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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. This is pretty simple really. The MFC is doing the right thing by letting the kid go home to see family. It is called 'management'. So the conspiracy theorists can hypothesise as much as they like. I will only believe he's gone, when he's gone, otherwise, he remains a loyal Demon.
  2. Heard on SEN this morning that the Hun is reporting that Bernie has re-signed. Nothing on the MFC website a this stage, but if true, I am rapt. Bernie has embraced the club fully since coming over from Adelaide and is a great character for the MFC.
  3. May as well start a petition to ban all away games for the MFC. Particularly interstate and Geelong. Yeah, right!!!!!
  4. While I don't think we are as mentally fragile, in terms of the previous state in which the legacy of past regimes left us, I think we have moved on to another stage. A list that is still young and has a tendency to get ahead of itself, in terms of the the reality of the progress it has actually made. I also think when they get a bit of positive media coverage, as they did after winning 2 in a row - WOW - they start to believe their own publicity. This is the next challenge in our evolution into becoming a truly good football team.
  5. Penicillin should fix it. Or perhaps a topical cream applied to the affected spot.
  6. Jesse will be at his best, if Dawes is in the side, fit and taking one of the bigger bodied backs. How's that for some alliteration?
  7. Exactly OD. While Jesse's form appears to be ordinary at present, the attention he attracts from key backs, frees up our crumbers.
  8. As Redleg says above, given the the 6 day turnaround, the guys need to be freshened up.
  9. Keep in mind as we have other young guys on the rise - should they fulfil their potential - such as Petracca, Brayshaw, Viney, Weideman, et al, they will also command greater coin. Besides Fremantle, there will be plenty of other sides chasing the Hulk. So we have to balance keeping the core of the list together, or lose a one gun for the greater good. We face a delicate balance in the not too distant future.
  10. Hope he makes the Saints wonder why they didn't take him in the draft when they had the chance.
  11. This is being overly precious in my view. For too long we have been meek and the whipping boys. All he did was point to where he was going. GOAL.
  12. Let's not forget what this club has done 2 weeks in a row
  13. 2 weeks in a row we were confronted with 2 of the the AFL's glamour teams. Backs to the wall we were told. Guess what media, we won both and we won well. Come on boys, let's get it done against the Saints next week.
  14. Please PG. That is the Melbourne we used to know .......... I hope
  15. In Asia and have to smoke out the window???? Last time I was there you needed to open the windows to let the smoke out
  16. C'mon boys suck it up. Another half to go. Don't let this one slip.
  17. Absolutely correct. This is a smart move in my view and looks after the physical welfare of the kid as well as keeping mentally fresh.
  18. Hahahaa. Fair point. Maintain your mercenary best Boss, but don't allow her to fritter away her bequest to you.
  19. What a trooper your Aunty is. We done to her. But seriously Boss, you sell her your card?
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