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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Maric and Valenti kicked 3 goals each last week and he got a game in front of them when he is clearly over weight as usual it doesn't make a lot of sense obviously our defensive pressure in our forward line is a major concern but he has his work cut out for him. I hope he proves me wrong but I think he was promoted too early.

    Grimes already on the LTI list what a genius CAC is.

    Green and Miller still get a game what a joke. As long as we have people\media pleasing clowns around the club like Lyon, Gardiner and Bailey we will go nowhere we need someone who is going to kick some heads and get rid of the [censored] at the club who are tieing as down, there is no use in having stability if everything is wrong.

    Lyon got his Neil Balme style of coach that he loves so much now we are getting Neil Balme type results. He is clearly living in fantasy land if he thinks that the soft style of coaching by Balme and Bailey should actually work.

    Your English and Literature skills are amazing!

    That, together with your lack of intelligence, makes you an extremely important cog in the development of our football club.

    People like you should just jump ship and barrack for Collingwood!

    Getting rid of Dean Bailey is one of the smartest things I have ever heard. He has coached two matches. Obviously he is no good. Let's ignore the fact that he is a "take-no-[censored]" kinda guy, who will seperate the men from the boys at Melbourne! Something we have been crying out for since the 1950's.

    You are kidding yourself if you think DB, CAC and G.Lyon are to blame for the position we are in!

    Take a good hard look at the players!

    And while you are at it......

    Take a good hard look at yourself..... Clown!

  2. I think the club should head hunt him, throw an obscene amount of money at him and catch the decent players they have to let go due to keeping Brown :P

    But we should try our hardest to get him, we will defiantly have the picks and the money, no reason we should not.

    Unless we want to stay a rudderless, soft side without a out and out star, in which J. Brown would fill all those.

    Knowing our luck we will end up with TJ back in the Red 'n Blue! :lol:

  3. I am pretty damn sure you will not see a Melbourne player representing either side.....

    Robbo?? I highly doubt it! If he gets a gig for the All-Stars, it's only on the off chance that he might take a huge grab!

    Flash?? Not a hope in hell (on current form)

    My bet for a gig is Aussie!!!!

    Just wait and see..... Cult hero about to debut!

    He is our only hope (If any at all)

  4. I still have a feeling that if we can get a bit of confidence into the group, we are still a shot at the 8.....

    The players on the list cannot lose their skills in 18 months!!

    They can lose their confidence and their skill to be able to work as a team, but that will rapidly come back after a few upset victories!

    Let us wait until the halfway mark before we de-list every player over the age of 26!

  5. If you jump out of a plane and forget your parachute, you cannot decide half way down that you want to stop falling....

    You cannot decide half way down that you want to go back up and use what you forgot and jump again!

    You need to hit the bottom before you decide to try the jump again (this time having thought it thru a bit more)

    It will take a few months for the broken bones to heal.... But you will realise how stupid you looked without the one item that is essential.... And you will never forget it again!

    Rounds 1-6 will be our "Chute-less" jump!

    It will end in tears!

    Be prepared for pain!

    But we will learn a valuable lesson!

    A Parachute is to Jumping from a plane..... as...... A Heart is to Playing for the Red 'n Blue!

    And for those stupid enough to forget their parachute again..... You lose your chance to ever jump again!

  6. The Tote

    Some interesting money makers....

    ST KILDA-MELBOURNE High-Low double (Saints highest score for Rnd-Melbourne lowest) $18.00

    GEELONG-MELBOURNE High-Low double $5.75

    MELBOURNE Lowest scoring team for Round 3 $2.70

    MELB/GEEL/GEEL/GEEL Qtr by Qtr $8.50 (We may come out fired up and win the 1st Qtr)

    MELBOURNE to make Top 8 $11.00 (Worth a $10 punt?? Stranger things have happened!)

  7. bucks is a superstar, and will be our best player when he learns to kick properly



    Some of the [censored] that comes out of peoples mouths on this site is unbelievable..... Simon Buckley or "Bucks" as his lovers like to call him, will never be any good!

    The boy thinks football is about running around as many opponents as you can and then handballing to a player who is in a worse position....

    Or if we get really lucky, he tries to run around 2 or 3 players, beats them, and then shanks a kick out of bounds on the full....

    Football is not about drinking 15 cans of red bull before running onto the MCG and leaving your brain in your locker!!!!!

    Our best player in the near future will be Morton.... A cross between Robbie Flower and Adam Goodes.... I am excited!

  8. We are the new St Kilda I think.....

    Will finish down the bottom for a few years, reap the rewards in the draft, manage the list accordingly and come out in 4-5 years with a side that will push for a flag consistently between 2010 and 2020....

