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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I actually think he might make an interesting player.... and not just because his Hawthorn mad Aunty is a friend of ours ..lol.... but because he has footy nouse.. I'm not sure id be playing him going into the finals as a look see. I think he needs another good solid preseason and THEN a block of games early in the next season....just my thoughts
  2. His form wasn't as good as now. He'll get offers
  3. He has opinions He feels entitled.. There...fixed
  4. Twas early days... they're flying well now... eh.. Couldn't land on a carrier the size of the G
  5. They could have suggested he had "heightened giddiness" .. needed the vapours ;) It was indeed ridiculously cruel. I dont think many other coaches would have left him off. You're a limited time in the sun....footy. Some longer than others. He's still relatively young. You'd have to getting your manager to have a look around.
  6. Think if I'm Rat....I'm putting the feelers out 😉
  7. Putting my Capt Obvious cap on now......... We've see only too recently how a season's/final's campaign can run into the ground through injury. This year will be no different.. Hopefully we're getting players back ( in time ) to bolster our ranks... Other teams have avoid injuries too. They say there's a fair amount of luck in this game... Hopefully ours is better than others We've seen a fair few players rotate through our selections this year. That might even provide a dividend later. Still much to be played out before September
  8. But what if in all seriousness and sincerity all the Club CAN say is... you're a highly valued meber of this club...there are only a certain amount of positions that are available week in /week out that your role/ability is suited. Ply you craft, train hard, play well and you'll be picked upon merit/requirement.....and thats it...... or Welcome James...heres your weekly pass !! Sometimes it just IS !!
  9. We're/you're never going to get fair market value all the time as players exit. We can only view it truly i feel as a holistic exercise... i.e...overall...are we better off or not ...across all in an outs of a season. I think you strike at the heart of the matter... what's best for James. All the besr to the lad ...here...or elsewhere...
  10. Yep.... a lot will be about matchups. Pig can play tall and small... Tomo a much better fillip in the 3 muskateers down back than Smith ...imho. Mighty hard for some players now .
  11. A lot of competition for these spots. We can't keep them all.
  12. Not saying anyone wants them. There are other deals you can do to maintain their income. ..all above board. Another perspective...do we really want them to grind themselves into the ground ??..
  13. Mate...there's lots of garbage out there... written about clubs. Is that the basis for republishing it here... just because it's there ?? A lot doesn't even pass the pub test.
  14. Yep...aware of that....no reason a 'deal' cant be made.. If Benny can't get up week to week......who's he doing a favour for ?? Same for Tommy.. As Neil once uttered...there comes a time....
  15. I know Hunter and Langdon most certainly are ;)
  16. Strangely enough a similar thought popped among my little grey cells. I'm still reeling with embarassment tbh...atm
  17. From the esteemed idiots at the HUN "Brodie Grundy would be open to a move to a new club to play ruck if he cannot get back into the Melbourne side playing a combination of ruck and forward." Beggars belief at the incredulity at their being able to fathom exactly what it is he IS at Melbourne to do.....ffs
  18. Ahh ...glasses..... not just a Croweater trait 😉
  19. The poor little duddums.....all drowning in their "floaters"... Ahhhh ..glorious news....great way to start the day. Come Sunday....we're baking pies... 4 and 20 Blackbirds.... they won't be singing
  20. An element to.our demise last season was our continual need to have to play the walking wounded. It was only a matter of time before it all fell in a heap. We should "learn" from this. Let those needing it heal/recouperate...properly. No sense playing anyone who continually hobbling off or anyone whos nqr. Smith seems a handy sub... Id rather play Tomo. Depending on matchup maybe Pig. Not much needs changing for this week... perhaps the gearbox !!
  21. Whats to elaborate thats not before you ? The club is working on its forward game
  22. These articles...( being generous)are absolute tripe. I understand your stance and your query but these "writings" , scribblings are pure beat up. They're the type of rubbish the sporting globe used to produce.... sensationalised bs.. no wonder that rag got torn up and spiked on a nail in outside dunnies on building sites. Strangely....Grundy might have been able to do his craftwork earlier....except some bloke got injured. I know you have little time for the 'experiment '... but it was never meant to produce a fwd star in an instant. You do understand it's about transition and elongation of Maxs time ? To be honest repuplishing this durge is no better than the original clickbaiting.
  23. If i may ask... why are you peddling this [censored] ??
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