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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Does that make Jack >>>> Lowbacca ...Lowie...a ...Jedi !!
  2. if not maybe 'easy'...possibly it might have been the "quick' one But I can see the tautology
  3. Ruck depth ? We have none...depth. Im not sure that is as much a worry as it used to be. That said , how long would Pedo be utilised as a fill in..or would you want to pressgang TMac too often ? I'm still leaning on the side of a good ruck is better than none. But we only have the ONE fair dinkum ruck atm.
  4. This whole saga reminds me of tabloid 'urgency' , of how the lowly sensationalist type shows would conduct an interview then subsequently change the grabs of questions and answers, rearrange in an edit to showcase and promote a different version. The facts and effects are indeed all there. The construct morphed with someones script change.
  5. Or equally if not more likely given our happiness to pay that the concept of a ' trade' here was a nonsense. He was packed up and shipped off. Thats all. Melbourne would have abd did take ANYTHING as it suited the situation. People are coming at it very wrongly if they suppose this was ever about what we might get lol. I understand why the powers that be reached the crossroad. We ( well the current overseers of the FD brainstrust ) seem to not want to utilse Jack. Another will. I get it.
  6. 55. You seem to have your faculties but are all of you that incapable of seeing whats before you. Of looking at the club , looking at whos come in and gone over say the period of the 'resurrection'. ( The time from PR on ) ? How the influence of some has changed. Maybe not for the better. Maybe elements of deja vu compared to other club(s)? L36 smacked a nail on the head when he suggested BM has his fingerprints all over this. No doubt. BM can do "wonders" say the desciples. He also got given marching orders. Lets look to how Bevo revitalised that list , how Hardwick changed his tune for their better. Weve gone the 'other' way . It would seem the Chameleon Goodwin now takes his cue from McC where before he had a wiser mentor in Roos. I wish and hope for Melbourne success. Thats all. I also wish Jack well.He was extremely poorly treated by our club in the end. I have my doubts about our ability to produce the best out of our list currently. Time will tell. Hope im wrong.
  7. Not his alone...but he'll wear it. Can start with the last game perhaps. I agree with thos thinking 14 is a sort of reality as a ceiling. Richmond might be a surprise...they may back up and go deep into finals. Essendon loom as an undeserving success. Port worry me. I think Adelaide may surprise most by going backwards at a rate of knots. Dont see our window open yet.
  8. Ill offer an alternative...as a devils advocate. Youre in agreement perhaps with that which has been presented. I can fully understand why anyone would be frustrated with Jack for the first 7. I certainly was. The past two seasons have been pretty good really barring injury. Interesting that those making the 'takedown" judgement haven't really been here that long but employ his history as reason to move him on. Strikes me a tad odd. You're entitled to your view, mine is mine. I see X happening and Y as the reason to move him on. This FD is far from deserving of any free pass in any of this. Much of their rhetoric is rubbery and looks to have been manipulated to serve and end. I hope they dont stuff too much more up. Seems odd to me the supposed reasons for pushing out Jack are totally ridiculed by the intentions of his suitors. Im sure Ken Hinkley expects as much of his players as Goodwin.
  9. You know i reckon he might have some reasonable credentials here. You talk of emotions..isnt that what a dinky di signed up member is supposed to possess whilst swallowing the club's koolaid ? There's knowledge..and theres supposition.
  10. Yep...think you might know something...and some lol Well played sir . The force is strong with you.
  11. Do you ? The premise to hold firm is just as valid. It is.:)
  12. Just because it's the silly type of thing we'll apt to do...that is, unpack the Crystal Ball and dream. I think it's as fair game to do this now as any. I really can't see the draft having any real impact for teams in 2018; it take a little while. Footy , akin to playing Snakes and Ladders...some up, some slide down, some evade gaze and make steady progress while others come back to earth with a thud. Some just don't go anywhere. I've added some basic polls ..Happy to add more. So what are your thoughts... Over to you p.s Q7 is multiple choice if you wish to select more than 1
  13. something we may never know is was there any real opportunities that simply eluded us but given the path we went with the period it's a reasonable question to wonder if we pulled the trigger a little too keenly. Doesnt really matter now. It's over...( until next year where some effect will raise it's head I suppose )
  14. In reality they may not be like the rest...as they may actually know something. Clear comprehension not your forte ? Many here don't know anything and it's all pure opinion. Some DO know some things and speak to them, not always in a matter of fact way though. The 'rest' as you would have lump everyone is erroneous. Some might know something without knowing everything of a situation. Yes, it all borders on observational semantics. Only Paul Connors knows what Paul Connors knows and that's about the only statement that's unequivocal about all of this. That is..what it is. As to Jack, well, last one out turn the light off.
  15. submitted at 2.01 I believe
  16. That of itself is a ridiculous conclusion. To go further along your own line unless you know either how do you know what they DO know There might be any number of people that have a window to what is going on. So much is assumed by so many people. It's a little bit like folk believe things happen as they do on film or tv only to find reality either far more confronting or far more tiring waiting for anything to actually happen. There's a lot of herd mentality to believing in things. One of the key 'sells' in anything is to sell an idea, vision etc. Often the facts let things down. Of those two... Ive not real idea what PD actually knows ....but he seems he might be quite adept at interpolation. COMB has a very different view and who knows, just strikes me as someone who might know something. Actually...theres a few lurking that I suspect might know something. I even have a sneakier suspicion there are some here who DO know something , but may not have said ANYTHING !! One thing I am happy to believe..the MFC like just about all in Footy more often skirts or evades truths than adheres to them. So theyre probably the last I'll believe.
  17. Fair enough...didnt see too many. Unusual for a highlight reel.
  18. Watt do you reckon Lobbe would be on ?
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