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Everything posted by timD

  1. timD

    Neil Craig

    Tech people help! I've looked at the SEN site and see the I/V with craig but cannot get it to play. There is no indication of the length of the I/V on the screen. What do I need to do?
  2. Anthony, I hope you are right. I thought Davey's year was awful. His body language did suck. His effort came and went. All sorts of stuff can be going on that the average supporter cannot and need not know...so what we see is all we have to make decisions on. Much like Brad Green, Davey had a year that fell way way way below standards that he (and us) set. No-one hopes he is finished, and everyone would hope that he has a better year next year.
  3. It would not be a favour -his head would not be there and they need complete focus. It also doesn't help us at all. Pretty simple really.
  4. Yep, because gary lyon would want another Bailey after his clearly positive attitude about him...
  5. Ummm, listen captain high-and-mighty, if you can prize you head free for just a sec, he was having a crack at your fatalistic, woe-is-me nonsense. Not suicide. Big difference. He was making fun of you, not death. He was making fun of the way you trivilise every issue by being deplorably melodramatic. Not suicide. Take a minute. Take as many as you need.
  6. It's nice to read something so clear-minded when I'm so friggin angry.
  7. Geez, you fair lined him up, Rogue? Something get you shirty enough to come off the long run?
  8. Redleg, I was wondering about meat and maybe some midfield potatoes... Open to suggestions.
  9. My values are honesty and integrity; i believe the footy media.. My values are honesty and integrity; i believe the footy media... My values are honesty and integrity; i believe the footy media.... My values are honesty and integrity; i believe the footy media..... nope, still looks as bewildering as when I first read it.
  10. I'd be trading any and all of Jamar, Sylvia and Petterd. Perhaps not all in one compromised draft year, but I would look to move them all. Thry'd get us something worthwhile. Anyone from port worth stealing?
  11. What has led to you thinking that JT is not a midfielder? Not criticising, just interested.
  12. Stones...glass houses...it all gets a bit messy, really. Like Rono, you might need to be reminded of your greatest hits. Why don't you spend some time telling the kiddies about how you rated Brock Mclean as the next MFC captain because of his "competitive instinct" - remember, you said it was that part of footy that you cannot teach and that Brock had? Or that wonderful summation of Garland being the 2nd worst footballer to wear our guernsey? Ah, what a wonderful thing "instinct-driven" judgement is!
  13. BANG! Why don't you say what you think, Jack, without resorting to metaphor and hyperbole? Remind me never to get you angry (and then leave you near a keyboard). Nice response, BTW.
  14. I listened for 20 minutes and heard nothing new.
  15. What you do in this sort of situation marks you. It is easy to live when living is easy. Now blowing off steam after a debacle is one thing. Everyone's allowed that and christ knows it is the onluy thing that keeps half od you sane after yesterday. BUT It is time for hard heads and cold logic. Impassionaed, self-important tantrums get no-one nowhere. I'll be fascinated to see how things turn.
  16. I hope that no-one would have that attitude. I would guess that the idea was that things can pick up quickly - and more quickly than it can appear at the time.
  17. you have an unfounded crack at a bloke who has done a damn sight more for the club than you. I hope it made you feel better.
  18. It is few things, i think. Geelong are far more mature and better at playing well. WE lost the centre and when that happenend, they anticipated it and got players ahead of the ball. we then were always chasing tail. Our leaders cannot ascert themselves. Our kids got overwhelmed. It then fed itself.
  19. timD


    It really is Rhino. They need to act decisively, cut well, not cut too much and not get too caught in the emotion and humiliation of it. Gee, but I hope their plans are already well in place.
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