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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. so @La Dee-vina Comedia What did Murdoch press run in Sydney and Brisbane ?
  2. Let's hope they're focused tonight.... And not on the banner !!!
  3. Yep !!!! Trac is something of an opportunist player. There's an art to being a lead up forward. He doesn't strike me as it.
  4. ?Those toxic fumes are taking their toll obviously ?
  5. On a serious note. If all we do tonight is gang up on the ball and bomb...well. Season over. It's touted this isn't our desired method. But I just don't see football as THAT complicated that you CAN'T adapt to a situation by considering options. Surely these are part of the DNA of any decent player. Otherwise they're just robots...and an oval ball doesn't lend itself to predictable outcomes. You need a choice of tools in your kitbag... constantly. If we aren't really playing our proper game....well doesn't say much for the coaching. Yes Simon...no excuses ( never were at your level and remuneration surely ) Just fix it. If you can. If not.......
  6. @La Dee-vina ComediaComedia you do know the HUN is an Essendon mouthpiece ? Bloke in charge...a rabid Bomber. Probably why Rubbishon keeps his job
  7. Sorry Chazz... I'm going to have to agree with you
  8. Tmac ? You'd have someone who seem incapable of tackling...as a captain of any sort A no for me.
  9. You have to question the logical powers of anyone suggesting judgement based on performance when we're rubbish.No ?
  10. Gee...let's look at this. Melbourne ...almost a flavour of a months some little while ago.and now as putrid as mouldy apple .... Essendon ... continually 'imaged' as a victim...a club trying to get back to footy...all nicely nicely. Even the illusion that Hird is kinda back. ( Nauseating ) But Essendon isn't off to its Rosey start. It's playing Melbourne....and lo and behold...this BS comes out from that blubbering tool and his Essendon mad boss !! Go on tell me that's all completely accidental !! ?
  11. It's ok ... we've dug deep ( and I mean DEEP ) into our emergency bag of tricks ....and pulled out not one but Two Wagners ? Doesn't get any better than this hey ? ?It's nearly Easter... couldn't we have pulled out a couple of Rabbits.... they've got speed, agility !! As Titus suggests...A loss here will see that team spiral downwards.. ... I'm already dizzy.
  12. There are those who still have sharp knives for us. There is still corruption at many levels of this sport. There is still a power collusion among some. We don't fit in.
  13. I can't ...I agree pretty much , Ess by 2-3 goals. If we persist with this kind of footy we'll be out-run, out-scored and dared I say.... out-foxed !!
  14. You define gullible. You believe the club hook Line and sinker. The first language of football is lies. I'd love Melbourne to actually be successful...not just play at it around the edges. You're very funny Saty. Youve really got a taste for the koolaid.
  15. How many are in peak fit shape ?? What you don't get is we believe the results... believe the vision of getting run circles around...of hands on hips, blowing hard. The Dee's are starting the season as most teams finish it....stuffed.
  16. Same at the Hun...only one at the Aged picked Ess. Quite odd really
  17. I suspect 'compromised' = Walking wounded list to choose from
  18. This is the bit that seriously plays with my head. We weren't ready at the beginning...and I'm still not convinced we're ready now. I mean wtf ??
  19. Am surprised no team has used them for kick outs.
  20. May - be not happening for a while... ?4-6 anyone ??? ???
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