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whatwhat say what

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Posts posted by whatwhat say what

  1. if we play one-on-one football i don't think all five ostensible defensive 'talls' - frawley, dunn, mcdonald, watts, and garland - can play back there.

    ideally it should be only three of them, and mine would be the first three. is watts worth persisting with as a running half-back who, y'know, doesn't fricking run?

    dawes being crocked means one of sellar or pedersen gets a reprieve for mine. just not pedersen,

    nicholson is out. preferably forever.

    B: Jetta - Frawley - Dunn
    HB: Watts - McDonald - Terlich
    C: Grimes - Jones - Rodan
    HF: Sylvia - Sellar - Blease
    F: Howe - Clark - Davey
    Foll: Jamar - McKenzie - Viney
    I/C: M Jones - Byrnes - Toumpas

    Sub: Kent

    god we're thin on for quality. shocking side.

    edit: forgot all about blease. substituted him for garland, who deserves to be dropped.

  2. just watched it. this is horrific.

    frawley, nicholson, sellar, pedersen...pathetic.

    fumbles you can excuse to a certain degree, but the effort of those four was nothing short of disgraceful.

    our skills are atrocious. our confidence is shot.

    we can definitely be the bottom side in the competition this year. we are that bad.

  3. Things to do:

    - institute man on man football

    - make a decision - not all four of Garland, Watts, Dunn and Frawley can play down back at once

    - only one of Sellars or Pedersen too

    - if McKenzie is a tagger, he must start next to his opponent at each bounce not out on the wing and coming into the contest - Boak won centre clearance after centre clearance whereas Kornes was next to Jones all day

    - is Grimes a midfielder or a half back? He can't be both

    - Jamar must clear the contest with his taps each week not simply tap it to his feet - belt the hell out of it and get the ball into space

    - pray to every god known that Saturday night isn't as big a disaster as yesterday

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  4. It's entirely possible that we drafted a better player, but we need more attack at the ball and competitive drive, and Wines has that in spades.

    Toumpas will be a good player, but never in a struggling side. Wines will compete no matter whether you're being flogged or beating up on a team.

    We've gone for silk over grunt, again, and it will haunt us as we have few players capable of getting the ball into Dmitri's hands.

    A like the Camporeale analogy - he'd look like a $1m player in a decent side, but with us? He's going to bear the brunt of supporter angst or a Lin time.

  5. I'm coming around to my mother's negativity that it's not if, but when.

    As a club we are so lacking in so many areas that it truly beggars belief.

    I don't think I'll follow any one club; I barely support the Dees these days, as I have little but contempt for our board, our coaches, an our players. I love footy as a game, but I certainly don't love the Dees.

    Go Swans-Hawks-Cats-Lions!

  6. Left just on three-quarter time. I'm beyond caring about the club to be honest, thankfully they play such a small part of my life I'm able to do so.

    The kids had a great time - 6 year old girl and 3 and a half year old boy had a great time, got to dress up in their Dees clobber, play in the G playground, get their face painted.

    Fortunately they don't really care a out the football either!

    • Like 1
  7. In all honesty, I think we look worse than we did in the corresponding game last year against the Lions. Just woeful.

    There is no system in place whatsoever.

    Happy they paid Schultz's hanger, even tho he was clearly over the line. Quite the speccy.

    • Like 2
  8. I don't know about Watts being moulded to r like Fisher - he lacks the desire for the physical confrontation too much to compare to him.

    I see him more like a taller version of Mackie.

    Nic Nat's elevation to All Australian status was premature, but he most certainly is a freakish talent.

    It's all immaterial as we have one and not the other, but fwiw I think Watts would be considered a fine player if he'd gone top 10 to a strong club not top pick to us.

    We NEED him to be a star for us. I still don't think he will - a fine serviceable player, but no star. In terms of #1 picks I see him more as a Banfield (one of the first picked every week who can do a role for the team) as opposed to a Riewoldt (genuine star player).

  9. I have us finishing third from bottom, ahead of Footscray and GWS.

    Our structure might be better but we've tipped up with a bunch of promising kids and NQRs who look - like Magner - to be good VFL players who might start with a bang before tiring.

    Our midfield is very thin and lacking in depth, which is where games are ultimately won and lost.

    I expect us to be able to stay in games longer but still struggle to eek out wins.

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