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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Probably not... they got pantsed in the last quarter and were lucky to win!
  2. Cats destroying the Tigers this 4th quarter. 5 goals to 2. 4 points down with 2 minutes to go. Cats look like they'll pinch this one. Typical of our luck!
  3. Jeez let's hope the Cats don't get over the top here!
  4. VandenBurg named on a half forward flank to replace Melksham. The extended bench is listed below. I'd play the ones bolded, so essentially Joel Smith replaced by Hunt. Christian Petracca Charlie Spargo Dean Kent Cameron Pedersen Jayden Hunt Alex Neal-Bullen Timothy Smith Joel Smith
  5. VandenBurg named on a half forward flank to replace Melksham. The extended bench is listed below. I'd play the ones bolded, so essentially Joel Smith replaced by Hunt. Christian Petracca Charlie Spargo Dean Kent Cameron Pedersen Jayden Hunt Alex Neal-Bullen Timothy Smith Joel Smith
  6. He's had a decent year, not outstanding, and he's still tracking behind where he should be after 5 years. He's had injury and health issues, but he appears to be past them now and has finally got a clean run at it this year. I thought he was good in the midfield earlier in the season. He's been poor down back though. He could potentially become a good rebounder off half back, but he's poor defensively, often fails to spoil (directly cost us two goals on the weekend failing to spoil a smaller 9 game player!), and overcommits and goes to ground. I'd rather develop him as a midfielder where he belongs. He should be playing on a wing to make use of his kicking skills going inside 50.
  7. This is as far from an issue as possible. We are the highest scoring team in the league. The next closest is Richmond approximately 150 points behind us. We could literally not play for a week and still be the highest scoring team, such is our offensive dominance. Our is issue is our defense from the midfield. Defenders will never be able to stop a ball coming in at a million miles an hour with no pressure on, no matter who they are. Our midfield still has lapses where it does not transition to defend and pressure the ball carrier through the middle. Until this is fixed we will never contend, despite being an offensive juggernaught.
  8. Harmes more likely NOT to play according to Misson. Hibberd still 3 weeks away. Viney 3-4 weeks. That's both of them done for the year unless we march into September, and even then they'll be underdone fitness-wise. Disappointing to cop those injuries at the wrong end of the year!
  9. Not my petition, but sign and share this around. Doubt it will do anything to stop these muppets, but no harm signing in support. https://www.change.org/p/australian-football-league-listen-to-your-fans-we-don-t-want-state-of-the-game-rule-changes-leave-the-game-alone?recruiter=192229301&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial..&utm_term=share_twitter_responsive
  10. I'm assuming Channel 7 have asked Gill to have all coaches fired except for Chris Scott so they can just film his reactions?
  11. Best of luck to him this weekend in his 100th. It's a shame his form has been down this year and he's become the resident whipping boy. He's taken a while to get to 100 games due to ongoing knee issues, but he's played some brilliant footy for us. His 2014 was superb, and he was one vote of winning the BnF from Jones (who was at his peak). He's definitely got the potential to play a key role for us in the future. Hopefully he has a good game this weekend and contributes to an important win!
  12. The proposed rule changes are horrendous and will make the game more unwatchable if anything. Strategy will become less valued, less contested ball and more players at each end will lead to a low pressure game of aerial ping pong akin to soccer. It will become weak and boring. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I think the game is in the best shape it's been for a long time. I watch more games than ever (except when Carlton is playing). I like the current style that is based on winning the hard ball and bringing intensity to every contest. The rule changes will have a negative impact on us, as we win contests by getting more players up around the ball. Removing that tactical advantage will hinder us and advantage softer teams who struggle to compete. I don't understand why they can't leave the game alone. Every 2-3 years the game style changes as coaches come up with new game styles and tactics. We're nearly two years into this current Richmond high pressure game style, it will naturally change within 12 months and rule changes aren't necessary to spur along that natural progression.
  13. They're both utter c\/nts?
  14. Let me just quote myself from the Post match discussion thread: "There was a centre bounce in the last quarter too where the pack was around a ground ball, Harmes bent to pick it up, a Geelong player kicked the ball off the ground and they wound up with a goal. It was possibly the worst case of kicking in danger I can remember. The Geelong player booted Harmes' wrist and his shoulder bumped into Harmes shoulder/neck. Harmes may have been injured as a result. Not only was it a definite free kick, it was borderline report worthy. But ofcourse, no free kick called and resulted in Geelong goal to keep their momentum going and get them over the line". If that incident I described on the weekend is the cause of Harmes' broken hand then the club should be fuming. We were legitimately robbed by the umpires on the weekend. Not only that, but they've failed in their responsibility of ensuring players receive duty of care when on the field, as one of our players is now injured due to a careless rough act that went unpenalised. Unbelievable. I hope the club lodges a formal complaint against the umpires from the weekend. What a f*cking pathetic waste of skin they are.
