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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. careful...you're about to roll into a parallel dimension...where things have to make sense..... just warning you
  2. thats about 10 mins of your life you'll never get back
  3. how is this possibly Taylor's domain ?? Goodwin ... yes, Macca ..yes, ...Viney...yes... some folk in leadership group...yes. Taylor gets to look for talent...spend currency..( and then again not as he only makes suggestions )
  4. it's just hard to trust anything with a Collingwood connection
  5. It's Super...Hunt !! Able to run faster than a locomotive.( well metro ...not too hard ) .. fly for a mark ( sometimes ) kick further than a Pyongyang missile. By day an average guy...on weekends he dons his favourite headband and takes on all enemies !! Too much ??
  6. If nothing else...we haggle. Our offer just changed ? 10 and a third rounder Sign quick while we can be bothered !
  7. Always was....and change possibly.( Swap of picks ) 10 AND 27 is bloody generous. Adelaide, gone from Grange grandeur to Goon grumps.
  8. There is a lot in this. Must be a very sour taste in mouth current for the lad. Id be feeling dead awkward turning up Monday night knowing all those eyes are on you, all the whispers. Be a real mixed bag of feelings. Its easy to fotget hes only midway or so through his twenties. A lot of people are quick to hang it on him. Hes far from the perfect footballer but hes an ok guy , well liked, quick to be community involvemed. Just making his way in the world except unlike the majority of us he does this under a constant spotlight with many just salivating at the suggestion of a trip up. I think he handles himself with great aplomb all things considered. He wont be in Red and Blue next year. I think it might have been 3 or 4 so months ago i posted something along the lines that it wouldn't surprise me ( back then ) if he was elsewhere next season. The wolves were circling, baying for blood, needing their sacrifice to the "culture gods" . The Spanish Inquisitors would be most impressed. There's so much of a " he's innocent if drowned, otherwise burn him" about Jack's journey. Brought in as the Saviour and pilloried for be just a good player, not the dilverer of success. Hes human , not an Adonis after all. He was/is always just a player. He's been judged and sentenced upon the demands imposed by a club and its fans starved of glory. So when the truth outed ; he's not the Messiah, just a naughty boy (as judged by those looking for someone/something to personify a clubs frustration ,and failure )...it was inevitable....Stone him, Stone him ! After the bloodletting and the mopping up at the Alter of Expectation the Club, its administration, its football creationists are going to have to damn well succeed lest the gaze and scorn fall upon them.( Where probably it ought be all along ) Seems prevalent among human conditions to seek an entity other than yourself to justify action. MELBOURNE will need to own everything about this,learn and move on. History's page will always be there to remind us, and them.
  9. Sydney and Geelong have won Premierships this century. Yes they think differently. More fool them then
  10. I edited the rest as in al honesty its superfluous. Nuts/bolts It seems the Dees want to trade Watts. Thats the reality. Making a mess of it.... another.
  11. What position...who does he displace ? Buggered if I know. Has he been told ?
  12. I noticed you didn't actually say there was none at MFC
  13. You really think.. just laughable ? Interesting. Personally i think theres a bit to this. Jacks been setup ( partly with his own doings ) to be scapegoated out the door. Looks like club had all but spent its il gotten gains on getting other players. Shame Jack never got that memo. Good bad or indifferent he just wants to play football for the Dees...and he can...up to club whether 1sts or magoos granted. Little oversight there at AAMI A lot of bullshlt emanating from MFC at the moment. Hope they pay more attention to the rest of this summers dealing.
  14. All's well at Nth Adelaide it seems
  15. Top effort chaps. Enjoyed catching the odd podcast too.
  16. With the kids you often get glimpses of what might be. Someone wake me up when that happens
  17. I understand all of that. He still has a year to run on contract , some others don't. Easy to let loose of them. That's another view perhaps. I'm still stuffed to know where he could play meaningfully at AFL level and who would be pushed aside. What he does well at VFL level we can cover at AFL level. I dont see his way in. He'd have to lift enormously to be able to bash doors down. I just dont see that happening. (No animals ,trees or myths were intentionally disparaged ) T & C's apply spoken by me ( you cant cant hear it )
  18. Try reading Saty.. Disparaging I dont think. Calling a spade a spade that is all. A 3ft ruler is not a Metre. Both will help you , but only one is a metre. Ill leave you to ponder that.
  19. Now we're getting close. Me being, well , me , would want their future 3rd back as well. Mahoney is pretty well on the money. Has been on many occasions. A shrewd haggler
  20. Keep in mind. Mr Watts has a contract. He can scupper anything he wishes. So well thought through Melbourne !!!
  21. Was drafted as a fwd...lets keep that going
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