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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Well he is now a player that I will take great pleasure in giving $hit to when he runs out for the scum of Collingwood.... I heard a rumour that Dale Thomas went to the club and begged them to pick up Steele Sidebottom because "He has a sexy name" :P Just a rumour

  2. Probably my favourite ever demons player. Does anyone else see similarities between him and Moloney?

    Both big units.... Both had similar running style games.... Both loved to bomb it into the F50..... But Stinga had a lot more muscle definition!! HaHa.... Beamer is bigger, but Stinga was obviously a bigger fan of HydroxyCut :D

  3. I am a big believer in us picking Jack Watts at No. 1 due to the fact that he will eventually be a star.....

    But I have this nagging feeling in my guts that is telling me the club will pick Naitanui at No. 1

    I just think that the club can see the whole cult figure thing working in our favour earlier rather than later with Nick.... He will bring bums on seats....

    I want Watts..... but if Naita turns out be the next Buddy (aka the man everyone pays money to see) then I can see that side of the argument winning out!!

  4. i think the room is finally starting to agree with me and understand that we are in a very fragile state and we need quality players....

    at the end of the day if we win games and perform well on the field we will improve as a club...

    Finally the room is starting to agree with you?!?!?!?

    Your bedroom?? Your lounge room?? Or the room with the crapper where you dream up your posts?? HaHa :P

    I am glad you have pointed out to the rest of us what a fragile state our club is in.....

    Thank you for being such a visionary!

    OMG! :wacko:

  5. Very moving....... Although I think about it everyday, it really hits home when you see it in writing! My partner and I are having our first child in December and I will be damned if my first son does not get to spend his life barracking for the Dees!!

    The day that our club rises against all odds and takes home the major prize will be a day that shakes the very foundation of this country!

    Demon vs Goliath!!!!

    Bring it on!!

  6. This is from a post on BomberBlitz :

    "The more we hear, the more disruptive Tommy appears. Now, i'm not sure i agree with getting rid of him, but when you consider

    1) he is obviously a handful, and maybe worse, off-field

    2) he has played little footy in the two years at the club

    3) so bearing in mind 1 and 2, the club gave him a one year deal

    4) he declined said deal and asked to be traded for better pastures

    5) no deal could be done due to the O'keefe fiasco

    6) he is bluing with team mates, and may or may not have got himself slashed in a knife fight

    7) and he obviously doesn't want to be at the club on strict conditions (and maybe not at all)

    then it's not easy to see what other outcome is possible. Give in and give him a two-year deal? to a kid off the rails, such a backdown is not likely to haul him into line.

    I will be [censored] spewing if he's running around playing good senior footy next year with another AFL club"

    Interesting...... I hope the MFC at least have a chat with the kid..... From all reports he is a decent player, just a young bloke who may have been a bit led astray....

  7. If we get DeWanker I will be spewing...... DeLuca is a very average ruckman..... Although on the upside, with a lot of work and committment, I believe within 3 years he could be nearly as good as one of the leagues rucking legends......

    John Meesen

  8. I am going to "weigh-in" and give my two bobs worth on this whole fiasco....

    If Cam Bruce is made captain of the Melbourne Football Club it will only be for one season..... Yes.... ONE season! The football club is rebuilding and I believe this to be the wrong choice (but who am I to know how things run in the inner sanctum). If I was Cam, I would flat out refuse the position! He of all people should realise that he is not a captain's a-hole..... If Cam wants what is best for the future of our club, then he will put together a short-list of better candidates for the job!

    We will.... mark my words.... be more of a laughing stock in the eyes of the AFL world if this appointment goes ahead... A captain should be recognised as a quality player, great leader and tough SOB! Cam Bruce may well tick the first two boxes, but he sure as hell is not a tough SOB! And for all those who would like to prove that there are other captains in the league that are not tough sunza [censored], then by all means, try!

    This club needs a leader who will stand on the front-line with the rest of the Melbourne army and be our Mel Gibson from 'BraveHeart'...... Not a bloke who skirts around the edge of the battle field and picks up the ammo that others have dropped on the ground!

    Fair dinkum MFC.... Work it out!!!

  9. I posted this in the "Ben Cousins @ Junction Oval" thread..... but thought it would be better suited here.....

    Media Announcement

    "I, Ben Cousins, have called this media conference to let the football public know that I am back. A lot has been written over the past year or so, and obviously not all of it has been good. I let certain things in my life get way out of control, and it has taken a lot of time and hard work to get my mind back to full fitness.... But I am clean, fresh, obviously physically fit [tears open shirt] :lol: and will be going into the PSD...

    Now a lot of media people have linked me with clubs like Collingwood and St Kilda, because I am only going to a side that will give me a crack at another Premiership..... But I am here tonight to announce that this is absolute crap! I have been in regular contact with the Melbourne Football Club and will be taken as their No. 1 pick.... I am happy to announce that I will be signing a 3 year deal worth $150k a year.... To those of you who presumed I was going to a club for a flag, you were wrong!

