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Everything posted by timD

  1. I'd have Oliver ahead of Parish on my limited video footage. Physicality will translate better, agility is better, likes beating opponents and hitting bodies and has the frame to do it. But I wouldn't pick him at 3. 7 yes.
  2. Cop flak from the PCer's? Mate who cares what they say...and frankly you have bigger problems. You don't want to draft someone because you are afraid of being teased. Really.
  3. He is NOW the second best attacking halfback at the club. IF Salem moves into the midfield, Melksham is the best halfback we have. We've just markedly improved out backline for only pick 25, and he is better than Mitchie, Newton, Lamumba, Grimes, JKH, Riley, McKensie, Bail, Matt Jones, Harmes, White etc. For just pick 25. Nah, I think I'll write an angry righteous email to Josh and [censored] about my pain. Where is my waaaahmbulance?
  4. Really? And you felt the need to highlight your lack of grace with a lack of wit? What's the third act?
  5. It really nicely illustrates the folly of the "Jones is an A grade mid" party. He is a solid midfield citizen at best. It also highlights the recruiting black hole the last umpteen years have been.
  6. Yes, because talking about football is indicative of performance during war.
  7. rpfc, I think we've had the conversation about coaches rather than kids, but I might well have forgotten. Either way, I think that the data needs to be used for what it says reliably and validly. I have no idea what it said about darling and neither do you. To suggest that we used data to stay away from darling when neither of us know what it says, who at melbourne looked at it if anyone at all, what they know about psych testing etc is far fetched. I'll say it again: the best single predictor for performance in a job - any job - is IQ. IQ + relevant personality predicts more about job performance than other measure - including interviews, bio-data, job trials, assessment centres etc. This is settled. No-one is arguing. I have faith in Jimmy T. More than i do in Trengove.
  8. The simple answer is that I don't know. I know that certain tests are used and made available AFL-wide after draft camp. I have no idea what the MFC makes of the data, whether they mine it for more info etc. The other important point is that I have no evidence as to whether the data is a useful predictor of long-term performance - it might well be but that is a bit harder to find. Certainly there is nothing published. The better question from my point of view if whether the MFC know what their environment is like and what types generally flourish under it?
  9. THIS+++ The change = maturity. It will take time. He's got the physical/footy skill set. Needs the mental side. I'm very confident he'll get it.
  10. I've seen him present well in defense and try to start or engineer play. HOWEVER it is clear that he is a pretty emotional guy. It will take him time to stop feeling pressure and relax into the roll. I'd guess that we'll see a steady improvement for 1-3 years and then a marked improvement 4-6 years from now. Like Garland. The problem with emotional types is that they make decisions when 'emotional'. Too much emotion = not great decisions. Not necessarily evident as a junior because the environment = less demanding. And yes, all of this is evident on testing and tests are made available to afl clubs post draft camp.
  11. That says everything about your footy brain and nothing about Cale. Not bad for a one liner. Who knows what you could do if you REALLY thought about it?
  12. Terribly sad news. The OP is such a raw, gutsy effort - no b/s, no pretense - just honest and far too real. It's just not right. Cancer is such a bastard of an illness. I'd like to echo jaded and extend my sympathy to his friends and family.
  13. Redleg, I was wondering about meat and maybe some midfield potatoes... Open to suggestions.
  14. I'd be trading any and all of Jamar, Sylvia and Petterd. Perhaps not all in one compromised draft year, but I would look to move them all. Thry'd get us something worthwhile. Anyone from port worth stealing?
  15. What has led to you thinking that JT is not a midfielder? Not criticising, just interested.
  16. Fan, I saw the comment to Redleg...and now I'll be on tenterhooks all day!

  17. G'day Snoop. I like the name. Maintain the rage,



  18. Good for you, twosheds. I've kept my eye on this thread every now and then. I hope the luck stays with you.
  19. H, he's got those attributes you highlight in spade. I watched a littel bit of the coverage yesterday and Phil cleary (SHUTUP) reported a conversation he had with CC. Phil reported that CC reported taht Jack has grown about 3 cms since drafting and put on 7-8kg and that the club could not be happier.
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