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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Worked a 17 hour shift....

    Waiting in front of my computer.....

    About to fall asleep on the damn keyboard.....

    But not before I find out what is going on.....

    Someone post something soon....

    Hearing nothing on SEN....

  2. Best Current Player (Been the best)

    Toss up between Neitz, White and Junior

    Best player on our list

    Again a toss up.... Rivers, McLean and Flash

    Most potential

    This category is tough.... In the few games we've seen of him, Cale Morton looks pretty bloody good!

    Bate is another (with a few more lessons from Barry Dawson on the "Art of Speediness") who could amount to something special...

    McLean once he gets his head screwed on straight will be an amazing hard-nut midfielder!

    Honourable mentions to "Dunny", Jones and Petterd.

    Best player I've seen

    Robbie Flower is the obvious one!

    But I would also like to add G.Lyon, Stynes and Viney

    David Schwarz could've been anything if not for phucked up knees!

    Most exciting player I've seen

    Allen Jakovich!

    David Schwarz, Jeff Farmer and Flash are a close second!

    Players who are etched in my childhood memories

    Rod Grinter!

    Allen Jakovich...

    And for some strange reason.... Ricky Jackson!

  3. 1 and a half quarters of footy - Lions make a 13 goal turnaround against the Power. I reckon the Power folks must feel a bit like us.

    Ah yes, where was it Bailey learnt his trade?

    He learnt his trade at Essendon (Premiership) and then Port Power (Premiership)....

    Jesus some people say such stupid things!

    All this Bailey Bashing is wearing thin already!

  4. We all jump on this site and give our opinions, but today 23,000 people attended a game between two Victorian clubs, IMO 75% North Melbourne supporters so I would love to know which posters on this site attend todays game. Because if you didn't you let the club down just as much as the players.

    Statements like this really [censored] me off!!!

    I am a top level member and have been for the past 10 years!

    I also donate an extra $1,000 to the club every year on top of my membership fees!

    I have lived in Adelaide for the past 5 years and have travelled to Melbourne at every opportunity to see my beloved Demons play!

    I will be the first one to stand up and say I was not there!

    You sit back and tell me that I have let the club down?!?!?!

    **** YOU!!

    I ask for nothing in return for what I give to the club!

    Only the pride in knowing that on the day that we win the flag we have all been waiting for, I will be able to celebrate with a few beers and feel content in the fact that I have done my little bit to help us on the journey!

    I spend countless hours each and every week as team manager of my local football club, as well as all day Saturday.... Trying to bring the best out of the young men who one day dream of playing in the AFL....

    I am so jealous of the people back home in Melbourne who have the opportunity every week to watch Melbourne play!

    I miss it so F***ing much it hurts!

    That is the whole reason I post on this site!

    To feel at home again!

    I am a proud Victorian and a loyal Melbourne member till I die!

    I am also a proud DemonLand poster who didn't attend the North Melbourne game!

    .......End of rant.......

  5. Can't wait for next week. Going with friends who barrack for Carlton. I don't know which one of us is suffering more right now.

    That is a fairly easy question to answer!

    Melbourne are a shitload worse than Carlton at the moment!

  6. After watching it about 20 times on YouTube, I reckon he is looking at minimum 8 weeks!

    The AFL does not want these sorts of images being seen anymore!

    Young kids you want to grow up and play footy don't want to see this (altho they will cop it in the suburban based comps), but it is more the parents of the young lads who, after seeing stupid [censored] like that, stop their sons from playing footy!

    The AFL will slam Hall for this!

    They are already worried that soccer is taking off..... This will be a massive suspension!

    In fact I have even convinced myself it will be 10+ weeks now!

    He doesn't get the name "Big Bad Barry" for nothing! :wacko:

  7. The only thing that's embarrassing is your complete inability to see beyond your anger.

    Bailey may be a rookie senior coach, but he has plenty of coaching experience and he is no fool. Every great coach was once inexperienced you know.

    To blame Bailey for what is happening is to sweep the main problems under the carpet... again.

    The PLAYERS are the problems, the players that Bailey did NOT choose, but was unfortunate enough to receive when he took the job.

    The game plan which everyone is jumping up and down about, is very simple. The idea is to move the ball quickly to give our forwards the best chance of a one-on-one contest. That our forwards can't win a one-on-nobody contest is not Bailey's fault. That our midfielders can't kick the ball or hit a target by hand is not Bailey's fault. Do you honestly think he tells his players to not his targets?

    A bunch of monkeys can follow the actual game plan, sadly our execution is pathetic and that has to do with our sub-standard skills and application.

    Just because you can't put an IKEA chair together, doesn't mean the instructions are wrong.

    Thank God you are here Jaded!

    I am not responding to her, because you have managed to tap into my head and have done it for me!

    One of the greatest posts I have read this year! Make that since joining DemonLand!

    I can leave the forum and carry on with my Saturday night now, knowing that some people have their head screwed on straight!

    Thank God I don't live in Far Nth Qld.....

  8. Sick of his [censored]!

    Step up or Step out Robbo!

    If only G. Lyon had told you to go to the Bulldogs....

    You could've been picking up the soap for a decent small forward like Johnson!

    He shows passion and is a team player!

    He would have you grabbing your ankles and saying "Kick it straight thru the middle, Jonno!" in the showers over in the West!

  9. I guarantee that Dean Bailey will be around for a few more years yet!

    The bloke is trying to implement an accountable, team orientated game plan....

    He is trying to implement it with a team that is full of unaccountable individuals!

    The bloke has a tougher job than Dennis Pagan did at Carlton....

    His press conference was good I thought.... Too many mistakes, [censored] decisions and not one stand out player!

    He is seeing exactly the same stuff that we and the media are seeing.....

    The difference is that he is trying to do something about it!

    Give the man a F***ING break!

    Or [censored] off and support another club!

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