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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Do you reckon he will ever play serious midfield minutes? I reckon he’ll be too important in the forward line.
  2. The good thing about still shots is that bit gets left out of the story! I'm pretty sure it was Langdon who butchered it, but never mind.
  3. Yep, it was a real pity. He was awful. Makes the choice easy when B.Brown is ready. I miss 2018 model TMac, but I'm just about ready to let it go now.
  4. I don't mind the idea of Jones being the medical sub to pad the numbers, although I do think it's ridiculous that it counts as a game if they don't get subbed on.
  5. Hunt and Langdon were excellent tonight. There was one moment where Hunt got it at half back and handballed to Langdon on the wing, then both of them sprinted down the wing together with their hair blowing back. If someone could dig out a screenshot of that, that'd be great, I need a new avatar. Think TMac has had his time :-)
  6. I'd consider replacing Sparrow with Melksham. I know that will be as popular as a fart in an elevator, but just my view. TMac has a few weeks to prove he's not just warming the spot for Brown. I'd be happy enough with no change though.
  7. Interesting. He may be in the wrong place, but he’s often there on his own or one-out. I wonder if he’s in the wrong spot to keep out of the way of someone who’s in the right spot? Getting in the way of the talls was a weakness early in his career. It would also be good to see how the ball gets to him when he receives it on the flanks/pockets. It could be he is more often than not the recipient when we’ve attacked down the wing rather than the corridor. All just guesswork on my part. Something to keep an eye on today.
  8. True. I mean I’m not going to change allegiances anyway no matter what happens, but it’s the principle of the matter.
  9. If the AFL hand us (Tasmania) this steaming turd it’s just proof of their contempt for the push for a team. “You wanted a team, here it is. Enjoy.” ?
  10. Turned it on with about 7 minutes to go. What a ripper. Was barracking for Brisbane as if I somehow cared about this game in the end. I don't know a real lot about Zac Bailey but I was never in doubt he'd kick it, just based on how he looked. There were none of the big deep breaths or the other usual signs you'd see when someone is crapping themselves about the shot. He was all over it. It was beautiful.
  11. People come and go. No one person should ever be a dependency. Obviously I'd prefer he stayed, but wish him all the best if he goes. The club will be fine either way.
  12. And only barely AFL standard. Could never understand why so many here wanted him. If he wasn’t bald and called Jones, nobody would have taken a second look.
  13. I’m not going to let pesky facts prevent me from saying Free Kick Hawthorn when I feel like winding up hawk mates though.
  14. I didn't log on once during pre-season. I thought I'd take a bit of a Demonland break. I watched round one and saw us cruise to an easy win, that never at any stage looked remotely in doubt, that should have been bigger than it was. I saw Steven May and Jake Lever lead defensive team put on an absolute clinic. I saw an extremely exciting debut from James Jordon. I saw TMac and Nev Jetta back to close to their best. I read the posts on here and the rate in which my mood sank was actually tangible. You guys have become so jaded, that you have actually become physically incapable of just enjoying good things when they happen. And when you do it, it rubs off on me. You make me feel shitty. I honestly did not feel one shred of anger and disappointment, until I logged on to Demonland. I'm out. And you have no idea how sad that makes me.
  15. Is someone suggesting that something that someone else said in the “rumour only file” didn’t come to fruition? I can’t believe it.
  16. When I heard this excuse trotted out previously in the media I thought it must have been made up. What a pathetic reason to kick off a trade. I would be furious Treloar’s shoes.
  17. I continue to be bewildered by the love of draft picks. There’s a greater than 50% chance the draft picks in the region we’re talking about will yield a player who plays 0 games. There’s about a 90% chance they’ll contribute little to nothing in the short term. Brown clearly helps us immediately and in the medium term. If Mahoney missed Brown because he wouldn’t cough up two picks in the 25-35 range I’d be furious. Sure I hope one pick gets it done, but I still think it’s cheap.
  18. Thanks PaulRB. Favourite MFC memory of this century. Still gives me goosebumps. Deal feels right. All the best Mitch.
  19. Right? It’s almost like Mahoney trades to a strategy and not for the entertainment of the fans.
  20. Preuss wants out. While it’s not unheard of for clubs to hold players to contracts, usually if they want out, they get their wish. I suppose it’s a) because they don’t want players who don’t want to be there spreading negativity amongst the group and b) because they want to be seen in the industry as a club that looks after its players.
  21. Walking and chewing gum at the same time. With Preuss gone, a capable ruck *is* a player we actually need.
  22. This guy has been in the AFL system for 10 years for 46 games. That is Jake Spencer-like longevity. I’m pretty sure I’ve literally never seen him play.
  23. I’m slightly worried North will be hard to deal with. Inexperienced manager whose main qualification is “ex-footy player” in Brady Rawlings at the helm, currently under the influence of another meathead ex-footballer turned board member in Glenn Archer, during a time when they’re a complete shambles as an organisation. It has Peter Bellend written all over it. I’m glad we’ve still got Mahoney at the helm. At least I can be sure our party will negotiate in good faith.
  24. Agreed old dee. I think it’s important for the club to maintain its reputation for being fair to its players as well as being easy to deal with. And I think it’s great that it looks like we’ll be dealing with GWS - a club we’ve had good dealings with previously. I expect a swift, fair deal to be done.
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