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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. Geez he's in trouble. I mean Blease, Tapscott, our draft picks from this year will all over take him!

    All jokes aside we really missed beamers attack and long kick. Would have been very handy in the last quarter.

  2. Every side nowadays is guilty of diving or throwing there head back. Robbo was bad at it. Green throws his head back to much. But i do believe Freo make a point of it. It is all to noticeable when they are at home. Roger Hayden in the last did it, he didn't get the free but should be looked at for diving. But we shouldn't forget last week where we got a free 20m out for a player taking a dive!

  3. Which one? The one on 3/4 time or the one in the last? He is getting among it more and more but geez he made some ordinary errors.

    Both, this is the reason why i think he is lucky to be in the team. I can see his potential like everyone else. But i'm more realistic about it. Numerous times he struggled under the pump, Had a lot more time to steady but was rushed. Great yeah he can learn the game but it's whats best for the club not Jack. So learn at Casey and when he is ready he will come in and be much better for it!

  4. PJ was very good. I thought he go us back into the game. Our backline stood up very well. We were very stiff with some umpiring decisions i thought. Jamar and Sandilands had a very good battle.

    And on Jimmy the thing that made him strong was Northey havin a massive go at him. Hopefully Dean does the same thing, not this tapping him on the bum crap saying well done!

  5. I have had to listen to the live feed on the AFL site so I haven't watched the game but the commentators have gone from barracking for Freo to felling sorry for us so we must be crap . I agree with what you say, on paper we are much better than our performance so far today and you have to wonder if we will ever be able to get over the travelling issue. On this aspect of our game, if you can't win away you can't win a flag, it's impossible, the coach needs to work very hard on this.

    The thing that annoys me is the fact that Jones Watts and Bruce have given away 10 free kicks between them, are they getting caught or is it just sloppy play and poor tackling?

    I'm actually glad I can't see this I would be ashamed by the sound of it. I guess one thing Richmond have been soundly beaten so the issue of who is the better coach will not be prominent this week.

    Jones is trying to hard. Bruce is to slow and losing touch and Jack no comment

  6. If Moloney is, as you put it "average" I hate to see how you rate other MFC players, I would have him in MFC top 4.

    I know he will be top four in our BF. Probably top 2 or 3 after being second last year. To me thats consistent.

  7. moloney = goes missing

    need to be ruthless

    reckon bail, blease, tapscott etc wont go past him?

    Those players have about three games between. One is still playing Casey twos. And im not knocking these guys but seriously.

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