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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Backline...setup... structure.. Sorry...fell off perch laughing seeing those three words together !!!
  2. A game that became a training run for Hawthorn and all the fun of a root canal for us. Some decry the negativity.... I'm searching for the positivity !! September holiday seems on the cards.
  3. Two very different set of circumstances and abilities. But please continue the PowerPoint presentation. There's a Mr Schwab on the phone....
  4. Another erroneous stat. Has little correlation to our game. Just another useless Americanism for the numbers people. ANB had little to no impact yesterday for his possessions. Thats the real stat ( sts )
  5. I think WB touches upon the nub. There are essentially two elements..or two sides of this coin. Game plan, implementation. Under these id also put appropriateness, flexibility, response , innovation and REALITY. A tale of two Coaches yesterday. Possible to say at games start there was not a lot between us. As it unfolded and Clarko could see his problems he thought, recast and adjusted. Compare to our mob who effectively kept to the same menu. Even after half time , when anyone with a modicum of wherewithal would realise what started well was failing miserably, that a rejig was not only desirable but necessary; what did we do ? Nada. Simon left his lambs to be slaughtered. Thats negligence. If a captain did that letting his ship founder on rocks he'd be up on charges. Goodwin seems incapable or unwilling to adapt to need. God help us.
  6. I somewhat concur. There was a point yesterday I thought to self well thankgod for Oscar...and then thought. ...my god...has it come to that !! lol But truthfully...he played ok in the main and seemed among the most composed. He didn't have a lot of mates down there did he.
  7. Thats a very good question. Far better than either you or many possibly would believe i suspect.
  8. I fully understand there are limitations all over the place. I for one didn't overly rate Roos on game days as we seemed to be slow to react. Initially i liked the verve being introduced by , i suppose, Goodwin . It occurs to me Goodwin worked best when still under tutelage. I think another aspect was who was influential at that time...as compared now. The defensive side of our game is something that should be a lot better than it is.
  9. From the mouth of the man who's first job was to create a defensive foundation. Must be a sour taste
  10. I fess i was less than happy when they strolled to an opening goal. Somewhat relieved when we started playing. Got a bit worried when wed already gone off boil by qtr time. Missing opportunity and gifting theirs wasnt a goid indication. Goal less in 2nd quarter had me upping worry to concern. Another qtr without a major had me scornful of the box... Full time....yep... gunna be another year of rubbish.
  11. There was only an effective 160 points difference in results this weekend between us. That's all.........? ..... ?
  12. Really ??? A goal less qtr and half doesn't raise an eyebrow ? My... you're ice cold ( probably a tassie thing right now )
  13. Yep...under instructions..... really bad ones . Fake plan
  14. We lost this in the Box...makeno mistake Bunnies in headlights ... effectively did sfa to remedy the hemorrhage !! Take a bow Simon/Brendan
  15. Well... anyone do anything interesting today ?? ?
  16. I could understand anyone being tempted
  17. 75 mins between goals Nothing more to say....
  18. Given he's changed sfa today i can only surmise this is Goodwins brand of football ?? Hmmmm ????
  19. A game of conflicting structures. One team has one Other team has none
  20. Now THAT'S the real question. !!!???!!!????!!!!
  21. And more than you think...not just Simon Badloss
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