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Everything posted by timD

  1. Billy, dude - I really hoped that the nappy reference would seal the deal. The other one was the reference to seeing Bailey 3 times (that was a joke...right?). It is concerning that typing an infantile tantrum in order to highlight the sense you were making got interpreted as having a go at you. Maybe I need to mis-spell things more?
  2. Billy, that's rubbish! I've seen Bailey THREE TIMES on telly and I can tell you that he isn't hard enough. Don't give me this "you'll never knowm mhemhemhemhemm" soppy garbage. He's soft, the gameplan is crap, the players are playing with themselves rather than for themselves and NOTHING will be better until the club calls and personally apologises to me! Now, where did I put my dummy - oh there it is next to my nappies! mummmmummmummmumm
  3. Not me maurie - I bought the dees on a low (1986...although i did go to the last game of that year with a norm supporter and his family...and I was never invited back) and i intend to sell out on a low too! Nothing quite like the experience of quitting late on a losing trade to remind you of your position in life. With some luck I'll be able to blame someone else for it, too. A sense of futility and external control will make the experience complete.
  4. What I love about this thread: the players say it is about the players; Bailey says it is about the players; demonland posters know it is about bailey. I'm hoping I can get similar insights into the stockmarket from here - at least I know how I will lose my money.
  5. I'm rapt to hear this. Sure, it is embarrassing to think that leaders need this, but it does fairly neatly reflect reality. IF the leaders cannot set the example, then the example needs to be set with them. The only way they'll earn the respect and authority over the group is if they do what they ask of others - and they are so bad at it that we need to train them at it. Maybe Bails has stopped waiting to see if they'll grow into their role and he is just going to beat them into it? Bailey has formed a crucible and will force out the truth...
  6. Thanks HT. WE've been crying out for (a) top-end talent and (B) effective on-field leadership for years. Once identified, you cannot just recruit it. You need to develop it from within. I'd love to see class and grunt just injected but it doesn't happen. No matter how hard I tantrum. Damnit!
  7. Snoopy, Carlton had judd and fev. They could take all the attention. WE have no-one. It is both better and worse.
  8. My crazy idea is that Bailey has formed a crucible that will force out the truth. Now, his run and gun style will ONLY work if the space is created and play is created. That requires hard work off the ball - like norm smith said, the play is created by the blokes WITHOUT the ball. I'd bet that the team has been taught this, but they are not implementing it for a few well-worn reasons. The talent/experience mismatch, the leadership void and the poverty in our midfield. That's it. Once we see a midfield that exerts greater influence, we'll cut teams apart. Our backs will get respite. Our forwards will get supply. I think this is all really simple. The problems are clear but none are quickly fixed. WE have to wait until scully, mcKensie and gysberts have 2-3 years more in them (and are on the park). WE have to see that Jones cannot get a game and that moloney is a bench player. WE have to shed some of the outsiders who have no influence and replace them with outsiders who have influence. The game plan is there (for the most part). The players are almost there. The culture needs to form up and away we'll go. I expected performances like this because nothing has changed greatly since 2008. WE are just getting the pieces in place. The thing that sucks the hardest is that we look weak, hesitant and disorganised. I think the players are. They can change that. Bailey wont - and can't. They can. It is up to them. All Bailey can do is teach, select, intruct and let them go. Time for the players to decide that they want to play for something and for it to count. When it comes down to it, I just want someone to hit someone.
  9. That is perhaps the worst post about this topic I have ever read.
  10. Much better idea to take the VC than drop him. He knows he'll get a game again. He doesn't know if he'll become VC again. We need on-field leaders. We just about have none. no, I apologise for being soft. We have no on-field leaders. None. We suck. "If it has to be, then let's hope some-one else is up for it", is the team's motto. By leaders, I mean someone who, by their example, is not only able to inspire others to play their best footy, in a physical and effective way, but also influence the outcome of the match - contest by contest. In my opinion, Moloney - by virtue of his position on the ground and role within the team - is the closest we have. He has a damn sight more effect on a game than Green, Sylvia, Rivers, etc. The closest second is Jamar. Beamer needed to be sat on his arse . Now he needs to come out and establish his leadership credentials. He'll not do that by thinking broadly. he'll do it by smacking into blokes, tackling hard, smothering etc. He'll really emphasise on-field stuff, in a team desparate for it. We were soft against hawthorn. We were soft against Brisbane. If we even let GC get a sniff we are vulnerable because we are a physically and mentally soft team. Let's hope that Beamer continues his on-field rise this year. He has a nice little motivator now.
  11. He has - so has junior by the same measure. Jordie was getting 11 tackles a game - I think the best the team has is moloney who has 15 across 3 games. Jordie also played good team footy - blocked, smothered, bumped etc. Precious few do it now. Wonna does. It will be good to get jordie, scully and the gys all playing in the mids at some point. I think they will be a good combo. I watched the Bisbane game. I've never thought that a win was not deserved until then. That was bloody awful. It was soft footy, but not in a 'scared' sense. So much hesitation and waiting to see what others' do. So much sorta kinda not really going. It was a 'Dunn' performance, by the whole team. I yelled at the telly (and i saw it last night...i have a frigging problem) for the players to "get in". FMD That said, greater intensity and committment to the contest can be learned and we've applied ourselves well in the past. Need leaders. Same old, H, same old. PS, my bet is that you love Tapscott but you're too scared to admit how much - even to yourself.
  12. Pates, that is a shocking post. Why don't you try being more strident and absolutist. What the hell is wrong with you? Let's face it, a one point loss and a drawn against collingwood last year is/should be definitive re: our lack of game plan and soft team...
  13. I've just done the same exercise and have melbourne finishing with 9-1-12...which doesn't quite add up I think. I'm sure that in rnd 15 or 16 the dees didn't feature and weren't listed as having the bye... Anyway, we finish 11th and Hawthorn and Adelaide play off the for the flag. All done, now. Almost no point turning up!
  14. Really good thread. Keep going, rpfc. You might well come up against roadblocks and get the benefit from some good criticism. Just keep going. Like many, I'll just be trying to keep up.
  15. Great work, Jack. Lovely letter. Says a lot in few words. Handy skill, that.
  16. Cheers Bhima, much appreciated.
  17. I find this idea extraordinary. This club is desparate for players to have to perform to get spots. Macdonald does, but you'd ignore that to play kids for 'experience'. He earns his spot with just his physical approach. Not Bennell, Morton, Batrum, Tapscott or Blease come close to him yet on that measure. He regularly beats smaller and taller opponents. His decision making and skills are solid - no more but no less. He is a walk-up start. If he is displaced by kids performing, well and good. To drop him on the basis of potential is nonsensical.
  18. I'm sure that I heard either Parkin or Walls talknig about that their only regret in footy was the way they let blokes know that their careers' were over. Hated it, worst part of the job and one that is very hard to get 'right' while having many ways to get wrong.
  19. Second best post in this thread. I'm still loving the Miranda Kerr post from AoB
  20. This is the best post of the year to date. It may well win the gong of best post of the year.
  21. Funny. for a story that would be big news, it is not on the HS site, the Age or backpagelead. Just Eddie spouting. And we all know that he doesn't see any problems with being president and journo. Until we see it signed, it has not happened and is not happening.
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