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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. You don't need to tell me. My wife is a school teacher and she had a kid in her class that wore his dees jumper proudly on wear your footy colours day and he had never actually seen Melbourne win live.
  2. I am not going to make myself dumber by reading his article. I have no doubt he gave Scully and his salad dodging old man ridiculous contracts because we knew the game had passed him and didn't choose him as coach. Paul Roos (and PJ) have got us to a place where we're arguing if we can sneak into the top 4. We haven't played finals for 11 years. sheedy can snipe from the side all he likes but he doesn't have the integrity of Paul Roos' toe nail.
  3. Given we agree on pretty much everything, there is no point continuing the argument. I was disgusted the Sydney centric ABC tried to compare the AFL to the NRL. They are so far apart their can be no reasonable comparison My original post was meant as a shot at the ABC. I think domestic violence is abhorrent
  4. $1.43 in the betting is a steal. They're not concerned about winning and we're playing for top 4.
  5. What percentage of Australian people would you guess are transgender? if it is less than 1%,as I imagine, there is no point even arguing it. It is too tiny.' We do need to go back to having special schools though, to house the not quite with it.
  6. If the Wiz has a kid that can play it will be for Melbourne. I have had a few beers with him one night. He regrets leaving the Dees and I'm sure would push his kid that way. He LOVES the Melbourne Football Club.
  7. It's a shame he played in seperate century's to his old man. My team of the century picture hanging on the wall is a prized possession. He will be in the next. At the moment Whelan and Jetta have the back pockets. Viney in the centre. Neitz at full forward and every other position is up for grabs.
  8. I listened to the interview. I agree with Tim they should just tag and push Hibberd to his wrong side. But they will need to leave Oliver, Viney and Hunt free.
  9. I'll drop them a gold coin donation on the way in.
  10. We haven't even seen Oscar go forward yet. Apparently he can actually play there. A much better forward in the under 18's than Tom.
  11. Which part? are we not a contender this year? Could Hunt be better than Josh Kelly, Dom Tyson and Salem? It is becoming a serious question. He was the last thought in that trade but could be the best of them all.
  12. Your use of language is offensive. We talk about domestic violence and you say a "beat up". if you condone beatings of women you should be ashamed. Different codes of football are entitled to have their own initiatives. To imply the AFL condones domestic violence is as silly as me quoting you above. The ABC should apologise. They showed the women's AFL and then ended by implying they condoned domestic violence. It was ridiculous.
  13. Jackie in the sky with diamonds. please read everything more interpretalty even reversesable so hopeless idiots pissants
  14. How? Are the CIA in the business of Honour killings? Take off your tin foil hat for a second.
  15. On media watch tonight the ABC admitted that they misrepresented the statistics.. Will the witch hunt continue? Of course. I am agnostic and know George Pell. Not well but within circles of friends. I doubt very much knowing what I know that he is anything but a warrior of Christianity trying to be torn down.
  16. The EPA is a joke. This is the first time I have ever I agreed with them. Those developers should build the pub back brick for brick. The EPA have special powers outside of the law. They shouldn't. Let's see how they use them.
  17. My best mate barracks for Fitzroy - Brisbane. i watched their dynasty very closely with him at every pub in Australia. It grew slowly but when it got going it was like a fire that couldn't be put out. We look like them now in their early days. We haven't belted anyone yet but we will and then we will do it mechanically. Adelaide don't want to play us week 1 of the finals. They rate us best.
  18. [censored] Lever. We are in it up to our ears this year. If he wants to come to us, so be it. i see no reason to chase anyone. We got where we are because we payed unders for everyone. Josh Kelly is good but we got Jayden Hunt for him. Win win. Except we got Tyson and Salem as well.
  19. Did anyone have the misfortune of watching the 7:30 Report last night? They tried to compare Women's AFL football, AFL membership and AFL support to the NRL and then somehow concluded that the AFL were soft on domestic violence by comparison. Of course the NRL has no Women's teams, their female membership pales in comparison and I'm guessing their ground roots support sucks as well. It had to be seen to be believed.
  20. Good. That will make my daughter 1 member closer to her MCC membership.
  21. What? Should West Coast be denied a home final just because the capacity at their ground isn't big enough to satisfy the crowd that could potentially come at the MCG? It will be a sell out if they get a home final so on your criteria it should be moved?
  22. My wife has no interest either (when she pretends to it is for the drug cheats). That is the beauty take the kids and it is their day with dad. If your mum hates footy she hates footy. That is tough I don't dare give advice.
  23. We are smashing records at the moment. I want to have to change my identity at the end of the footy season. Every 4 number pin I have is 1964. Every password revolves around that. I'd love to change it all to 2017.
  24. The worst excuse I have heard. Parenting equals taking your kids to the footy. It's not entirely your fault, you need some kind of wholesale approach. My 3 year old spends a lot of time with my parents, her grand parents. Her first words were Jack Watts and she is almost pyschopathic in enjoying the Collingwood down fall. "Are they crying dad?" Yes. And we all cheer. She doesn't understand that Jack Watts and Daisy don't play on the same team but I guess that is the point. We are Melbourne. Red and blue. Girls have an avenue now. Bless you PJ. Get your kids to the footy Choke we will be a power again and your kids need to be a part of it.
  25. Try going to the Royal Hotel and explaining you will spend your day in the MCC members.
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