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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I think you're right on the money, in many respects. The one size fits all nature of tge "fitness" debate simply ignores the Football problems. Our forward game reminds me of schoolyard kick to kick. I just don't see any real methodologies in situ. Pockets are where you try to drive your opposition when THEY have the ball in your attacking arc. They are a last resort ( for sensible footy ) but they seem our preference. I was fascinated to hear ( truly ) that some forward leading drills were happening at training. Are they then directed like a jury to disregard all that learning come game day. It bloody looks that way . Why do our forwards crowd each other...or worse . ..interfere with each others attempts to mark. Some folk retort...oh...but ... we're 4th and good %. That ignores the trend. Most of that % was banked earlier and its been slowly eroded.
  2. Hardly.. We'd more likely extend Goody's contract instead......
  3. Who'd da thunk such things..... The opposition apparently..
  4. The Age...are aged.. Kozzie far from the best....unless Cameo is a voting category
  5. Biceps in legs....learn something every day
  6. In some 3rd person ,parallel universal perspective.... Kozzie IS a very goid crumber. He has bizarre and tra capabilities to read and cajole the ball. These things are all 2nd nature to him. So why is he underperforming ( by his own created standards ) ??? It'd a question not only worthy of answering...but necessary to fix....otherwise a squandered talent. Has he been.. "melbourned" ... i hope not.
  7. Zak got 5 votes from both coaches. Man of the match. We need to make better decisions. Viney to him might have worked but Jacks efforts are more valuable..imho.. possibly what the box thought.. who knows. Id have sent some Terrier with a tank.to just wear him as best as can.... just niggle him.. even Spargo could do that. Anyway...my point was we cant rely on our game alone. All well and good to back in.our blokes....need to lift eyes and accommodate theirs too ...at times.. jmo.
  8. No its not... not ar all. Not conversant with the goings of the Port Game ? A certain adversarial player was opening us up. So much so even our brains ( sic) trust gave consideration to him. Then decided to leave him alone. That is nor my summary..that's on record ( somewhere) The man who allowed Butters free reign... Simon Goodwin. In life you can only control ( affect ) the things you can. Here he [censored]'d up. He clearly didnt give due respect to the player. Others have . You might disagree... your prerogative.
  9. Is it just me.. there's something about Clarry....
  10. That Butters....goes ok .....eh Goody
  11. Our greatest rival.... Surely it's the AFL itself. Think about it
  12. Crossed fingers and toes. Simply shouldn't be there.
  13. Our last 3 games......havent cracked it for more than 8 goals.. Not trending so well
  14. Thanks Kev Out of further interest... were there particular players delivering to those leads ?
  15. Thanks Kev. Always appreciate your efforts...to go, and to report. Cheers. I am dead curious what this foward drill/setup is. Now some may think that's a purely dismissive/derogatory enquiry.. But I'm genuinely interested. Is there something we actually train?.. only to not happen ? We do actually have pattern drills ?? Thanks again Kev 👍
  16. According to Max there was no bye.... Did we, didn't we 🤔🤔🤔🤷
  17. Agree... should be playing at the G. We had elements of good play , too few and far betwee. In many respects I feel the scoreboard possibly flattered. We should have been all over this mob. They were particularly less a side with their outs...and then Cameron. By all rights this game should have been put to bed , imho, at 3/4 time had we played the decent footy some imagine we were. The game didn't strike me that way. It looked more like a figurative arm wrestle with two teams trying to find the others Achilles Heel. And then THEY did...and ran away with it. Geelong , undermanned, pushed us over and ran off. We all despise Scott I'm sure... but he's no slouch at this game.
  18. Among many fine points it's this I still have trouble understanding. As you suggest...there's something NQR about much but especially this. Footy if nothing else, for mine, epitomises 'mateship' . You're cemented together against the common foe. It ought to be one for all and all for one...always. and then there's us. Tbh...its somewhat embarrassing, and that's just as a member spectating. Can't imagine how you'd feel abandoned on the field.
  19. @WalkingCivilWar you agree/object ? Where do you place blame and fault, especially our dysfunction in the fwd 50... actually dysfunction from kicking in invariably. I find it odd we played quite well, and differently in our preseason games..and v Pies.. all other games is some mess of predictability and hail Mary's into the 50. We have to be one of the easiest teams to coach against imho... its just not all teams have the list needed. Those that do cut us open..some not enough qtrs...some can. Players dont invent their own game. Its instructed. They are fed a game plan. The overall idea is designed by the coach...that IS his job. He then commands his line coached to implement their aspects. Players then practice said game and play it to their best against the opposition. Often it's lamented ...the player positioned poorly or didn't do this...or that. The reality is 90% of the time they're doing exactly what they've been told. Yes, there is the aspect of players NOT doing as well as the intended idea . But itsvery easy to see our general style. We can see when player A or B either has a day out, or one he'd rather forget but they're only doing what theyre told. That we can see difference at times is not some spontaneous mass" pop up" performance it's because the instruction has changed. Im sure most of the players play thir hearts out. Im sure many are trying their best but are given a set-sheet which often extinguishes flair and regular footy nouse. Who do you( or anyone ) blame when the Box observes , acknowledges a problem then determines to do nothing ? .. Butters being an example. On thurs no one sent to curb Rohan. Who controls how we play if it isnt Goodwin ( and Co ) ? I'm interested Cheers
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