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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Actually OD...having read of Smith I'm more inclined to believe Coaches make players...or rather...they determine their careers.
  2. @Rusty Nails why do you think those players arent available ??? ?
  3. Do we...need the $$ that much ?? Get rid of a few nice to have but not absolutely required ppl. But leaner...get meaner Get clever ffs Melbourne. ..bunch of fools
  4. Smokey...there are indeed many valid reasons. That is to say...what has happened had a real cause and a real outcome. Much of this imho isn't ror debate. Where many choose different paths is cause of these reasons. For mine nearly every single facet is traceable to what the FD determined was its way forward. There's that 'design' conotation...again...in my view. What's happened has happened. We now need to devise a better plan, a better way of getting that plan to be effective. Its arguable as to whether those in charge atm...are the best to do this.
  5. The nicey nicey way ..if actually done. And it gets you NOWHERE The whole point of kicking up a stink and playing the game in the media s Eddie or Scott or Jeff etc would is to put that idiot Dill Gil on his back haunches and put the league on notice we simply aren't going to accept this. Thats how you do it.
  6. what other club would sit back ?? You reckon Hawks? Filth ? Windy Hill ? Puddycats ? Norf ? I doubt it ..Demons.....for sure. If there is anything you could safely put money on is we do NOTHING
  7. Interesting you phrase it that way. I can remember watching the Swannies games last year. I can remember turning to a b-i-l ,( who is a Swanny, one of the few that aren't Filth..lol ), and actually making this very comment..."this is farcical, it looks like no one want to take a kick, they're all too scared !! "....and we were... bizarre
  8. we've never REALLY got completely out of the swamp....and thats the problem
  9. Harvey is currently at a functional club, well resourced with an outlook of success. Why would he be keen to go to an essentially dysfunctional one, with half the toys and assets , run by people that make Porpoise Point look normal !! I get he's the prodigal son and all...but he'd be mad imho
  10. I rate Ratten. But the Aints have always been a weird mob..really. You could make a movie
  11. If this club had any gonads..... ( i can just stop there really )
  12. TheAFL is corrupt. ..has been for a long while
  13. then why isnt he playing in the guts...where he's always been..and played best ? I reckon LH and GOOT are onto the reason...he's carrying more than a niggle.. Ive had a bad back most my life now ( since 17 ).. Ive played a lot of sport. It doesnt stop you..but you can have periods where it severely limits you and you do second guess everything. That combined with a possible flare up of OP....well would explain much...except why he's even out there. That's my take.
  14. Or leave him right there and allow him to grow into the shared role . It might take a little while to gel. We're not robbing anyone at the moment...except supporters...robbing them blind. Here we can have real time experience for the dynamic duo.. we're not going to be doing much in september are we.
  15. or...doesnt play at all and goes into rehab ??
  16. If a player is technically fit...but obviously not anywhere near that needed to perform with ability and effect. Why play them ? Its a nonsense Gus maybe able to play. All we get is a shell of the real player. That's clever ?
  17. Food for thought... all discussion of players as such aside. Imagine if we went into games with a coherent sensibility about forward entries and structures.. we plainly and obviously have neither currently We could have won yesterday...all it needed was to stop bombing away and actually enter the 5o intelligently. How many times was that kick to a contest 15-20(out) just so unnecessary. I think I have an idea though why this happens...we have so many who cant kick a bloody football straight more than 40m !!
  18. He ought not be playing simply because he's bloody useless...the others are a different issue I guess
  19. it begs a question: Do you run someone into the ground ...or simply play some lucky kid who'll probably get thrashed...but might not. From my cheap seats it's irresponsible in terms of player management to play Brayshaw if he is so afflicted atm.
  20. George you may well be right. If so..maybe he ought not be playing at all at the moment .
  21. Agree ...we have some very bizarre ideas emanating from the box. Gus is a mid. It's not really that hard...you'd think.
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