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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. I still just can’t get my head around how he passes any sort of quality test on the network. The saddest thing is I really like the format of AFL360, but Robbo makes it unwatchable. When you’ve got two players who played the game analysing it, or two coaches giving their perspective, there’s a lot of opportunity for some real insight, but it’s just ruined by Robbo’s dribble. It’s the reason I don’t watch.
  2. I actually don’t like doing that when it’s my own posts - I prefer transparency when I’ve said something thoughtless and want to retract it (as a self lesson if nothing else) but I don’t know how else to stop numerous people from quoting me just to slam me and further derailing the thread, when I have already explained myself. *shrug*
  3. Chook had I had both already apologised and retracted, but seeing as that didn’t seem to do the trick I’ve wiped that entire line of conversation from the thread.
  4. I think it's just black and white language that gets used that probably makes these conversations go around in circles. Of course nobody says he's a gun or in rare form - in the same way that there I am not (intentionally) giving off a "negative vibe" about Spargo, which is the accusation that started this conversation. There's no doubt in my mind he contributes something good to the team. We had no bad or negative players on the weekend. The bottom line is though that someone is very likely to make way for Brown. Having Brown in makes us a better side, nobody seems to be disputing that. Nobody played badly, so someone who played well has to make way. It might not (probably won't) be Spargo, but as the player who was the least involved in the play, by quite some margin, surely it's not as incredulous a proposition as everyone makes it out to be to have him in the conversation. Look, I'm clearly on my own on this one and that's fine. I understand what attracts people to the game he's playing - it fits the "selfless" ethos the club has been talking about non-stop. I love what he brings to the side. I'm just surprised people don't think getting the ball is important. If you'd be happy with Spargo having a zero possession game, great. I wouldn't be.
  5. That’s normal. It’s almost a universal fact that the teams at the top of the ladder are the least affected by injuries to key players.
  6. Do you really reckon people look at the stats and don’t watch the game? I have never met one single person that does that. My only argument though is that I think that no matter how good a player’s pressure is, there has to be some minimum number of touches of the ball somewhere, doesn’t there? Would we still be happy if it said 0? I know it’s an unpopular opinion, it’s because I watched on TV, only stat watch, don’t know anything about footy etc, but I reckon the value of his game is being overplayed. It’s a moot point anyway because Melksham and possibly Jones are closer to the chopping block, and we don’t need to make any more than one change.
  7. I can tell you that our pre-game entertainment will be making sure we go in with full bellies, because getting food there is an exercise in “which quarter would you like to miss?” Followed by lining up for half an hour to get in. I can’t tell you how much I hate this ground.
  8. Now back to my previous state of being less concerned about cancellation and more concerned about getting shizhouse seats again. The seats in front of the hill section where we sat last time are so low down my kids couldn’t see over the fence, and I barely could either. You ‘G regulars don’t know how lucky you are. Some seats are better than others, but there’s literally no bad seat in the house there. I’ve never found one anyway.
  9. Wow. Never thought I’d hear (or see) these words come from myself, but thank heavens for Jack Riewoldt. Trac’s not the most polished media performer, and you could see him giving Jack that HEEELLLLLPPPPPPP glance.
  10. Decision to be made tomorrow apparently.
  11. Winning the next 34 on the trot isn't too much to ask for is it?
  12. Can't think of a player who very obviously had NOPE stamped on his name in big letters by a coach. Third in the B&F in 2013, in and out of the side in 2014 under Roos. Signed on for two years at the end of 2014, played two full seasons in the VFL when just about every other player on the senior list got picked at some point. Almost seemed like a stubborn standoff between coach and player in the end. Pretty funny in hindsight - probably not for Dean though.
  13. I did the same thing. My brain was going "IT'S 11:08AM WHY IS IT SAYING TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE AT 11:00.... oh, Wednesday."
  14. If they relocate to Marvel, I hope they say no crowd. If I have to miss out, everyone else should too.
  15. So now you're telling us the Spanish Flu is doing the rounds as well? Quick, shut the gate!
  16. When I checked on Sunday, it said Tuesday 11am. Now it says Wednesday 11am.
  17. Yep. We were massive North Hobart fans - it’s how I became a Melbourne fan in fact. Was present for the back to back flags in 91 and 92. Awesome times. Feel a bit sad going past the place these days. Hate going to Bellerive, home of the mortal enemy.
  18. Too small both in ground size and crowd capacity. Bellerive is where the state gov’t elected to spend all their money on upgrades on, so it’s the one with all the big, modern facilities. North Hobart looks exactly the same as it did when I was a kid watching footy there in the 90s. Great memories having a kick on the ground at half time. I’d love to watch the MFC play there more than anything, but it’s not going to happen.
  19. $1, you really went out on a limb there, big spender!
  20. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hoping for a total and utter massacre. My only disappointment is that Boomer Harvey isn’t still playing, although he acts as their runner so he will have a front row seat. It’s just that engaging in banter feels like stealing an ice-cream from a toddler. Besides, remember how patronising it was when we were so rubbish that people stopped teasing us?
  21. I don’t want to hang on them too much as I’m all too familiar with that feeling of dread and hopelessness at the upcoming game, and their mood reflects that sentiment. But there is one lost Swans supporter on their BigFooty board foreseeing a boilover. Obviously hasn’t watched much footy this year; even the Norf fans are laughing at him. https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/round-7-2021-north-melbourne-vs-melbourne-blundstone-sunday-may-2-1-10pm.1264716/
  22. If Brown comes in for someone like Melksham, the vacancy in the team will be on the HFF, not the wing. Can TMac do that role? I guess it’s not dissimilar to wing. I’m not sure why Fritsch isn’t in the conversation for a higher role and keep TMac deeper. He has a 14-4 record there. Happy hunting ground for him traditionally.
  23. A lot of that comes down to maturity and experience I would have thought. The Roos-Goodwin rebuild is the first one that has been seen through without being dismantled half way through. I don’t think the mental clicking is JUST down to maturity, but a critical mass of it in the team is certainly a prerequisite.
  24. Just tuned in an now they’ve got 15.0. Wonder what the record is for most number of goals without a behind?
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