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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. In both instances might i suggest its the facilitation of either evil. Id be needed to be convinced that Bomber is some poor enduser victim ( only )
  2. I am talking about Bomber Ernest. I dont give a flying f about his demise. I dont. His own predicament is testament sufficient..youd have thought. He also without doubt had influence upon decisions that affected the welfare of others. Mental health is a serious issue. Drugs dont help it. It would appear he self medicated in lieu of help. Pile all your excuses over there Ernie >>>>>> His kind are a blight.
  3. He was in a position of trust and responsibilities. He had enormous resources and ample opportunities to make good judgement. He failed himself and others. I have not one single ounce of sympathy for such kind. I dont Ernest. He not only has brought misery upon himself, more fool him but without doubt he's affected others by design or decision. If a victim...hes a victim of his own stupidity. I care not for such. Ive seen the harm drugs can do. They are the scourge of our society. He's made Faustian deals which are now calling for payment. Such is life...Tough shlt.
  4. I think we'll need a better plan than this to encourage players to Step Up if we're ever to get truly serious ?
  5. Im rather amused how even now the spin doctors are painting Bomber as almost a victim. The man had choices. All those involved in either drugs or 'supplements' had choices. The 'coming back to bite you on the bvm' was only a matter of time.
  6. The Toiges also kept us in it in the 1st Qtr. Similarly had they kicked true...all over red rover. Despite what others may think I reckon the comparison of ours and Collingwood's efforts is worth looking at. They tried to play THEIR game...god knows what we were doing other than British Bulldogs/Rolling Scrum !! The Pies didn't fall for the trap of having TOO many at the contest. I think this is a flawed tactic of ours. The Pies had the fat side better protected and open for their own use. We clogged it up. ( Not the fat side...just the contest...we allowed Richmond easy passage ) We didn't seem to quite so much against Ess...but it was only Ess.
  7. Mr T strikes me as fairly level headed. Barring injury he'd probably have 2 contracts of note left in his career. The next one is payday. As noted .. there's a balance to be struck but if fit he is a rather rare commodity. I see his future days as at least 95% fwd of the centre...only rarely pinching down back...if at All. A pretty mobile big fella with big tank. He wants to stay a Dee. Commendable. There will however be a decent queue of check wavers forming. Would Tom not be a 4 million man over 4 years ? With newer club caps etc id say that was reasonable. Like houses...a Million ain't what it used to be.
  8. Happy to just take the win at this stage. The Saints will be smarting for a win. We couldn't annihalate a custard tart at present. Lets not get too cocky or ahead of ourselves ... now that IS something we're good at !!!
  9. Some in history need to be brought to account
  10. Not hard to follow really Who owns Fox
  11. I think Charlie might have put ol BJ right off his pretzels !!
  12. I understand the sarcasm..not without cause. There are some Magistrates though whose determinations seem lame beyond belief. This is out in the public now and the various and nefarious players will be wanting to establish the "narrative" ( dont you just love that word...SOoooooo buzzy makes you fuzzy !!) Not all courts are created equal.
  13. Setting the tone Establishing faux boundaries
  14. Quite an interesting read https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/what-happens-next-for-mark-bomber-thompson-and-why-he-is-unlikely-to-face-jail/news-story/05f8309e627611affd5a2960df12c8c9 Possibly the 8-900 g of MDMA might alter this ?
  15. Rest on the ground ? Hmmm ??? Thats just silly
  16. Maybe it isn't. A number of teams over the journey ( Bomber , Robinson et al ) have mysteriously "re-invented" themselves over a summer.We arent talking a few kg of mass or tone...and certainly no one in these cases dropping weight. There's a real world out there Saty... you're most welcome to join it.
  17. They most certainly do. We are though i would have thought able to discuss whats in the public domain without infringement ?
  18. I was getting excited about Spargo...that ruins it lol
  19. Ive often wondered why coachs seem so eager to rotate in pairs. I would have thought an astute fox might make use of an imbalance of players if only there for 30-40 secs.
  20. Its a thought. Mine was if you have less on the bench then rotations would/ should decrease in tow. I can't see the game returned to none. Make it less appealing ( to rotate )by denying so many fresh legs
  21. A work in progress. Il happily cede he is now stepping up into his role/ability. He's certainly had some cwap games but he was most ablely accompanied by more than a handful. He still makes some glaring mistakes. Tbh that's expected. Hopefully each one is a lesson.To suppose these dont occur if either arrogance of bias or ignorance of fact. I don't think anyone is particularly trying to assassinate Oscar but simply , in some instances, highlighting or pointing it out...i.e..the errors. Sometimes he'll just get beaten by a more adept player...or play. Stuff happens.
  22. Its been known for a few Dee wingmen to kick a few
  23. He hasn't lost it...money. he's got swags. That is exactly the concern of the police. $20k bond... peanuts...
  24. Yes...but wouldn't stay hidden for very long !! ???
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