwood’s “generousity”? I just vomited in my mouth. The AFL do the fixturing, not Collingwood. It is not, and never has been up to them. It’s been in their interests to agree because it guarantees them a “big stage” away game in Melbourne, on their home ground. I’d be quite happy to see the gate split, or the home allocation alternated, so long as it meant Collingwood had to travel to Perth or Brisbane once more a year as a result, since that is the other side of the equation.
  22. I will say that I’d normally be inclined to a bias towards Weideman. Pedersen has had too many AFL games where he has been completely ineffective as a forward. If we had to choose between two tall forwards with a high chance of delivering nothing, I’d prefer it was the young one with a view to development. That said, this week I’d have said Pedersen if it wasn’t for the KO. There is a point where form will outweigh that bias, and by the sounds of it he was smashing it until the head knock. I originally said both because I was waiting for the Casey feedback. I wouldn’t pick either of them if Tim Smith comes up.
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