    The question is.... How long must we all wait and what have we done wrong to deserve this sort of punishment!?!?!?!

  9. Buckley - a shining example

    Of what?!?!?!?!

    How to play football like a small boy who thinks he is shitloads better than he actually is?

    How to play a game of football without once engaging your brain?

    How to play a run and carry style of game without knowing how to carry?

    Or my favourite..... A shining example of what happens when your list doesn't have 22 footballers good enough to play AFL!

  10. Broken foot is a bit premature!!

    I was watching on TV from Adelaide and it looked to me like he has torn ligaments on the inside of his left ankle....

    Foot bent under his ankle and having done this a few times myself, I would hesitate a guess and say 6-8 weeks....

    This on top of his shin splints would be pretty much it for the first half of the season!

  11. I like the idea of simulations and I think this will only get better when we move away from Junction Oval....

    Being able to use the centre of the ground should help!

    It just happens every time! I have never seen a group of players struggle so much to find each other in good positions and talk to each other on the field....

  12. After watching the first half of the game today against the Bulldogs, it is blatently obvious that we are not in the same class as other AFL teams when it comes to decision making!

    I realise it is wet at the 'G.... And that gives some excuse for poor skills (not all of them), but the problem is not so much the skill level (although it is far from great), but the decisions that the players make when in posession of the football....

    Our choice of handball coming out of the backline is disgusting! And the high kicks to a 1 on 3 contest going into the forward-line is just as bad... And those short, dinky little kicks that are directed to a bloke who is not even moving towards the ball....

    These things are an important part of moving the football from the backline down to the F50.... It is not something we are even remotely good at!

    Any suggestions on how decision making skills can be improved? And don't just say "Delist the players!"

    A positive I can see in the first half is the fact that if the decision making was better, we would play a pretty good running game out of the backline....

    Buckley is [censored] me to tears, but I'm sure if we all collected our tears then a life without water restrictions would remove one less thing to be upset about! :)

  13. Would love to see Natanui in the Red and Blue.....


    Thinking that he would make the difference we are looking for is unrealistic!

    Would be a great start, but let's not resolve to doing what Carlton did..... I would be more upset than I already am.....

    I honestly don't think my ticker can take any more heartache at the hands of this club!

    I am all for living on the edge and enjoying the roller coaster ride that is our great club, but this is turning into a Ghost Train!!!

  14. According to your description of soft, Name one player in our side who is NOT soft then!?!?!?!

    We are either Physically strong and Mentally weak.....

    Or Mentally strong and Physically weak.....

    A few exceptions come to mind.... Daniel Bell, Nathan Jones, Matty Whelan and The skipper!

    The rest of the squad in my opinion are lacking in one or the other....

    But to make such a profound statement and called Brad Miller soft is outrageous....

    I think the word soft is not the right word for this judgement on players.....

    I class myself a a fairly strong bloke in both categories, but I can assure you that if Jonothan Brown was steaming towards me with eyes like a raging bull, I would 2nd guess my choice of career!

  15. The failure to acknowledge that the effort wasn't good enough kills me more than anything.

    This is by far the biggest problem at our football club!

    [censored]-weak performances go hand in hand with [censored]-weak excuses down at Melbourne.... And for Robbo to say that Dean Bailey has told them to put the game behind them and concentrate on next week is so scary it hurts!

    They should be made to watch that pathetic [censored] all week! The shirking of contests, the pulling back when in physical danger, the lack of intensity, the lack of talking, the lack of 2nd and 3rd efforts..... and by far the biggest thing to point out to the players..... The fact that wearing the Red 'n Blue has to be earned!!

    Dean Bailey has been given a task that not many blokes in the country would be envious of.....

    Let's just hope he rips [censored] outta the leadership group and sends a few blokes home from training feeling a little less of a man and more of a boy who needs to hit puberty!!

  16. And to think that I told a lot of people that Melbourne were a great value bet for the 1st round!?!?!?!

    I am in absolute disbelief....

    We are at rock bottom now!

    We are not even in the same league as Carlton!!!!!

    I have not felt this low since ..... well..... my whole damn life!!

  17. On paper our lineup actually looks pretty good!

    I am not overly concerned with our pre-season form, and the fact that everyone is tipping us to finish bottom couple is just a joke!

    We all saw what teams like Port Adelaide and The Kangas did last season after a horror 2006....

    Giving up hope this close to Round 1 is just [censored] weak!

    I have faith that we will push for a finals birth this season and no matter what any so called "experts" may say, I will not be changing my mind until I truly believe otherwise!

    The first 5 or 6 rounds will give us a good indication of where we are heading for 2008, but just remember what the boys can do when they get a bit of confidence about them..... All is not lost!

    Bring this $hit on baby!!!!

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