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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Maybe....the DEEstroyers ??
  2. Yes , it's all a game...pressers. I get it. I still see absolutely no reason a player needs to open his mouth but if a game , then I'm entitled to gauge how well it's played. For mine you need only engage the 4th estate as little as needed. You can show them polite contempt and get on with your REAL job . You can become poor viewing etc. You can make it irritable for the idiots with mics. It's been done before. All we get are cliches ad nauseum. The mantra of 'dont feed the trolls' can be easily applied to the media. Part of the reason , imho, that Goodwin uttters these nonsense contrivances is that by saying them and hearing them it somehow reinforces their validity as truth. It's all plainly bullsh#t as is our footy. To paraphrase a well known identity, DON'T SAY....DO
  3. Slept like a lamb...Thanks Goody. Looking forward to Saturday So much better after a Good presser
  4. In some fashion I can see that Coaches might ...but really ...they should command them. Just short sweet..that's it. I don't really understand why any player need front the media...I really don't.
  5. Be happier if they all said absolutely nothing.
  6. You didn't seem that fussy last time ???
  7. I'm well aware.....he seems to have had good success...;) I'm not ageist.....I mean...I talk and share dim Sims with anyone
  8. Not looking for a gig currently by chance ? ?
  9. That's some very respectable lineage there my fellow Dee
  10. You know.... following the ?mighty Dees? always reminds me of being Charlie Brown...when Lucy's holding the ball.
  11. Phewwwwww....... that's alright then.... and here's me thinking we were in some sort of .....mire. Apparently all is well as he's still pretty positive about it all. we can all sleep well soundly now. ? man the lifeboats !!
  12. we do provide a lot of mirth to many dont we !!
  13. Its a very interesting question....with many fascinating thoughts. Im not really sure what to make of it all to tell the truth but it's very hard to look away. Some odd, ( more bizarre ) selections and inclusions at times that just fly in the face of what might otherwise be called 'prudent' I really don't give any credence to practically all of the 'noise' that emanates from the club about players on more than one occasion I've thought..."why is such and such playing?" Seemingly so have many others.
  14. ahhhh Nail on Head Far too simple OD....pass the koolaid ...:)
  15. in all honesty as I suggested earlier...maybe someone just calling it as it really is..to just say..there's no actual point in saying this or that, just calling it as it is. That would be refreshing. Instead we always get someone ...saying something.... thats in all honesty mean sfa. Instead of saying what many may feel they want/need to hear. Just be brutally honest. Words are valueless.
  16. doesnt really matter what any one says.....I've never seen a scoreboard that reads Goals - Behinds- Words
  17. Is it just possible that instead of the company line...instead of plattitudes...instead of just seeming XY or Z ...a player might just say... "You know words are empty...they are just vacuous packaging of a box full of ( insert word of choice ) ...even these are trite....we just have to play footy...and do it better"
  18. hearing the echo of rnd 23 2017 ?
  19. Good to hear....dems words Await action
  20. Im not sure...but by golly they found a way ?? ( In spades ?)
  21. Get out your Leonard Cohen discs...and a case of your favourite imbibe
  22. I found myself asking a similar question ....about Tmac. Some strange things occurring.
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