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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. So you don't know what's out there...or might be...but it can't be any good based on various past trades. Well that ties it all up nicely....for you. I however am prepared to see what transpires. I have no qualms about him being traded if that works for the club. As you like to refer to historical stances then consider many a trade/offer wasn't even penciled in on many occasions prior to the start of the Circus Week. Combine that with some clubs track records of either facilitating trades for others ( clubs)if it benefitted them and the all but total unpredictable theatre that is trade week and it's quite possible a trade might eventuate...if it suited all parties. I for one don't think Hogan and Melbourne are set in concrete. Mine's the straw scenario ? How can I show you that which doesn't exist yet ? Who knows the absolute shape of a trade here ? That doesn't by extrapolation mean one can't. Could Hogan go home ? Of course. Would either WA club take him? In a micro second ( if the deal flew ) Is Jesses next contract with Melbourne ? Quite possibly...not absolutely. Are Hogan and MFC a good fit ? Undoubtedly Is there a better fit ? Stay tuned. Will someone put an offer to Jesse/MFC this EOS ? I'd put money on it.
  2. I must confess I haven't tried to log on but the whole thing sounds farcical. This just an Elim !!! What chance have we for a prelim
  3. Your assertion based on what exactly ? Are you privy to the Hogan household ? You a fly on the wall at the club ? Are you prescient to all and any offers yet to materialise ? Quite frankly your stance is an utter nonsense.
  4. What if the trade ISN'T for a forward...but to facilitate a better outcome...even for Jesse ?
  5. Why ?? It's a realistic topic of discussion. Doesn't fit yours or other's narratives, that's fine. Many other threads to join. Why anyone or anything is particularly off limits is beyond me. For sure some subjects might be a nonsense but this isn't one. There's been some interesting and frank discussion.
  6. The better 'one' may indeed be an 'outcome' ...not just player for player.
  7. Of course I wouldn't expect you to comprehend. You probably do the easy crosswords too. We actually play more fluent football without him I'd argue. Just like you the whole thing became too Hogan- centric. Have you read Red Fox ? If not do so...it's about a team orientated bloke that emphasised team play. The abilities of individuals are to be welcomed...but if you suffer the folly of allowing that to dictate the team suffers He knew a thing or two. Again WB...how are we travelling without Hogan ? Dare to answer ?
  8. Fantastic for Max and thoroughly deserving of the award.Others around should take note of his whole approach.. and replicate anyone know off hand how this award has correlated to the Charlie over the years ? Cheers
  9. One of the most ridiculous comments yet. Have you not been paying attention . Many of those 47 were in the bullying games. He kicks very few under pressure against harder opposition. So the value isn't quite what it seems. Of course he's replaceable. We've had to cover him often. We're covering him now. We're traveling ok are we not ? Tmac has kicked more from less games. I'd challenge the veracity of the idea one person replaces another in pure goal kicking. It can be argued a better performing team is less reliant on individual return and more upon what teamwork provides. But still.. even if say Weed stood up for 1 and half goals per game.. that's 30 odd. The likes of Vanders would be good for similar.. there's 60. I fully accept it's all numbers and hypotheticals but then so is much of the hype about Hogan.
  10. People seem to have fabricated this "super Hogan" . He is good but nowhere near the super prodigy some make out. Hogan is actually replaceable. Gawn isn't. I'm also in the camp that thinks maybe he's better suited to a half back role. But then again...where and how ? As a true CHB with Lever and Pig either side...Is Oscar behind ? Possible I suppose. It again poses the very question that sparks all the debate. Is that the best outcome for the Club and team balance. It's not about him... it's about us...as a team/club.
  11. and ScoMo was Malcolm's Mate... Simon might want to focus on the finals ( and best of luck to that... we'll be happy chappies ) The EOS bring any of a 100 surprises. The coach has input...but not final say. The whole purpose of this thread is about the merits of a trade, the worth etc. We'll let the club have final call on the event. No one here really can do that eh.
  12. Strangely the coach ISN'T the last word on lists. If coaches controlled everything... we'd never lose.
  13. Like it or not they've the recent rights to choccies. We need to respect that but counter with good preparation and good matchups. We have shown we can play FASTER than they are able. Use this...but with precision and flair ( like Sunday ) We also showed , to them, we couldn't close the sale. Since then we've bettered our finish ( Weagles ) ...we have our intercept game nearly back...ask the Giants I expect a very different game...a very different result. Go Dees
  14. One lot in charge of worlds biggest power ( at least this week ) The other lot have issues
  15. Except not all those that went supporting the Dees were necessarily members.
  16. Condolences CBDees. Indeed a message
  17. I think an argument goes along the lines that if you were to entertain trading Hogan then many ( as do I ) think you do it now when the value realised is a very useful currency in other recruiting/trades. Ie it is possibly/probably more beneficial to the CLUB now. It may be more beneficial to Jesse later. Either way should he go he won't be impoverished
  18. @sisso et Al I don't see this being a case of anything really coming out of the blue. I would be astounded if it were to transpire that suitors haven't been in constant contact with his management. I'm not suggesting just haphazardly shopping him. Ever since he announced himself on the footy stage there's been talk of this that etc. If he figures as concrete in MFC plans... All well and good. That said we have had to on more than one occasion adjust to life without Jesse ... recent times as example. I'm sure the club has contingency should he be seduced home. Hogan falls well and truly under the 'what if' scenario. The reality of life is that sands shift. I would want we aren't caught napping or smugly content and that we can act prudently and quickly should that door open. I'm all for the club...and club first. Again...if the best result for the club is sans- Hogan then that's fine. Others seem to think he's a must keep. I don't.
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