we've all read Titus O'reilly's take on footy....well here's his cousin Midas O'Rourke's clear and easy to understand explanation of trade week.
Over to you Midas.....
Well thankyou Bub and might say its not everyday I get introduced by the devil begorah !!
T'is marvelouslyy simple thing trade week and here's me being wonderfully enthralled as it plays out.
First of all ...you start where you are. I know , I know...thats incredibly bold in its simplicity but on the soul of the blessed Mary it be true or may I rot in hell for all eternity.....ummm maybe disregard that last little bit ok Bub !!
Now we start at the begining with our cart full of hopes and dreams, our shopping list and all of our 'out of use by'....ummm.... you know...ummm...."them!!"
Now , all we be trying to do is get to that supermarket and do some shopping for....."others" , them being on others' list , if you know what i mean .
Now the very thing is....there's a number of ways to the supermarket. You can walk, or get the 99 Green bus or you can drive your lil 's self or even be takings the train. You can walk to the bus, catch the train and have y'self a rumbly ride in a Jo Maxi. It really doesn't matter a pig's whistle as long as you arrive in deadly shape. Now to be sure, and I'm not dossing with ya good self here, it really doesn't matter how you get from your front door and back again . Whether your flutthered or fuming at the feckin fanny farts of fools trying to fleece ya just keep ya wits aside ya and you'll be suckin' diesel my fine friend. So by now you'd be all Delira and Excira about the coming weeks. It'll be a real craic , a real gas.
Well....thanks Midas....i think.......