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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. No disrespect to the rest of your post.. But this bit stuck out...and sums it up really. That's exactly where our skills and kicking are....local footy team standard. Handballing to poor options. Cant kick a 30m snag to save ourselves... and no real plan of forward entry sans bombs away baby. The comparison to our opposition was enlightening. They hardly needed the field...the boundary line sufficed on more than a few occasions, they invariably stuck their marking...most of their handball targets were moving ( in some purposeful fashion ) Yes we had a crack...then ran out of puff...again. Local footy...yeah i reckon our coaching could hack that ( hell...they hack everything else )
  2. Strangely. As do i...Just give him the help and training. I reckon he has the seeds to griw into a very useful player. He normally yakes a goid grab...today...oh well.
  3. Ok. I have a need to be a tad circumspect but suffice to say the last couple of years of Roos' short stay had a few surprises. Not all went to script. Roos is a proud man with much to be proud of. Jackson was an ignoramus to things football but a very clever man as to business. We should be thankful for both. Not everyone was/is on the same page at the club. Some have their own little game in play. Ill ask a question in lieu of pontificating erroneously. Why do you supposea person so keen on the MFC...is no longer...to the point of handing it a lesson ? Trust me....bears considering.
  4. funny thing is we have no roles for outside mids...consider
  5. There's a number of aspects to this...ONE) Roos IS [censored] off big time. He grew to have a very soft spot for us TWO) he's very much miffed about certain events that happened at Melbourne THREE ) He would /will never return...There are impediments in his way. Yes Roosey makes a pretty good coin. But he's quite passionate about footy. he was once very passionate about us. The only analogy that comes to mind......"a woman scorned" he's no girl though. Some might get this...especially anyone who is au fait with how the club's travelled in recent years. Cheers
  6. Im not sure...maybe someone who was counting could chime in but Lever took a fair swag of intercept marks. I have a theory regarding Jake. I think he's more used to a team where having marked he can look up to any number of decent options....and then he came to us !!
  7. This is a no brainer mind you...our FD is full of it...
  8. picks....talent...whatever...pointless if the FD/Coaching isnt up to scratch. Look what our Box has don to many who could play decent footy (once) The draft is irrelevant to our eventual success....Direction of Football is what is IS all about. Drain the swamp
  9. They...imho certainly do not have more talent than we do. We are squandering that which we have. We have some very decent players, who in the main seem great misdirected in terms of what the ought to be doing on a paddock. What we lack is depth. Carlton ought to be choking on our dust....and yet....
  10. I was perturbed tttt by his kicking... He's been a much better hitter of leather than he seems of late. That everyone except our Brains trust knew about where and how to kick here ...at our HOME ground ....is reprehensible. Ive new thought Goodwin gets it...not at the level he's allowed to exert influence. He's a people person...a proud footballer no doubt ....but he's more a tinkerer than a holistic planner... He's under equiped.
  11. of course not...its the Vibe...It's Mabo !! this isnt directed at anyone in particular As it happens I thought a handful showed a bit more verve. Only an idiot would have played that magnificently coiffured Fritcsh anywhere other than the forward arc....yet supposedly being returned there is a master stroke. By our coaching standards it is..How sad. I dont know how Max keeps his composure..Id be beyond frustrated being among the few to know how to play the game properly. I see ANB put in a few decent minutes....and then went back to normal. That of itself is fascinating...How do you know what to do one minute...then brain fade the rest ?? And does he actually know how to spoil in a marking contest...does he ?? Brayden Brayden Brayden.....ahhhhhhhhh Hunt was a trier...but it seems like so many lack the resolve to back themselves at ever so crucial moments. Is it a team thing...is it just poor coaching...I have my suspicions. May...best game . Lever not out of sorts entirely...but still costly occasionally. That will get better Im sure ( I hope ) I didn notice there wasn't the obscene compulsion to just bomb away but its still the most used option. Eagles kept their kicks a lot lower . Theres a very good reason for that. We dont give each other much space. Eagles had a paddock at times...we had a couch for two. We do some ridiculous things at times and I wonder why. I dont think anyone could make any passing commentary on the game without involving the maggots. Remarkable...truly. such a disparity and imbalance between what THEY could do with seeming impunity and should we dare look at the ball the wrong way...kapow !! It was blatant...irrefutable....and not the only occasion. May might lambast Gus but truly I thought he was ok in the main.. He was #1 victim imho of some very 'different' umpiring. We have a lot of bog average players dont we....good match for the box
  12. @Macca it was Macca that instigated Watts going. (Not you...that other one lol )
  13. @Lucifer's Hero Well done....seriously. ..you get it. Going to my old walking stick called "by design" you've just nailed the two principal designers. There's a couple of other accomplices but youve nailed the ringleaders. Many here will simply not believe you.
  14. you may wish to merge with an earlier thread
  15. Too much for something that approaches football.....and doesn't resemble manic dodgems ? I do sense however the Eagles will control the ball, control the tempo and therefore the game. We might fly out of the gate with delusional exuberance to the chorus of euphoric rapture but it never lasts long. I'd be content today if we can just exhibit some intelligence with the ball......again....too much ?
  16. Wouldn't have anything to do with WA and SA being more relevant to the Outback ??
  17. I'll give him this...he painted doom and gloom into something akin Starry Starry night. ..? ( that didn't end well though eh .. )?
  18. I read the thread title and thought.. What....he's been stuffed and mounted !!
  19. This is a very intersting area i feel. Im not sure there's too many other elite professional leagues of any sport that seem to be placing such an emphasis on coaching development. And by this i refer to the new buzz thing of doing the AFL coaching academy thing to get your bit of paper to go coach...at the highest level. Coaching dev IS a good thing in general. It affords the opportunity for many at many levels to become familiar with "best practices " and to provide a resource that would for many be unavailable. I see that as more of a tool used holistically over the game. Does this make you a good Snr AFL coach ? I dont see why tbh. The best coaches simply have the best foitball brains and the ability to surround themselves with like minded who can do the day to day stuff. All these sporting codes.. all these successful coaches...what they have in common is nouse. ..not a made up bit of paper. Of course good coaches continue development. Only a fool stops learning. There is surely a difference though between further development and thatvwhich is rwquired to be manifestly capable in the first place.
  20. You're in luck today BBO.... i see a jolly good flogging one way or another. That which the Pies were able to bring to bear ( against WCE ) we lamentably lack..i.e a forward line. Eagles HAVE a backline. We're playing deckchairs currently to the sounds of a Three penny orchestra. Simpson will have reloaded and re-sighted. Id love to win but this doesn't bode well. Eagles in a canter
  21. Make no mistake @Lucifer's Hero weareat the desperate stage. Way past wallpapering over cracks...
  22. I think you're right Moonie I said last year that i thought Hogan would have his problems, that he'd never fulfill his potential, that he'd never play a full season for us or anyone. That's not a slight as such upon the lad just an observation based upon his fitness and disposition towards the game. I sense he does enjoy being in Perth far more. Thats good for him. I was glad to see him leave us and i still think he has a potential that will never be realised fully.
  23. Jones WILL get another year...I'll just leave it at that. Says it all.
  24. where's the line ...points ...for a flogging ?? I sense BBO could be mildly disappointed
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