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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I see my Milkshake's been thrown in the bin. Im still not inclined to go too tall.. (fwd) bombing it in in the wet hasn't been the success the brains trust expected. Im leaning towards Tomlinson in ( frees up Lever somewhat )to reshape the backline more like it used to be when it worked. Bit of at a loss as to who boosts the fwd line now.
  2. Bugger.... buggger..... buggrr
  3. We had a perfectly good and near impenetrable backline...that wasn't broken... But we fixed it anyway......
  4. You're correct.. looked at scores wrong. Mea culpa We've seemingly forgotten how to kick. How many people over the eons have lamented...if we'd only kicked straight ?? It is a fundamental without doubt.. Had Port done so it would have been a drubbing ( was really.... ) Had Richmond... different story... These are always the sliding doors results. Reality is our kicking has dropped off... very poor atm. Frustration, confidence, fatigue ??? Ive no idea We're playing raggedly...and getting ragged. Will need to improve markedly and quickly or we'll be the team that gets others back on track.
  5. Many of those points accumulated bashing up rubbish opponents. Last two outtings of 11.10 and 10.12. We went from not losing a 4th qtr.. to losing 2 straight. Thats a derailment. Is the strategy to effectively shoot ourselves in the feet now ?
  6. Tbh... And its not said purely for any flippance points.... i truly struggle to see any coherent strategy or style to our footy presently. Im not sure you could get amore disjointed ineffective effort if you tried. Its a bit like watching someone trying to assemble IKEA but using the instructions from 3 other different items.
  7. Weather update Friday Showers expected afternoon and evening. Bodes well.... us be the wet weather experts.
  8. Thats tough... at least it thaws after a few days. My point was simply too many jump to the assertion that its all gauged as negativity. For me its all about the reality... ...that is then seemed/deemed as either positive or negative by those of the different camps. Bit like the old glass half full/empty scenario. I just say its at 50%..... bit like Melbourne currently. All good .
  9. Can you two get that sorted..... cheers 👍
  10. Im finding it hard to figure you out here Mr Leg... are we that eccentric AP5 devotee.... Cant see you as a fluffy dice Charger driver...but hey ✌ Think youre possibly just a Hemi kinda guy 😉
  11. I applaud conviction.👏👍 Going to be a very interesting month. Hopefully not too many TVs destroyed and not too much hair pulled.
  12. Where did that go ??? Seriously.. was breath of fresh air footy.. it flowed, players connected,...overlaps...you know ....all the good stuff !!! And here we are...crudsville... Coaching gone Stale for 500 ....
  13. Would you put your lefty on it ?? I certainly wouldn't. Nothing is a given currently the way we play/lose Port...undermanned... Freo..... on our ground..... We've bashed up a few.. yippee kyay. We should be a good...really good side. We're not. We're struggling..... struggling to put 4 qtrs together... 3 qtrs.. 2 qtrs.. We're lucky to put in ONE decent 30 minute effort. If it rains or the ball dewy/slippery ...our skills ( as they are ) go out the window and down the gurgler. We've two of the best Ruckmen going round... we have Mids that make Fantasy players salivate...or otherwise... we cant take the ball out of the middle most the time... why is that. No one should take any game for granted...
  14. If he's reasonably mobile id have TMac in defence... he has experience and understands the game... much better than some other choices... he can kick to a penny.. not so some others. I like Milkshake ..on certain days conditions/games. We have to box clever. Horses for courses.. Stop bombing.. lower eyes... a little tempo. Ffs it's not that fricken hard .. outer suburban league coaches know this..
  15. That will bite you on the [censored] bigtime. B+ at least .. all can kill you in not respected.
  16. Jurrah diidnt need a defensive game.. He was/is still the most mercurial forward i have ever had the pleasure to witness...of any team... any year. The guy was football magic.
  17. I thinking we dont go too tall. Many may lampoon... and ill wear it. Im going very left field.. bring in Milkshake. Word him up ;) He has X value potential....and isnt fazed by a wettish dewy slippery ball. Thoughts ???
  18. Ahead of your time Uncle... I'm not surprised. 3 on the tree ?
  19. Yes having your Scooter....i mean Sandman nicked would have been salty
  20. Almost impossible to tackle... but sandwich crunch...sadly.. ( the very reason i despise the [censored] and [censored] to this day )
  21. Whats the forecast, day and evening for the CBD Friday ?
  22. @Bitter but optimistic did you find your vehicular transport ( or scooter, I'm unsure as to which ) where it was left ( and intact ) after returning from Saturday's excursion ?
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