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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. His memory has still been dishonoured just the same. Like I said, if Jimmy's passion was only partly replicated, we would not be in this current mess. I include the players in that.
  2. Luckily I'm in bali. Just re-read big Jimma's book. 2 things struck me while reading it a second time. As sick as he was, jimmy insisted he front the media to announce Bailey,s sacking. He was not left to carry the can. 2nd was Schwab's flagrant disregard of Jimmy's istruction to fix the football department. Jimmy wanted Schwab gone, as well as Bailey, but was out voted by the board Sure, Jimmy was human and had his failings. But he had passion and commitment to the MFC. While sadness welled inside me as I finished the book, that emotion was replaced by anger, just thinking how his memory could be so dishonoured by the current mess and those responsible A disgrace really.
  3. Perhaps. Sadly though, we no ,longer have the luxury of time. We burnt that concession ticket sometime ago
  4. dees 2014, your last 2 sentences say it all. Where we are right now demands it. Other spurious arguments on here about extraneous issues miss the critical problem. You have not.
  5. Interesting side note. At the time, Victoria's finances made us supposedly insolvent. But guess what, within 6 months of JGK taking office, we were in surplus. What people often don't understand is that budgets are just that, they are budgets based on what is called forward estimates. However, what governments of all persuasions did back then was to use a mixture of cash accounting and accrual accounting. Governments still do to some extent. The Kennett Government essentially sold the house to pay the mortgage. He then tried, unsuccessfully, to gag the Auditor General. Many of his Beyond Blue clients were those who lost their jobs as a result. I would hate that the same principles could be applied to the Melbourne Football Club.
  6. What we need is a level-headed person with good business acumen, passionate about our footy club, who doesn't seek a headline for headlines' sake and whose vision for the future and long term viability of the club is crystal clear. We have been enough of a circus, we don't need P.T Barnum running the club thank you very much.
  7. Ahhh, I've worked it out. In the best traditions of Wall Street - the movie - it is a surreptitious hostile takeover bid.
  8. No CBF. Just trying to point out that rhetoric is empty at the best of times.
  9. Wouldn't be so presumptuous. Just my opinion. But a confident opinion just the same.
  10. Just won't happen. We'll decide who comes to the come to this club and the circumstances in which they come. Spare me the born to rule mentality BH.
  11. Allan Stockdale - long time and staunch Dees man. The real power behind the emperor's throne. Interesting CBF.
  12. What I know has nothing to do with politics mate, But I'll just leave it there. The man is a bull in a china shop and we don't have much crockery left, The scenario, as entertaining as it may be for some, simply will not come to fruition.
  13. Happy birthday mate, but seriously, blokes our age don't say "cool"anymore. Groovy and grouse, yeah, but not cool. Have a wicked day and go real sick mate.
  14. For once I have to disagree with you WYL. It would take a lot for me to give the Dees away as a member, but if that happened it would be all over for me. Libel laws prevent me from telling all on here what I know about this reprobate.
  15. "Box head". Now there is a comment that is enlightened and informs the debate. I also know people he owed money to, but those that I know have mended things with the OX. Just let it go mate and stop using distasteful epithets in an effort to make what is a moot point, in terms of the state of our footy club.
  16. Maybe it is some "players" that have aired their concerns to the Ox. I agree, to have such statements published in the media and attributed to a favourite son is over the top, but perhaps Ox knows more than we do.
  17. The business environment to which I was referring is external to our own "domestic" business environment. It is the environment of the entire AFL industry. Not only were we well behind before Neeld, but we have fallen further behind. As I said, if we do not do something, the AFL will take it out of our hands and get it done themselves - perhaps that has already started. However, that is the reality of the business environment that confronts us and the one in which we are obliged to compete.
  18. Agreed. Other than a relatively short and written statement, we have heard very little from the President, during this time of upheaval. I wonder if he was gagged?
  19. And that we can't afford to pay Neeld out just yet, unless the AFL bank rolls that decision.
  20. This clearly demonstrates that you do not read posts closely. I have said time and time again on here, that Neeld should not shoulder the entire blame on this. There have been shocking decisions made prior to his tenure and during it. However, I maintain Neeld is still part of the problem. I am coming from the perspective of the "business" environment in which we must operate. You may want to wait and hope that Neeld can turn it around. In an ideal world, I would hope for that as well. The point is, the AFL won't wait and have already demonstrated that to us. There is none so blind.
  21. I did not suggest that. i was simply responding to your comparison between us and them.
  22. This is staggering. My post was in response to a comparison made between us and the 2 "expansion teams". Nowhere did I say that with this list we had I had an expectation of beating Hawthorn last week.
  23. Added to my previous posts, the 2 start up teams have not sustained average losing margins like ours, over the same number of games
  24. No, I am saying you can't compare a start up teams, fully underwritten by the AFL, and made up by and large with a bunch of kids and clearly very early into their history. The comparison is that among our ranks, we have 2 former all Australians, the likes of Sylvia, Watts, Garland, Howe, Tapscott, Grimes, Trengove, Clark and Dawes, all with a significant amount of footy behind them. Whether you consider their up to it or not now, it another matter, but they came as credentialed footballers and have been at senior level considerably longer than the bulk of the lists at GCS and GWS.
  25. Talk about quality contributions. Quote [you idiots]. You then say the whole point of the thread is to discuss issues other then (sic) Neeld himself. The title of the topic is "Neeld is not the problem". And mate, I never spoke about the so-called "proud traditions" Quite the contrary, I spoke about the business of modern day elite football. Your correct, my mind is certainly numb and you are the cause. Give me strength please
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