    I have a flag.... I have a Brownlow.... I have achieved success at the highest level.... But above all..... I have stuffed up!!! I owe it to myself to repay the game of Aussie Rules and it's fans.... This great game has given me the opportunity of a lifetime.... I took that opportunity.... And then I threw it back in the game's face.... I am embarrassed about this.... And so I make it my mission to pass on as much knowledge, skill and committment to the oldest club in the game..... The Melbourne Football Club..... This proud club does not deserve to finish last.... And I will repay the football world by doing everything in my power to bring this great club back to where it belongs!

    One last thing..... Those journos who linked me with Collingwood..... That went against your whole Premiership theory.... They are further away than Melbourne!

    Goodnight "

  10. I am not really posting much anymore (just having a bit of a browse and a laugh each day)..... But after reading the more recent posts on this thread, it has rekindled my desire to see Cousins at Melbourne....

    A Ben Cousins at training = Massive influence on the younger guys

    A Ben Cousins on gameday = Massive influence on the younger guys, and the F50 entries, and hopefully scoreboard

    A Ben Cousins in team meetings = Massive knowledge of what it takes to reach the top

    A Ben Cousins on the Friday/Saturday night when we don't have a game = Unknown

    As far as football goes, he would be a huge advantage to have at a team where rebuilding is the major focus! The work ethic he would show to the younger brigade would be worth it's weight in gold.... I am not saying that the other senior boys at the club don't have a good work ethic.... I am just stating that Ben Cousins is said to be one of the hardest training blokes the AFL has ever had on a list!!

    Now, in all reality, the MFC has bugger all chance of picking him up..... This is based on the assumption that Mr Cousins wants to go to the side that has the best chance of giving him the opportunity to grab another Premiership medallion...

    But..... And I am not sure what kind of bloke Ben is..... This would be my way of thinking if I were in his shoes..... Here goes.....

    Media Announcement

    "I, Ben Cousins, have called this media conference to let the football public know that I am back. A lot has been written over the past year or so, and obviously not all of it has been good. I let certain things in my life get way out of control, and it has taken a lot of time and hard work to get my mind back to full fitness.... But I am clean, fresh, obviously physically fit [tears open shirt] :lol: and will be going into the PSD...

    Now a lot of media people have linked me with clubs like Collingwood and St Kilda, because I am only going to a side that will give me a crack at another Premiership..... But I am here tonight to announce that this is absolute crap! I have been in regular contact with the Melbourne Football Club and will be taken as their No. 1 pick.... I am happy to announce that I will be signing a 3 year deal worth $150k a year.... To those of you who presumed I was going to a club for a flag, you were wrong!

    I have a flag.... I have a Brownlow.... I have achieved success at the highest level.... But above all..... I have F#@*ED Up!!! I owe it to myself to repay the game of Aussie Rules and it's fans.... This great game has given me the opportunity of a lifetime.... I took that opportunity.... And then I threw it back in the game's face.... I am embarrassed about this.... And so I make it my mission to pass on as much knowledge, skill and committment to the oldest club in the game..... The Melbourne Football Club..... This proud club does not deserve to finish last.... And I will repay the football world by doing everything in my power to bring this great club back to where it belongs!

    One last thing..... Those journos who linked me with Collingwood..... That went against your whole Premiership theory.... They are further away than Melbourne! Goodnight "

  11. For some unknown reason I actually believe this whole Davey deal could happen.... Just got a txt message from a mate who is good friends with a couple of Port's youngsters asking if I had heard anything of this possible deal?!?!?!

    I asked him where he had heard the rumour and he said a few of the Port boys had been talking about it at a poker night.....

    PS. Also confirmed that he had not read it here.... When I asked if he had heard of DemonLand.... He replied "The way you drink, swear and carry on, you will get there when you die" :P

  12. There is almost always at least ONE decent trade done..... And I have a feeling that we may just be involved in it..... But of course we all must wait till Friday to find out..... But my gut (which is slowly filling with beer as we speak) is telling me that this may just turn out to be a relatively important week in the redevelopment of our club....

    Either that, or it is telling me that KFC Zinger burgers don't mix well with VB.... And if it so, then I shall find out well before Friday! HAHAHA!!! :P

  13. Would PMSL if YM's "absolute lock" was just that and we did manage to snag Pick 4 off the Port Fairy Power.... I for one would have no problem with massaging YM's feet for a week solid if it came true!

    My god.... I just realised how big a statement that was! :blink:

  14. I have a feeling that we will make a player swap offer to Port for him..... We would not be keen to give up too many draft picks, but I think DB would be keen to grab this kid..... Put it this way.... If DB doesn't put in a big effort to grab him, then he is not any good....

    Living in Adelaide, I can tell you all that the Port Power fans are fuming!!! I would say that 80% of Power fans have huge wraps on this kid and are devestated that he has not been given a good go by Chocco.... Graham Cornes said on the radio this afternoon that his son Chad had even spoken to him about how dissapointing it would be if he left the club....

    The only draw back, that I can see, is that his disposal by foot is sometimes not at a really high standard.... But his disposal by hand is next to freakish!! Have seen a fair few of his games for Sturt this year and they have used him in a midfield/forward role where he has kicked 20 goals in 13 matches....

    The kid has some talent and has struggled to break into a strong Port Power midfield this year.....

    DB will IMHO make a big play for him..... Worth a 2nd round pick or a trade....

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