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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Maybe Warnock/Mundy and pick 3 for Carroll and pick 1. Don't think West Coast will go for Watts, they've met with NikNat a few times already is my understanding.

    Assumption is the mother of all f**kups!!!

    Handy to remember that when it comes to trading away our No. 1 pick :o

  2. Hey Roost it!

    i dont know how many games you watched this year mate but C Johnson is in our best 22 and by this time next year assuming he is injury free he will go close to winning the B & F

    he has the best skills on our list and for a 6 week period (beofre getting injured) averaged 28 disposals!!

    he will be a diamond in the rough next yr... guaranteed

    I hope so.....

    His old man is a top bloke and deserves to be proud of his son when he wears the Red 'n Blue..... This year he would've had some nice "fuzzy" moments....

    Hopefully CJ can keep improving..... Would hate to see him traded to a WA side and shine in 2009-10 :( That would really pi$$ me off!!

  3. I reckon White will end up at Carlton through the pre-season draft as they wont be able to satisfy a trade with Fremantle to secure Warnock. Meaning Sydney will miss out and might have to attempt to groom their own ruckman for once.

    Also wouldn't be suprised to see Yze get picked up by Hawthorn. With Clarkson and Viney on the coaching panel Yze's played with both of them and Hawthorn seem to have a history of drafting classy left footers from other clubs. eg Dew and Guerra.

    The most intelligent thing you have posted in your short career at DemonLand..... It would not surprise me at all to this happen.... Good work!

  4. It is worth everything, pick 1.

    Melbourne put the blinkers on, pick up Watts.

    This is exactly what scares me about our club..... Too often we have these blinkers on! I agree we should be looking very much at Watts, but I just hope we remove the blinkers during trade week....

  5. Don't want them getting rid of possibly our next captain and if they were to you'd want a first round pick at least. For example Hawthorn's pick 15. Would like to them them retain as many players as possible and try and build a club from within rather then trade to many players away.

    Have tried the whole "build the club from within theory" for years..... White, Yze, Green, Bruce and co. have been around the whole time.... Still we await a flag or even a competitive Grand Final appearance..... If the right trade walks along, then Green goes to "Greener" pastures to get old and slow.....

    PS. Green was dropped from the leadership group..... Not a hope of ever getting captaincy of the MFC and he knows it!

  6. No way should we get rid of Rivers, when he's up and going he's one of the best defenders if not the best defender in the comp!

    Regardless of the ridiculous trade that you suggested.... The above comment is one of the biggest loads of crap I have ever heard! I rate Rivers as a handy "intelligent" type defender.... But to suggest that he may be the best defender in the comp?!?!?! :D :D :D

  7. Wow!

    I just had a look at that site.....

    I think I have just found the greatest site on the internet (other than Demonland) :P

    The photos are slightly expensive, but the quality is fantastic!

    My bank account should begin preparing for some major outlays!!


  8. I hope beyond all hope that the Saints absolutely belt the living suitcase out Essendon later today!

    If the scoreline is something in the area of 128 - 35 then St Kilda would take 4th spot and relegate the stupid Crows to 5th and an away final against Collingwood!

    Nothing would make me happier, seeing as I am not looking forward to the week ahead here in Adelaide, having to listen to all the bull$hit about how Adelaide can beat Geelong and win the flag!!!

    PS. They were bloody lucky to win against the Bulldogs anyway, and that goal umpire should be shot!! :P

  9. I believe this would have been written after Freo beat Collingwood, which meant that Port got pick 3 in the draft, and it is common knowledge here in Adelaide that they are looking to get Nik Nat to the Port! (other Fijians there include Rodan and Carlisle)

    But then Port went and pulverised North yesterday, which gave Freo back their no. 3 pick.....

    Article is a non-event now.... Just must've had nothing else to print ;)

  10. They wouldn't beat North if it was round 10 or whatever.

    North are on a roll and Port are useless.

    And just because they get x draft pick doesn't mean they'll take x player

    Port are actually quite a good side when they are switched on.... As we all saw yesterday.....

    They didn't make the GF last year because they were useless....

  11. only 1 day off that this year.

    Yeah, would've been nice if it was the 1st of September today..... Then at least I could have told my Carlton/Pt Adelaide mates that Melbourne actually played in September action!

    P.S. Yes I know it is strange to have Carlton and Port mates, but living in Adelaide it is tough to find decent people :P

  12. Why play a couple of kids for JUST ONE GAME. And don't trot out the 'experience' line because one game in a dead rubber match in the last round of the season, isn't experience. Why not just wrap them in cotton over summer and unleash them next season, Round 1?

    If you cannot see the importance of giving the young boy Grimes a game today, then you don't have much of an idea about football IMHO....

    Grimes has busted his gut all season, to come back from injury and climb his way to the seniors at Sandy.... He has obviously got the talent and is hungry for the ball, not to mention leadership qualities.... The club benefits from playing him against the Tigers, in that they see how he handles the ferocity and pace of an AFL match.... And Grimes himself will get a massive boost from playing on the MCG before he puts his body through a FULL pre-season! He will learn more about what is needed to perform on the big stage and he will gain a number of ideas on what he needs to concentrate on over the off-season!

    Please, if people cannot see this, then they really need a good hard look at themselves! Have trust in Bailey and Co.

    This season we may finish bottom..... But this season has gone a long way to shaping the next 5-10 seasons..... More than some people realise I think! ;)

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