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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Evidently not. Whose idea to bring in Petty ? Not up to match speed . A long wet night. Brilliant decision. Tommo should be ropable. Can we find some forwards whos middle name ISNT yip !! We stuffed up nearly every wet game this year. Well done Box ;) We aren't the team some think we are and definitely not the team we need to be. Get cracking Simon, fix your mess.
  2. Windy Hills urinal circumnavigated the oval ;) If youd been there, you'd know
  3. None... Petty to get some game k's under his belt in magoos has to be far more appropriate. Who ever takes that defensive role tomorrow night will be run ragged. So yeah...lets bring in the underdone guy !!!
  4. Step in... lol There the [censored] pepetuating it.
  5. The word " culture".... most apt. This is the crux of the matter.. their culture. The personas...one thing.. the context was the over-riding culture of the club.
  6. I cant for the life of me understand why any would swap out Hibbo for Bowey.. Would Bowey have been capable of doing the job on Collingwood?? Pigs A ... ;) Imo.. Bowey only plays when Hibberd CAN'T
  7. I think you're right. It's a ruse.. psuedo winge about something that's never going to change ;) I am.one who thinks the slightly longer breaks between games as opposed a "big break" is preferable. Sorry Max...go to work
  8. They shouldn't have had any option. Its just [censored]
  9. Just me perhaps.. surely back via the ressies to get some match time.
  10. He is NOT our ally/friend. And he's fn useless. Whoever is engaging him needs their head read.
  11. Tbh... not a lot of diff... just saying.
  12. So who's taken over the ducking role for them ? ....
  13. Suspect itll go 50/50 Oliver in.. Petty to the ressies... just mho
  14. Totally concur with your thinking here. It had occurred to me you'd be able to change the pace a little over those weeks whilst still maintaining some form of cadence..A longer break might break that... About the only way I can think to describe it is if you were going for a run (game).........and along the way slow to a purposeful jog(break )...then back to running ( game )...back to jogging...then running.. The point being at no time do you slow to a walk. ....Which a longer break would do. Interesting thinking Coach
  15. Why ? Because the [censored] are a protected and pampered fav of the AFL. AFL white-ants the MFC. Until we get someone in that place that has our back nothing will change.
  16. Im sure hell come good ..but his season is/surely in doubt. Best he rest/recouperate and Id suggest some family time.
  17. Well....quite.. If Hibbo is going along ok...id leave him alone.. When "needed" Bowey ...imho ...becomes the fillip, possibly.. but not necessarily. I would have Hibbo as the preferred player... if not.... then WHOEVER is the next best. That might be Bowey or it might not be. He only got his chance because he was showing form...at the right time. There may occur another player who is knocking at the door similarly. We need to keep an open mind.
  18. Yep..Time and place for everything..and there will/wouldbe times that warrant going for it...but... For a bloke who has an inate sense of reading the ball he ought to be where it will fall. He would be a 100 times more dangerous...and effective.
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