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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. The Funny thing Ernest...is two things I detest are Heat and Humidity...in many ways I travel under sufferance. I hate summer. Im only going as Im assured there'll be constant access to cooling liquids or a pool...or both...or similar. The good lady as does much or her brood relishes Qld... I'm really not a fan though Coolum in early Autumn is quite pleasant. We bloody live 100m from the beach...if i stand up I can just about see it..It holds no mesmerising allure for moi. ( though the Dog does rather enjoy a frollick ) We've just bought land in Venus Bay...I get to spend 6 months next year..building a house...by the f*&^%$!!! beach.. Im over them...lol A cool mountain stream with vistas of mountains, snowcapped.....ahhhhhh now we're talking but the Bright build is still years away ...so alas...Ill go to bloody qld...but dont expect me to enjoy it (well not too much )...apparently its some place near the mirage.. so not too shabby ( bloody doesnt want to be lol ) I of course as I feel sheepish leaving you all will keep you informed daily about the suffering. Im informed one doesnt wear crocs up there.....in fact crocs are to be avoided entirely.....apparently the beach will be in 'stinger' season...i mean wtf is the attration lol... No lets go snorkelling... in teeth infested waters.. We're not that bright we humans are we.... the bubbles better be chilled thats all I can say.......
  2. Must confess i can't remember a time i was less interested in this time of year. One assumes all residences within cooee of Goschs are either razed or in the process. Supposedly something happens Friday but if we still rely on this as a panacea we've gone nowhere. If anyone from this plays for us in 2018 we're in strife so ill only bother a quick perusal for familiarity prior to our festive supper and then its back to the Beanos !! The good wife has booked us into some silly snorkeling upon the Reef during our venture nth nextvweek ..i expect it's what we tourists must do...i wonder if its Mai Tais , Mojitos or Margueritas for lunch on such excursions. The wonder is deliciously exciting. Cricket these days seems as exciting as....crickets. Think im starting to understand Gils attraction to that Chukka past time. At least they have bubbles !! Well...i see the Trolls are up and at it in other threads. Think I'll leave that alone and savour the sanctuary of civilised , if obscure, nutterings of the varied eccentric raconteurs that on occasion take respite among us. There is of course all you lot too
  3. Absolutely nothing. Sorry. They are a commercial entity not a charity. I await the howls.
  4. I only know my wife to be wifey....am not au fait with your hobby Am blissfully ignorant of your better knowledge
  5. Id be disowned Ernest should i ever wear a pair of 'budgies' Tbh. Id disown myself !!! In deference to impending trip north...and likelihood of spending much time in pool and with the departure of 'that bloke' i thought id buy some of his Boardies ...hoping they'd fit !! If they don't fit I'm cactus...if they do fit I'm...cactus....with a bar near a pool....am bound to be........?? They fit.... I'll still be cactus ??? At least wifey can innocuously ask around... "anyone seen my cactus hubby ?"
  6. Funny you say that Ernest.... my new Togs arrived today. Should be just the thing for imminent trip north
  7. As Uncle Bitters has gone to such lengths to besmirch us all I should clarify my preference. My choice would normally lean towards bubbles and the office cooler is pictured. My preferred Veuve declined to associate with plastic and left it the tawdry Coldstream Chandon mob to provide. I'll slum it with Billy or Bollie if one must...and sometimes one....must. Bit warm for a red. Excuse me...have to pack for Jolly ol Port D Cheers big ears
  8. Well wake me when it's dining time at Hu's Wu's or wherever Yu's are going. Footy a bit boring till then.... Toodle pip
  9. You know as much as I O.D. Also, heard houses still standing...sounds omenous
  10. My god...that looks suspiciously like a.... MELBOURNE jumper...wtf !!
  11. At what point though is it reasonable to take the foot off 'developing' as it were and start 'doing' with what's developed ? It seems to me some FDs are so caught up in the notion of draftings and Munyanas that they never actually pull the trigger...its always 'next year' or such. I applaud Hinkley and Co for having a crack. I wish we would.
  12. Those smoking the good stuff just don't want to acknowledge this DJ...apparently this is an ok draw
  13. Within your commentary you actually provide proof of my narrative. If you can differentiate you'd get it.
  14. I don't mind a good conspiracy but alas this one sounds shonky. Then again that could be the AFLs motto. The dlckheads have just handed us an abysmal fixture should one be hoping to build attendence or membership. Someone else duly and poignantly observed it's a blueprint for buy a 3game membership !! Think we'll do well if we can keep 40k. When even the senile rag openly questions overlooking us for prime time you just know the fix is in. There's your real conspiracy !!
  15. Thanks Gil...is this payback for calling you out as "insert word of choice" ?? That fixture is a bucket of shlt. Anyone would think Carlscum had influence ?? A couple of decent days...and that's all. Just rubbish year after year.
  16. No idea how he'll go but happy to see someone else.
  17. Its almost as though Dland is trolled ! A number of us suggested this exact answer. Good.
  18. Im glad Max is with us ( shame the league isnt ) but hes far from teh most important cog in the wheel despite what many might think. You ARE most definitely better off with a good Ruck, but you are far FAR better off with BETTER Midfielders. If you have both....and the nod of the umps on the day...good things should come
  19. Dont be stupid OD...Santa told me she's a crock !!
  20. Now we have Max for the duration...can we get the Umps to "chill" ??
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