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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Wow....wow....what a concept... I take it all back...our coach is a genius We're a really good team...we are Can't wait to see what gems we come up with... Folks..we fell in against a depleted Carlton...and only just MEH
  2. Tmac for sure...he seems well restrained...and frustrated. Angus quite possibly. Some very strange days on the field in my view by some players. They are hardly recognisable ..save for the number. I can only hope where ever possible the injured are laid up...if not...2020 will be no better
  3. Might be just me ( often is ) ... I have my suspicions over a number of players. i.e they are carrying a distinct niggle of some form but they are being played/managed as we simply need someone to play. I'm not sure 2019 is really indicative of Pig I could be wrong
  4. Well I for one am certainly looking forward to his letter of apology and refund at seasons end !!! ???
  5. Uncompetitive Dissapointing Unwatchable Nomadic Irrelevant
  6. Funny you use irrelvance It was in a fashion one of the 5 words i used, IRRELEVANT We just are
  7. It was a curiosity to me. I noted that in reality it was from the.Membership Dept . By that it struck me as more about the delivery of membership and its value more than what we really think about the club (team). There was a small section in which one could let rip (in a fashion ) I wonder what value many put (0-10) for our on field efforts lol Suffice to say i didnt answer 10 ?
  8. We won 4 premiership cups in the 50s. ..we aint there no more..that's for sure lol
  9. As soon as I saw the thread's topic the bit about the 5 words came immediately to mind. Im not sure the club's going to like the replies lol
  10. well done gents...you quickly answered to the wrong suggestion. I dont particularly blame Misson. I will be interested to see how his replacement fares but my question was asked in hope that some might realise that whilst Misson is the performance manage or whatever, it is the Football department as an overseer that takes the ultimate responsibility for the who and how they present themselves. Without doubt Misson would have had to present reports on players. So if he knew all was not well, then so would the FD. Our FD imho is without doubt the major cause and concern of this club
  11. Actually this raises an interesting point. The Cue We don't play with a Cue. Even though one might be handy , a cue is used in games that require an understanding of the nuances of a ball and its field of play. it's about position and temperament , about the next move. Its about touch and precision. About when to go hard, when to go soft. No my friends we don't use cues. We at the MFC use another implement. One that knows grass only too well. I present to you the mallet. We aren't skilled enough for cues !!
  12. is he a roaming leading small forward you suggest ? amazing myself by thinking thats not the worst thing that could happen But the bar is set low at present.. who knows...his mates might just kick it to him
  13. @Macca keeping the conversation interesting... Experience in and of itself only has currency if it can translate into something meaningful. Agree/Disagree ? If so...how does Nathan bring that experience to bear in any meaningful way ( positive outcome ) ? Yes we do have quite a chasm in thinking about Jones...but I truly have to wonder apart from the gusto what example he presents if he gets ball ... and then bangs ball somewhere ( invariably to the opposition ) I really wonder what benefit all that experience is.
  14. would you put money on matching that in 2020 ?? ?
  15. Macca...the most truly unfortunate thing about your post is that you are right...any of 12 ought to go before Jones. The difference for mine is that Nathan ought to hang up his boots as well. Ought to...but he may not. The game has gone past him and how many other teams would he be considered best 22 ?? My guess..NONE. His position at Melbourne is as much about our own malaise as it is about his own effectiveness. We need to stop continually running up the flagpole the ol' gem of he's a stalwart of the club. Even if he is, that doesnt mean you get a gig. It meas you get a thankyou and a place in our History.. You get our thanks for being there when it was indeed pretty woeful. I am always reminded it's a professional sport. Men aren't volunteering for the front...they are getting paid to perform on the highest stage this sport provides. Im sorry all it comes down to bang for buck. He's only been able to provide a glimmer because SO MANY are out. In a fashion he's doing his own Bradbury !! That and he epitomises a very basic style of game which the "Brains Trust " ( and I use that very loosely) seem very keen on. If we are to advance we need better disposers of the ball.Regardless of anyone's persuasion this has never been Nathan's forte. Irrespective of all of this , if the same folk are running our ship ( into the ground ) then he'll more than likely get another year. Other have..and I will too...you have to wonder if Clarkson would pander to him ??
  16. In considering our coaching stock I'm reminded that Fish rot from the head down. Our real problems imho lay squarely at the senior coaching and management. The whole style and nature of our game is wrong, counterproductive and ruinous of careers ( and bodies ) Assistants are only doing the daily bidding of the senior coach(s). Our problems are more the effect of design. We have decent enough material .... its the Architecture of our game that's flawed. We need to get rid of this firm and get people who actually have an idea of what to do.This lot don't. and I would have thought there were actually quite a few Dees among those names in the OP
  17. I dunno BBO ....all one needs to do is stop taking the Dees seriously... I mean....look at the bunch of clowns running the footy...and in reality it is just one long party party PARTY !!! Life becomes so much more enjoyable the moment you realise it's all a farce
  18. take out the howlers ?? which century will that happen 4.2 v 4.1 well have to give that to you eh only got in front once opposition vanished off the bench. You really going to argue otherwise ?
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