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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Are you agreeing or naysaying...hard to tell with such a glib comment. Football isnt that complicated. If you disagree perhaps try putting a few reasoned words together and offering an alternate view. Im happy to read it.
  2. Nupp They are what they are and that is corrupt . Maybe life is softer in Romsey
  3. No logic is logic It's undeniable. What you refer to might possibly be called ...opinion... that...is subjective
  4. Logic is logic Its not ever subjective It is because it is.
  5. The run home is coined from racing. It refers to the race left after turningbthe last turn ( of note ) It can vary somewhat from racecourse to racecourse but essentially is the same. As it's been borrowed... then the reference is simply from wherever you are .... as obviously teams are not horses and seasons not courses. It's this side of a euphemism . Arguably some might consider our real turn for home to occur after the KBW ( has merit ) But really...from where we are.. :)
  6. You have a problem with logic ?
  7. We need Carlscum lawyers... But it wouldn't matter.. the AFL is corrupt
  8. It's corrupt... you know it is. You're not stupid,you're reasoned. You understand things as they are. What do you see ?? X ends in Y... if certain clubs. Nonsensical citations result in Z if certain clubs. Media... Zzzzzzzzzz Sorry... Accredited media... ZZzzzzzzzz This is all bought and sold.
  9. The run home is from where ever you are.... to home :)
  10. Ill be waiting for the revulsion in the media come the morning.... Itll be there ??? Yeah ??? Surely ??? This is where the club needs to call it out...someone has to.... Won't matter to us...we're marked. But for christ sake have a go... Put it out there... the non accredited press will pick it up... theyll love it. Say nothing ...expect same. AFL...beyond corrupt
  11. Youre kidding arent you... just deliberately provocative..lol You control the ball. Might mean slowing the the process.. its called tempo. You direct shorter infusions. You dont do what we currently do...just kick it in hope. Thats beyond dumb. You only kick to a contest where the odds are in your favour. We cant cut a sandwich to save ourselves currently... so maybe go back to what we can Theres the old adage... you can only do/change/impact that which you can. We don't...we just blaze away... stupidity to the Nth. Almost like Kenny... know when to hold....know when to fold... otherwise....if your leads aren't "on".. go sideways ...wait for the gap. Currently we're dumber than [censored]
  12. Ya think ... Ffs how bloody obvious does this have to get. He's got no new clue.
  13. Words fail.. AFL is a bunch of [censored] This is what we're dealing with. Seriously losing interest in the game Bunch of [censored]
  14. Prefer the 245 ..265 ?? I digress... because cars are more fun here :)
  15. As many will no doubt atest... I'm a little old school. By that i subscribe to keeping much of anything as simple and relevant as can be. A simple rule of thought i was taught years ago.... a goal prevented is worth at very least a goal scored. In the nature of the game it can be more. I played 95% as a forward...kpf.. a little in the guts as Ruck ( hated it tbh ...i digress ) I was taught footy by some greats...household names of the time... but was eons ago... The thinking i suspectof opposition is to negate our goals whils we're a shambles...and we are. Significantly we're also troubled down back. As such we cant control the ledger in either direction. This is where the Brains Trust need to act... Fix up one end at least...give us a running chance. We were brilliant both ends...and the middle. What exactly does that leave us ? I'm picturing the monkey trying to put a plug in one elephant....but the reality is 3 monkeys are needed... and nothing is hapoening I'm not despondent...is what it is... Does ANYONE see us winning any part of the ground ???
  16. I really dont have that confidence. If we are top 4 we are trending upwards...and who knows... I really dont like our footy atm... i cant see a positive.
  17. How about we develop a strategy that DOESN'T involve lobbing bombs into very tall forwards... I know daft huh.. Then you can go more for players that have craft and skills... Even sillier i know. We NEED to evolve
  18. Do we know what he's told to do ?? Might give context 🤷 Certainly less effective
  19. Very likely youre right.. very likely not to happen any time soon.
  20. We've been worked out....now we get worked over.. Meanwhile brains trust still living in the cuckoo cloud of 2021. What is truly frustrating and irritating is weve seen alternative play ( style..game..whatever ) and then it went.. poooff into the ether
  21. be very verrryyyy careful about saying things like that !!! ;)
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