  15. I remember the Hogan one very clearly. My father spat his beer out and ruined my food when no whistle went off! It was either a mark or a free kick for chopping his arms - neither was paid. Another blatantly incorrect umpiring decision. There was a centre bounce in the last quarter too where the pack was around a ground ball, Harmes bent to pick it up, a Geelong player kicked the ball off the ground and they wound up with a goal. It was possibly the worst case of kicking in danger I can remember. The Geelong player booted Harmes' wrist and his shoulder bumped into Harmes shoulder/neck. Harmes may have been injured as a result. Not only was it a definite free kick, it was borderline report worthy. But ofcourse, no free kick called and resulted in Geelong goal to keep their momentum going and get them over the line. F*cking disgrace. The more I think about last night, the angrier I get. We were definitely cheated and robbed. If we miss finals again, I'll be heading to AFL HQ to set something/someone on fire.
  16. INCOMING UMPIRE RANT The Dangerfield ruck free cost us a goal. It was technically a free kick, though he definitely exaggerated it. The 50 against Harmes for being within the 10 metre area of a player who marked also lead directly to a goal. That was an INCORRECT umpiring decision which cost us a goal. The opposition player marked it. Harmes put his hands up and ran attempted to get out of the area and the umpire blew the whistle. There was physically nothing more Harmes could've done in that scenario, and the umpire got it wrong. Four of Geelongs goals in the first half came as a result of free kicks that were incorrect and shifted momentum. We let ourselves down by not defending better in the last quarter, so we have to suck up the loss. However, we lost by two points. 2. Geelong were gifted 3-4 goals from incorrect umpiring decisions. We were not. The umpires unarguably influenced the end result of the match. I hope the club lodges a formal complaint. I don't understand how umpires can categorically make mistakes in their job with no consequences. If I made repeated errors in my job, I'd be warned and then sacked. Yet we see umpires like Nicholls running round year after year despite making mistake after mistake. I understand it is hard to officiate a game of AFL with all the pathetic rules at this point, but if you can't do it without making mistakes, then you get demoted and trained until you can do your job properly.
  17. Who else do we realistically target at season end? Someone with a f*cking heart!
  18. This club is [censored]. How the [censored] did we stuff that up?! 5 goals up in the last quarter and let them kick 8 goals in a quarter after restricted them to 8 for the whole match prior to that point! When will we get some decent onfield leaders?! Why were our leaders not spreading the word to slow it down and ice it in the last 5 minutes?! The same mistakes for decades, nothing has changed. We may even finish with a worse record than last year and wind up going backwards. Unbelievable. Get [censored].
  19. This club is [censored]. I feel like we're so horrible we can somehow defy the laws of the universe to find new ways to [censored] up.
  20. Jeez Gold Coast are putting up a fight. Can't accuse them of tanking! Hopefully they get over the Swans here, would help our chances in the run home!
  21. Great he chose to stick with the club instead of exploring free agency and heading back to WA. He’s a reliable small defender and good role model and mentor within the club. Now we just need to get Gus signed up too!
  22. Congrats to him on 150 games! I was one of the few on here who defended him in his early days at the club. He's always had talent to burn, but for some reason people always seem to sink the boot in and use him as a whipping boy. Might be due to having a bit of a punchable head He just needed a bit of time to settle into a new environment and to be played in a suitable position. It's been good to watch him flourish up forward. He played his best footy at Essendon on the half forward flank rotating through the midfield, so it was strange to see him rotting away in the back pocket for a bit there where his strengths weren't being utilised. I'm glad the coaches shifted him, as we've now seen what he's capable of. Those long flat kicks are a delight to watch then he strikes them. Hopefully he becomes a bit more selfish and launches a few more of those 50 metre goals the next few weeks! He's become a barometer and leader out there for us, and if we're to head into September I feel he will be a big part of that.
  23. We'll need 13. Hopefully the St Kilda game doesn't cost us finals. I'll be fuming if we fail again.
  24. It's not that clear cut. Tyson is unarguably a better footballer, but Hannan fits our team better at the moment. Tyson "only" averages 2.4 clearances this year because he's been played out of position on a wing. If he played in the centre to replace Viney he'd rack up clearances like he used to, as he's a good inside midfielder. With Viney going down, he may be called upon to play in his natural position where he can thrive. Hannan is struggling recently. He's still chiming in with a goal every week, but he's really not impacting games. He just doesn't lay enough tackles or contribute to enough goals. There are others that could perform his role better on form. I'd actually be keen to bring Bugg in to play Hannans forward role. Bugg lays more tackles, wins more hard ball, gets to more contests, generates more scoring shots, is part of more scoring chains, and has the versatility to play tagger/midfield/back pocket also. Don't mind his pest attitude too, that sort of niggle and hardness will be useful come finals time. He should be in the team IMO.
  25. So frustrating that it had been sore for weeks and only now has he been sent off for scans and taken off legs. Not sure who is to blame, Viney not reporting it or medical staff not treating and investigating it properly, but either way it will cost us now and isn't professional enough. We've had a number of these foot injuries the past few years, more than any other club (Trengove, Garland, Grimes, Vanders, Viney x 2, McDonald, Stretch), so we should have learnt how to treat them by now. I'll be [censored] ropable if 2017 repeats and we narrowly miss finals again with Jack is sitting on the sidelines. [censored] ropeable.
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