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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. ah ...see this is where I tread with caution..... Complete Sense....and the AFL ...are not exactly bedfellows !!
  2. is it implicit that they CAN tackle the sec they over step ? Im not aware
  3. but surely a play on must be called ? if a kicker was tackled before that..would it not be a free ? I just kinda see a murky area here
  4. last i understood you werent in charge.. did i miss the memo
  5. whats the problem? quite simple....we wouldn't have him for very long before it all goes deja vu
  6. well as 55 alludes ( i think ) as The KK deal isnt done yet then maybe its part of this particular equation ? by this the only part i can put a handle on are 5 out......May and KK in.... there may or may not be ( npi ) extras one way , both ways whatever.. to that scenario.
  7. OK...so what does the square actually do now? On kick ins the kicker can run over the line and effectively play on. Unless the ump immediately calls that the defender at the 20m mark cant move forward otherwise I presume thats a free kick ? So what use is the square at all now...im unsure
  8. just throwing this up...as it is the want of trading.. Do we actually know, should we indeed proceed to garnering pick 5 that it's just a straight swap...5 for May ? I ask this because no where ( to my knowledge ) has the club actually said that. What it has said is we wont be able to do the trade for May. The many seem to just assume thats all there is to it.. Id be thinking theres some sort of packaging and change or something else. I dont think we pay 5 for May...but it's necessary in the deal.
  9. May just needs a new home...one with prospects.....us
  10. You are correct..my apologies Billy.. got confused with others ( non twins as well lol ) Still a no though. All for drafting talent. But it's on ready to go I'd spend that 5 on. Grant you you did suggest such, but May fills a big need.
  11. so....you want to go to the draft to get a kid with possibly as high a go home factor as the one traded...then wait ....a few years for him to go back...all the whiles the "window " open ? yeah.........nah....for me Edit.( Thanks Billy for the correction they are Vic ? )
  12. you think that might be Tommy's tipping point ??
  13. I fully understand the sentiment rjay,..really I do . Talent is talent...and talent alone.. His application is not consistent. He may well have a few more gears there.... but he'd need to engage the clutch. He has a problem with it slipping
  14. I dont hate him at all.. This is a simplistic response. If someone doesnt gush over a player...they hate him..right... I dont entertain much the ideas of comparisons to other players; because..they ARE other players. Jesse Hogan isnt a clone of Josh Kennedy...I wish. Forget the stats...thats a poor mans way to argument for mine.. Look at HOW he plays. He's a 3 gear player in a 5 gear car. Theres a difference between hate...and critique. I couldnt give a rats fart about Hogan as a person. It's what he brings to a TEAM effort. Individuals dont win games ( very very rarely ) ..Teams do ( 99%) I want a balanced team...so do apparently the MFC
  15. Arguably some merit in your thoughts but it's the latter noting of his 'dropping off' etc against closer attention which is his biggest downfall. I'd be generous enough to afford him that some coaching at times ,imho, let him down as he had to battle without a wingman at times but it's still down to him how you play. I just don't think he has it. .. the ticker to play those games. He gives up all too frequently. I've seen it.. those that have attended games with me with no allegiance to the Dees but with good footy nous have seen it. It amuses me somewhat to observe how much was bucketed upon Watts for having cruised into and through footy on his talent ( alone supposedly ), but not going that extra ( the opinion of many here ). Tbh I don't see Jesse as any better. He is a very talented and capable player...if allowed to be. If he has to step up a gear and go harder to maintain it...he invariably goes missing or shirks that second effort. I don't know that his attitudes will ever change much now. Tbf, I'm disappointed in him. I'm not suggesting he's not good...but he's far from great. Those that think he'll kick 70 odd are dreaming. He'd need to kick bags against harder opposition and he won't. Imho he's near his output ceiling already. Teams that rely too much on one goalkicker won't will flags. Smith knew that. Our inefficiency as a team isn't kicking scores. It's protecting them. The FD is looking to do two things with Jesse... Unload a non committal wantaway player ( who currently has pretty good currency...though not the outlandish price some suppose ) and bring in more scoreboard protection. I'm staggered more don't support that notion. The team, the club is more important. If Jesse is not to be the forward we thought at Melbourne he certainly won't be the Back. Whilst I thought an interesting experiment this year ( if to happen ) there's far better solutions than taking round pegs to square holes. It would be a gamble at best...a wasted opportunity at worst. Want a back... during a window. Get a back. Get it done Dees
  16. Much Ado about nothing. Albeit it is only possibly from my perspective but so much of this is about very little... really. It's only for many here that the supposed valuation at two first rnd picks matters. What are those 1 and 18 , 9 and 16 ?? There just a means to an end. I fess up as to not valuing Jesse as high as some. Strangely I would think one 1st and reasonable 2nd. Funny..pretty much the same as....ummm.... Melbourne. The first rnd value is relative. All related to what you need a pick to do. Our case...to get May. If that was 15..he's ok at 15...if 11.. he's 11... If 5 is required... he's worth 5 and the 2nd round pick. That's how all of this works. My bone of contention is not what Freo suggest so much as their dlcklng around.
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