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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. Sick of hearing he will learn a lot more and he is better learning the game playing for melbourne than casey. Earn a game and play well to keep your spot. Nothing wrong with sending young blokes back to the magoos so they can go back and get some form.

  2. Enlighten me why Jetta should stay?? PPoor today

    OUT Jetta, Miller, Watts,

    IN Sylvia, McDonald, Gysberts(all if available)

    If Riewoldt plays, Warnock stays in, otherwise drop him for Cheney

    I like these! Try some one new forward. Maybe a Garland or Rivers!

  3. Off topic but everyone was slipping over because it was raining most of the week in Adelaide.

    Back to his contract, yes he is an investment. He is starting off slow but we will get the reward in the end. Only time will tell. I'm more for rewarding guys like moloney, Jamar, Frawley who play well. Jack like most of the world should get a pay rise when he deserves one.

  4. Horrible first qtr. Surely we could only get better!

    I thought Davey was god trying to create. There were little positives but with a lot of players having a bad quarter there is plenty of time in the game to improve!

  5. Jordie McKenzie is, IMO, singularly responsible for all of our good form this year. His quick handballs out of the packs and his tackling pressure is inspirational, and it certainly rubs off on the others.

    He has been good but not as good as you say. He was always going to be the choice considering he replaced Jurrah i think and he is back. Meeson is injured. Juice is no good and Spencer is horrible. Hughes has replaced Petterd.

    Having said that Jordie is the most deserving and is developing into a very good player.

  6. I think he was very stiff to get dropped. Not sure why they persist with Miller who should be at Casey for the rest of the year as he offers little. They are playing Watts purely because he is a number 1 draft pick with potential.

    Dunn probably has him in terms of versatility.

    With Jurrah and Sylvia to come in in puts pressure on Miller, Dunn and Watts.

    Another issue is getting the balance right with small fowards, medium and talls.

  7. Why has no one mentioned Danny Hughes?? Is he really THAT out of favour at MFC? I have only seen his few appearances in the seniors but I think he has shown more potential than most of the other names mentioned.. Strong hands, fast, good overhead, courageous. Surely we can give him a few more games to see what he has got?

    And if you look at the player review he states that Hughes was putting the ball to Dunn 15-20 metres out. So they work well together but Hughes a does his best work further up the ground as a hit up forward. Much better than miller

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